In the wild, birds like cockatiels don’t show signs of illness for fear of attracting predators. At home, however, such shyness often means that sick birds don’t get treatment. To make sure your cockatiel is healthy, take note of any changes in behavior, character, activity, or physical well-being. Since many diseases that cockatiels get share the same symptoms, the only way to diagnose the bird is to take them to a qualified avian veterinarian.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Identifying Changes in Behavior

  1. 1
    Note changes in character. Cockatiels are typically very active birds. They are known to be social and curious. Since birds tend not to show signs of illness until they are very sick, it is important to know your cockatiel’s normal habits and behaviors. If anything changes, be on alert.[1]
    • For example, if your cockatiel is no longer coming up to you when you approach the cage, they may not be feeling well.
  2. 2
    Observe their activity levels to determine if they have lethargy. A sudden drop in activity may mean that the bird is not doing well. Watch how active or energetic your bird is. Some signs of lethargy include:[2]
    • Sitting or lying on the bottom of the cage.
    • Inability to fly or exercise.
    • Sleeping for long periods of time.
    • Ignoring you if they are normally social.
    • Ignoring sounds or movement around them.
    • Sitting on a perch with their feathers fluffed up.
  3. 3
    Listen to their chirping for any changes. Any changes in the sound or tone of their voice might indicate a problem if joined by other symptoms. This could include loss of voice, crying frequently, inability to sing, or a weak quality of voice.[3]
  4. 4
    Observe how they sleep. In most cases, cockatiels sleep with one foot raised into their feathers. If your cockatiel is suddenly sleeping with both feet gripping the perch, consult a vet.[4]
  5. 5
    Pay attention to how much they are eating. Changes in appetite are one of the key symptoms of sickness in cockatiels. If the bird is either eating more or less than usual, take them to a vet.[5]
    • Changes in food or stress can also cause eating problems. If the cockatiel is sick, the loss of appetite will be accompanied by other symptoms.
  6. 6
    Track how much they are drinking to see if they are dehydrated. Cockatiels drink about a teaspoon of water a day. A sick cockatiel may drink more than this if they have diarrhea or vomiting. There are other things, however, that can also cause this. Rule out these other causes first:[6]
    • The room may be too warm.
    • They may be feeding their young.
    • Their food may be too salty.
    • They are very active.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Doing a Physical Examination

  1. 1
    Inspect their feathers for any signs of distress. Ruffled or puffed up feathers are one of the most frequent signs of illness in cockatiels. Loss of feathers, particularly around the feet or eyes, can also signal a problem.[7]
    • Sometimes birds will pluck their feathers. This might be due to sickness, stress, or anxiety. Treat these issues early to prevent lasting problems.
    • While cockatiels may fluff up their feathers while sleeping, their feathers should not be puffed up all day long. If they are doing this for long periods, take them to a vet.
  2. 2
    Look into their eyes for swelling or discharge. Healthy eyes are clear and free from discharge or swelling. If you notice any redness, pus, discharge, or swelling around the eyes, take the bird to a vet. Other signs include frequent blinking, squinting, or closing one eye.[8]
    • Conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye) is a common disease in cockatiels.
    • Loss of feathers around their eyes can be a sign that they have mites.
  3. 3
    Check their droppings to see if they have digestive problems. Healthy bird droppings consist of coiled brown feces, chalky white urates, and clear, liquid urine. Change in color, consistency, or frequency of droppings may mean that the cockatiel is not feeling well. Look for:
    • A lack of urine
    • Watery feces or urates
    • Diarrhea
    • Yellow, green, red, or black coloration
    • Undigested food in their droppings
  4. 4
    Inspect their beak for discharge. Their beak should be straight, smooth, and symmetrical. Any crookedness or flaking of the beak may indicate problems. You should also check for any discharge or crusting around the beak or nostrils.[9]
    • Try giving the cockatiel a seed to see how well they can eat it. If they struggle to eat it, they need to see a vet.
  5. 5
    Listen to their breathing for signs of respiratory problems. If the cockatiel is struggling to breathe, they may have a respiratory issue. Listen carefully for any wheezing, gasping, clicking, or heavy breathing. They should not breathe with their mouth open.[10]
  6. 6
    Check the vent for signs of diarrhea. The vent of the cockatiel is where they expel their waste. It is on their bottom side just below the tail. A healthy vent is clean and dry. If the feathers are ruffled, pasted, or wet, the cockatiel may have diarrhea.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Getting a Diagnosis

  1. 1
    Visit an avian veterinarian. Illnesses can progress very quickly in birds. Take your bird to a vet as soon as possible if you are concerned about their health. It is best to take your cockatiel to an avian veterinarian, which is a vet that specializes in birds.[11]
    • The Association of Avian Veterinarians has a database where you can look up local avian vets.
    • You can also ask your regular small animal veterinarian if they know of any avian specialists near you.
  2. 2
    Report any symptoms. In addition to the behavioral and physical changes that you have noticed, tell your vet of any other symptoms of sickness. These include:[12]
    • Weight loss
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Seizures
    • Sneezing
    • Any signs of blood
  3. 3
    Allow the vet to perform tests. If the vet suspects that the cockatiel is ill, they may do a number of different tests. They may need to keep your bird at their office while they do these tests. Some common tests include:[13]
    • Bloodwork
    • Fecal tests
    • Viral screening
    • X-rays
    • Psittacosis Testing
    • Fungal testing
  4. 4
    Follow the veterinarian’s instructions closely. It’s important that you do what the vet recommends to help your bird heal. Give your bird the correct dose of medication at the correct time, if applicable. Adjust the bird’s diet or environment if the vet suggests that you do so. Follow the treatment plan even if the bird seems to be feeling better.
  5. 5
    Quarantine the bird until they get better. If you have other birds, you should make sure that they do not have contact with the sick cockatiel until the cockatiel has completely improved. Your vet may advised that you quarantine the sick cockatiel for up to 60 days after treatment.[14]
    • It is best to keep the cockatiel in a separate room while quarantining. Always feed and clean the quarantined cockatiel after taking care of the other birds.
  6. 6
    Return for an annual exam. To catch diseases before they become serious, you should take your cockatiel back to the vet once a year. This will prevent serious problems from developing in the future.[15]
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About This Article

Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD. Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Large Animal Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience as a veterinarian in a rural clinic. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Minnesota in 1998. This article has been viewed 88,523 times.
91 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: September 27, 2022
Views: 88,523
Article SummaryX

To spot signs of illness in your Cockatiel, look for reduced activity, such as your bird no longer approaching you when you come up to its cage. Check for other signs of inactivity, like sitting on the cage floor, sleeping all the time, not flying and staying on its perch with fluffed-up feathers, which might indicate your bird is not well. Try listening to your bird’s singing for signs of illness, like a weak voice, crying instead of chirping and not singing at all. You may notice your bird eating less or more food than usual, which can mean it is sick. And since cockatiels normally sleep with one foot raised into their feathers, if you see your bird gripping the perch with both feet when sleeping, talk to your vet. For more advice from our Veterinarian co-author, including how to get a diagnosis of your bird’s illness, scroll down!

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