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Have you every been stuck with a hotel reservation? Not being able to use it but having to pay for it anyway? That's just a waste of money. You've come to the right place. This guide is for selling your nonrefundable hotel reservation on Roomer.
1Make sure your reservation is non-refundable and prepaid, and that you will not be using it. Double check with the hotel that the reservation is in fact nonrefundable. If it turns out to be nonrefundable, you've come to the right place!
2Visit Roomer. Go to the homepage on https://www.roomertravel.com and click on the SELL button on the upper right of the page.Advertisement
3Submit your reservation on Roomertravel. All you have to do is submit a few details about your reservation and forward Roomer the initial confirmation e-mail.
4Await a confirmation email that your room has been posted. Roomer reviews your submission, and once approved, displays your room for sale with images, tripadvisor review and all relevant information for your hotel.
5Get paid once the room is bought. When someone books your reservation, the system contacts the hotel or booking agency in order to transfer the name on the reservation. You don’t have to do a thing ! Guests pay through Roomer when they book your reservation and Roomer's Payment Guarantee ensures direct payment to you through their secure payment platform.
Things You'll Need
- Hotel confirmation email
- All information used for booking the initial reservation
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