Your parents might say you must be in bed by nine o'clock, though you think it is completely unfair compared to your friend's "bedtimes". Or maybe you want to play the rest of that new game you bought yesterday, but you have to go to bed. Sneaking out of bed isn't always the right thing to do, but more than not, it is all worth sneaking out of bed in the first place.


  1. 1
    Wear a pair of socks or keep slippers beside your bed before you head to bed. Read a book or do something to keep you busy while you wait.
  2. 2
    Listen quietly if you are near enough to your parent's room to hear them snore (if they do).
    • Or, if you can hear the TV, turn off and see (from the crack of your door) the lights go off and wait a few minutes just to be sure everybody has left the room.
  3. 3
    Slowly (especially if you share a room with a sibling) get out of bed. If you sleep on the top of a bunk bed, (keeping socks on will help) climb down the ladder at a steady pace.
  4. 4
    Slip on your slippers (if you weren't wearing socks) and walk at a steady pace to your bedroom door. Know if the door creaks if opened, be careful. Silently tip-toe out of your room, leaving the door slightly opened, when you come back.
  5. 5
    Go to the room you wish to go to. Beware of wooden floors or tiles, for wood may creak and tiles usually make noise from your feet (which is why you should wear socks/slippers).
  6. 6
    Turn the volume down if you are planning to play on the computer. Keep in mind that you should keep a very low volume, or even better, no volume at all. The only downside to headphones is that if somebody walks into the room, you won't hear them. If it is the TV you are going to watch (or play video games), keep also a low volume, or no volume at all and put closed captions on. Be sure to set the lighting of your TV/computer on one of the lowest settings, so the people in the next room are less likely to see the light. If you are playing a small video gaming device such as a Game-boy or Nintendo DS, keep the volume down, once again, or no volume at all.
  7. 7
    Close the device, turn off the TV, or shut down the computer and walk on your tip-toes out of the room and make your way back into your bedroom if all has been successful.
  8. 8
    Turn the knob slowly and wait a few seconds when you open the door. Slowly open the door. Repeat when closing it.
  9. 9
    Walk through the room to your bed slowly. Be careful when you are getting into bed, and try not to thump the wall.
  10. Advertisement


  • Your parents may ground you or lose their trust in you.
  • If your parents don't buy your excuse, you could get into serious trouble.
  • Be aware if you tell a sibling your plan, the sibling could tattle on you and tell your parents.
  • Do not stay up all night or your parents will notice your grogginess and question you about it. Adequate amounts of sleep are essential to good health.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 38 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 54,427 times.
87 votes - 64%
Co-authors: 38
Updated: January 8, 2023
Views: 54,427