If you have developed an idea for a book, or if you have actually written a book proposal, you need to know how to sell a book idea to a publisher, especially if you don't plan to work with an agent. You can sell your book without an agent, but you're competing with other writers and authors who have agents.


  1. 1
    Visit your bookstore or community library and research publishing books such as "Literary Marketplace." This book should be in the reference section in your library, where you can sit down and make notes regarding publishers and editors.[1]
    • Make notes of the complete names and addresses of editors and publishing houses. As you do so, make sure you write everything down accurately.
  2. 2
    Conduct research on publishing houses and categories they specialize in. As you do your research, make sure you highlight the publishers that specialize in the genre you are writing in. A mystery publisher would not accept a submission or proposal for a science fiction or young adult fantasy manuscript.[2]
    • Talk to booksellers in your community. They will give you good advice on which publishers you should target as you prepare to submit your book idea.
    • Take a notepad and pen to the bookstores in your community. Do targeted research in the category under which your book falls. You should look for which publishers are the most dominant.
    • Look through individual books for a numbering sequence -- this tells you how many printings the book has had -- the more printings, the more successful the book is. Find this sequence on the copyright page and make a note of these books on your notepad.
    • Visit your library. Talk to the reference librarian and ask for his or her advice and write it down.
  3. 3
    Look for publishing house websites and research the names of current editors so you send your book idea to the correct person.[3]
  4. 4
    Write a book proposal that is short, to the point and articulate. This is a sales presentation of your idea and you want to give it the best chance possible.[4]
    • Write a one-page cover letter.
    • Compose an introduction of your book idea that fills two pages or less. Include what the book is about, what makes it different from any other book, what the market for your book idea is and how you plan to reach this market demographic.
    • Include a table of contents. If necessary, annotate it.
    • Add a sample of your book. Ideally, this is the first three chapters.
    • Write a page about your personal information and why you are the best writer for this book.
    • Include marketing information. This includes how you can market and sell your book, the ways it can be marketed and where it would best sell. Include ideas on how your book can be promoted.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Should I send the whole book a publisher?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Most publishers will ask for the first three chapters. If they are impressed, they will ask for the rest of the manuscript.
  • Question
    Can a publisher publish my book if I am only 10 years old?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If your book is good enough to be published, then yes, although they will need to work closely with your parent(s) or guardian throughout the process.
  • Question
    Do I send a loose copy to a publisher or a copy with a cover and all?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sometimes these specifications will be included in their instructions. However, you'd normally send a manuscript. Manuscripts do not include covers or artwork, but are just the text of your work.



Things You'll Need

  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Literary Marketplace
  • Computer with Internet connection
  • Printer
  • Printer paper

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 117,855 times.
6 votes - 53%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: March 20, 2023
Views: 117,855
Categories: Publishing