Wet dreams happen when your body orgasms during a dream, but they aren’t linked to sexual thoughts. You may feel embarrassed after having wet dreams, but it’s actually a normal, healthy part of adolescence and young adulthood. It’s common for both sexes to experience wet dreams starting in puberty and lasting into adulthood.[1] While a lot of people have them, it’s understandable if you’d like them to stop. You may be able to stop your wet dreams by changing your habits or using natural remedies. Additionally, there are a few ways to cope with wet dreams that won't go away.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Changing Your Habits

  1. 1
    Avoid sleeping on your stomach to reduce the possibilities of a wet dream. Lying on your stomach may make you more likely to have a wet dream. Try sleeping on your side or back to help prevent them. Use pillows or an extra blanket to help you avoid rolling back onto your stomach.[2]
    • It’s normal to roll over during your sleep, so don’t get upset if you wake up on your stomach. Your body may just be comfortable sleeping this way.

    Tip: Some people recommend lying on your side, but there’s no guarantee that this will help.

  2. 2
    Relax in the hours before you go to bed so you don’t feel stressed. Stress may be connected to wet dreams, though this isn’t the case for everyone. You may be able to prevent wet dreams by managing your stress and relaxing right before bed. Spend at least an hour before bed calming your mind and body.[3]
    • Try meditating for 10-15 minutes. You can simply focus on your breath or follow a guided meditation.
    • Write your thoughts in a journal.
    • Read a book.
    • Do a few yoga poses.
  3. 3
    Masturbate regularly to reduce your body’s need to release old sperm. While this isn’t guaranteed to stop your wet dreams, it may help. Semen can build up in your testicles and is eventually reabsorbed back into your body. In the meantime, you may have wet dreams if your body wants to release old semen. Masturbating may help keep your fluids in check so you’re less likely to have wet dreams.[4]
    • Try masturbating right before bed to help lower the chances of a wet dream.
    • Masturbation is normal, so don’t feel embarrassed about it.
    • If you’re still having wet dreams frequently even with masturbation, it may not work for you.
    • If you are part of a religion that forbids masturbation, don't panic. You can try other ways to make them stop.
  4. 4
    Develop a healthy relationship with sex if you’re sexually active. Communicate with your partner to maintain a healthy and open sexual relationship that keeps you both fulfilled. Talk to them about what safe sex looks like for both of you. While sex may not stop wet dreams for everyone, it can help decrease your chances of having one.[5]
    • Wet dreams are typically not about arousal, so the sexual release is not what helps. Just like with masturbation, releasing your built-up semen can help you reduce the likelihood that you’ll have a wet dream.
    • If you are part of a religion that restricts sex to marriage, this step may not be suitable for you.
  5. 5
    Talk to a counselor if your wet dreams are causing you distress. While wet dreams are nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s okay if you feel upset or confused by them. Fortunately, a counselor can help put your mind at ease. They can help you understand your feelings and use strategies to deal with them. They’ll also help you work through the reasons that you’re bothered by your wet dreams.[6]
    • Look for a counselor online or ask your doctor for a referral.
    • If you have insurance, your sessions with a counselor may be covered.

    Variation: If you just have questions about your changing body, your primary doctor can help you understand what’s happening. They’ll be able to answer all of your questions. Try not to feel embarrassed because a lot of people go through this.

Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Natural Home Remedies

  1. 1
    Drink sage tea in the evening to help your body relax. As part of an Ayurvedic diet, sometimes sage tea is used as a night time drink that aids sleep and relaxation. By helping you relax, the tea may help reduce the likelihood that you’ll have a wet dream. However, there’s no evidence that this treatment works, and it won’t affect everyone the same way.[7]
    • To make the tea, heat a pot of water until you see bubbles forming on the bottom of the pot. Then, pour the water over a bag of sage tea and steep for 2-3 minutes.
  2. 2
    Chew 2-3 garlic cloves before bed to reduce blood flow to your genitals. Garlic contains allicin, which may help reduce how much blood flows to your genital area. This might help prevent erections so that you don’t have wet dreams. However, there’s no guarantee that this will work. To try it, eat 2-3 raw garlic cloves right before bed.[8]
    • Garlic has a strong taste, especially if you eat it raw. This might not be a great option if you don’t like the taste of garlic.
  3. 3
    Add a spoonful of honey to an equal parts fenugreek and celery mixture. Measure out about .5 cups (120 mL) of fenugreek juice and combine it with about .5 cups (120 mL) of celery juice. Then, add a spoonful of honey to taste. Drink the mixture in the evening before bed. It may help cool your body, but there’s no guarantee that it will help prevent wet dreams.[9]
    • This drink is thought to support a healthy reproductive system.
  4. 4
    Try a warm bath with essential oils to help you relax before bed. Run a warm bath, then add a few drops of a relaxing essential oil. Great options include peppermint, lavender, sandalwood, or rose oil. Soak in the bath for at least 20-30 minutes to help you relax.[10]
    • Relaxing may help reduce your chances of having a wet dream. However, there’s no guarantee that this will work.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Dealing with Wet Dreams

  1. 1
    Keep a towel or rag near your bed for when you wake up. When you have a wet dream, you can quickly clean up using a towel or rag so that no one knows. After you use it, toss the towel or rag in with your regular laundry. Don’t forget to replace it with a fresh towel or rag.[11]
    • For instance, keep your towel in your nightstand.
    • Most people have wet dreams at one point or another. If you feel comfortable sharing with your family or friends, there’s no need to hide your reason for wanting a towel nearby.
  2. 2
    Take a change of underwear with you when you sleep away from home. It’s normal to be worried about having a wet dream when you’re sleeping at someone else’s house. Keep in mind that it’s likely your friend feels the same way. Just in case it happens, bring extra underwear with you. This way you can quickly change if necessary.[12]
    • When you brush your teeth at night, leave your bag in the restroom so you can easily retrieve your underwear if you need them.
  3. 3
    Wear pajama bottoms to help keep your sheets clean. A thick pair of pajama bottoms may absorb a lot of the fluids so your sheets won’t be as wet. This will help you avoid having a big spot in the morning. Always wear pajama bottoms to bed. If you have a wet dream, wash your pajamas before wearing them again.[13]
    • Try to get a pair that buttons over your crotch so that it doesn’t gape open. If it does, your pajamas may not soak up the semen.
  4. 4
    Keep an extra set of sheets so you can wash yours if they’re sticky. It’s normal for a wet dream to make your sheets wet and sticky. When this happens, it’s best to put your sheets in the wash. Replace your dirty sheets with a clean set.[14]

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Are wet dreams the sign of a spiritual attack?
    Jurdy Dugdale, RN
    Jurdy Dugdale, RN
    Medical Review Board
    Jurdy Dugdale is a Registered Nurse in Florida. She received her Nursing License from the Florida Board of Nursing in 1989.
    Jurdy Dugdale, RN
    Medical Review Board
    Expert Answer
    No, they are not a sign of a spiritual attack. Some religions do frown upon any type of sexual activity outside of the marriage bed. This includes wet dreams and masturbation. The religions that teach the above are not speaking with sound medical evidence.
  • Question
    How do I stop having wet dreams?
    Jurdy Dugdale, RN
    Jurdy Dugdale, RN
    Medical Review Board
    Jurdy Dugdale is a Registered Nurse in Florida. She received her Nursing License from the Florida Board of Nursing in 1989.
    Jurdy Dugdale, RN
    Medical Review Board
    Expert Answer
    Stopping altogether is difficult.Your goal should be to cut down on the amount of wet dreams if possible.


  • Wet dreams are not indicative of health problems and there is no medical reason to work toward stopping them.[19]

About This Article

Jurdy Dugdale, RN
Co-authored by:
Medical Review Board
This article was co-authored by Jurdy Dugdale, RN and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Jurdy Dugdale is a Registered Nurse in Florida. She received her Nursing License from the Florida Board of Nursing in 1989. This article has been viewed 2,255,666 times.
381 votes - 72%
Co-authors: 42
Updated: June 11, 2022
Views: 2,255,666
Categories: Men's Health | Puberty
Article SummaryX

If you want to stop wet dreams, it's important to remember that they're natural and nothing to be ashamed of. Not having control over them can be stressful, though, and it's understandable if you want to stop them. You can start by sleeping on your side or back in loose-fitting pajamas, since sleeping on your stomach can increase your chances of having a wet dream. Relaxing before bed by taking a bath or reading a book can help, since you won't be going to bed stressed or overstimulated. Masturbating regularly can also help prevent wet dreams, because it allows your body to release built-up semen. For information on natural home remedies from our Registered Nurse co-author, keep reading!

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