Which way should you pass the plates? How should you clear the table? Serving at a dinner party isn't exactly as easy as pie. Here are some basic guidelines to help you out in your next dinner party.


Place sides and condiments on the table

  1. Place easy, general dishes on the table for guests to help themselves to. Steamed or roasted vegetables, rice, salad, potatoes, and condiments are some of the things you can usually leave in the middle of the table for guests to help themselves to. This isn't strictly necessary, though. If you prefer to keep things simple, you don't have to leave anything more than salt and pepper on the table.[1]
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Plate the dishes for your guests

  1. Put complicated, delicate and artistic food on the plates in the kitchen. This is known as "plating-up." Don't expect guests to help themselves to food that requires assembly or is difficult to manage. The only way they'll get to see your creativity is if you put it out on the plate for them before you even get to the dinner table.
    • Keep the rim of the plate clear of sauces, spills, anything; it frames the food.

Decide on your serving order.

  1. Traditionally, it was customary to serve women first (eldest to youngest), then the men (same order). You can do this if you want to keep with tradition and the occasion is quite formal. Otherwise, choose one end of the table and move around it in a clockwise fashion, regardless of the genders of your guests.
    • Pass all dishes from the left. Guests and servers should pass dishes from left. The logic behind this is that most people are right-handed and this allows them them to serve themselves from the dish while it is being held by the passer. Nowadays it is less likely that the passer will continue to hold the dish, but will expect you to take it, so if you are left-handed, it won't be a problem. Place the dish down on your side plate to serve from it.[2]
    • As the cook, or host, always serve yourself last. This is polite and also sensible, since you'll probably be busy anyway with host's duties.
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Amaze guests with your knowledge.

  1. Don't hesitate to tell them some interesting and brief details about the time-old recipe you've used and why the wine complements the meal so well. On the other hand, do not ever go into details about how the flesh portion of the meal was hunted/killed. This is bad taste and makes some guests very queasy. Leave it for discussion around the fireplace with a like-minded friend after dinner.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is the eldest person at the table served first?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It shows respect towards the person, especially if it is an older woman.
  • Question
    Should I wait until all guests have finished their course before removing plates?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should wait until all guests have finished their food, or the ones who are still eating will feel rushed and try to hurry. This can result in digestive issues later on.
  • Question
    Should the plates of food be placed before giving the blessing?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Well yes, but make sure that the guests know that there will be a blessing and to not touch the food until after it's done.


  • Be careful also with hot drinks, teapots and coffee pots and heated sauces.
  • Don't assume every guest drinks alcohol or likes wine. Have alternatives on hand and never make a lighthearted remark or joke about their choice. There are religious, ethical, personal and social reasons as to why people choose not to consume alcohol and if the host is not careful, he/she could end up offending one of their guests, who could end up leaving the party due to the offence caused.
  • Don't give guests hot plates unless it is unavoidable. If you must do so, warn them very clearly that it is hot before you begin passing it next to them. The guest could move without the knowledge and either come into contact with the heat and push it back onto the server, or worse, seriously/mildly burn themselves. The dinner would end up being remembered for all the wrong reasons if a guest had to be taken up the hospital with a burn.

Things You'll Need

  • Decent dinner set
  • Decent cutlery set
  • Cloth serviettes/napkins
  • Good wine and nonalcoholic substitutes
  • Corkscrew
  • Serving ladles
  • Serving platters
  • Creamers, jugs
  • Condiments
  • Tablecloth if desired - linen is preferable
  • Candles or other atmosphere enhancers
  • Table decoration
  • Dishwasher

About This Article

JoAnna Minneci
Co-authored by:
Professional Chef
This article was co-authored by JoAnna Minneci. JoAnna Minneci is a Professional Chef based in the Nashville, Tennessee area. With more than 18 years of experience, Chef JoAnna specializes in teaching others how to cook through private cooking lessons, team-building events, and wellness and nutrition classes. She has also appeared in numerous television shows on networks such as Bravo and Food Network. Chef JoAnna received Culinary Arts training from the Art Institute of California at Los Angeles. She is also certified in sanitation, nutrition, kitchen management, and cost control. This article has been viewed 277,753 times.
3 votes - 67%
Co-authors: 27
Updated: December 28, 2022
Views: 277,753
Article SummaryX

To serve at a dinner party, place easy, general dishes like rice, salad, and potatoes on the table so guests can help themselves. Next, plate the delicate food that requires assembly or an artistic presentation in the kitchen. Then, choose one end of the table to start serving at and ask guests to pass the dishes around the table to the left. As the host, always serve yourself last. Finally, remember to keep the courses coming so your guests don't have to wait too long between each one! For tips on clearing the table after each course, read on!

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