Driving a go kart can be really fun, but it’s also a skill that you have to develop. When you first start go-karting, work on mastering the basics of driving the kart. Then, you can use advanced techniques to increase your speed. If you want to improve your driving skills, practice often, time your laps, and learn the ins and outs of the tracks you drive most often.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Mastering the Basics

  1. 1
    Wear a helmet and thick clothing to protect you from injury. Driving a go kart is typically a safe activity, but you may accidentally crash. To reduce your risk of getting injured, always put on your helmet before you drive the go kart. Additionally, wear thicker clothing, like long sleeves and pants. This will help you avoid getting bumps and scrapes.
    • If you're renting a go kart at a commercial track, they'll typically lend you a helmet to protect your head.
  2. 2
    Sit comfortably with your back against the seat. Adjust yourself in the seat until you feel like you can comfortably hold the steering wheel and reach the pedals. Press your back against the seat rest and buckle your seat belt. This will keep you securely in the seat.[1]
    • If you're a child, ask an adult to make sure you're not sliding around in the seat. This will help you stay safe as you're driving the kart.

    Did You Know? Leaning forward in your seat actually slows you down. Sit back to increase your go kart speed.

  3. 3
    Hold the steering wheel in the same position on each side. You need to hold the steering wheel with both hands because most go karts don’t have power steering, which makes it hard to turn a kart with one hand. The best way to control the kart is to grip the steering wheel in the same spot on each side. Mirror your grip on each side so you can drive the cart safely.[2]
    • The ideal grips for driving a go kart are the same as the grip you might use to drive a car. For instance, think of the steering wheel as a clock face and grip the steering wheel at “2 and 10” or “3 and 9.”
  4. 4
    Press the accelerator pedal on the right side to make the kart go. When it’s time to go, push down on the accelerator pedal that’s on the right side of your go kart. Don’t slam down on the pedal, however. Instead, slowly press down to gradually increase your speed. Push down more to increase your speed or let up to decrease your speed without having to brake.[3]
    • The accelerator may be colored green to help you remember it’s to go.
    • If you’re driving a model that has the pedals next to each other, use the same foot to press either the accelerator or the brake. This makes it harder for you to accidentally press both at the same time.
  5. 5
    Use the brake pedal on the left side to stop the go kart. When you’re ready to stop the go kart, push down on the brake with your left foot. Press lightly to slow down, or push the brake all the way down to come to a complete stop.[4]
    • The brake pedal might be red to signal that it’s to stop.
  6. 6
    Push either the accelerator or the brake, but not both at the same time. Pushing both pedals at the same time will make the go kart drive erratically and make a weird noise. Additionally, some go kart models will shut down if you push the pedals at the same time. Be careful that you don’t push down on both pedals.[5]
    • Most go kart models have the pedals split on either side of the go kart, so you’ll likely have to use your right foot for the accelerator pedal and your left foot for the brake.
  7. 7
    Enter turns slowly and exit them going fast. Going through turns is the trickiest part of driving a go kart. Not only can turns slow you down, they can also cause you to spin out if you go into them too fast. Gently press your brake pedal as you approach a turn while you’re still on the straight. Turn the wheel of the go kart in the direction you want to turn. Then, press the accelerator as you come out of the loop to speed back up.[6]
    • Try to gain distance on the straights, not the curves.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Maintaining Your Speed

  1. 1
    Watch the track ahead of you so you don’t have to slow down. Braking suddenly, accelerating quickly, and navigating around other cars all cost you speed. Being aware of the track can help you plan your moves so you can keep your momentum going. Keep your eyes on the track ahead of you so you can adjust your speed as needed and plan the best route down the track.
    • For instance, you might need to suddenly hit the brakes if you drive up on a packed track. Once you pass the other cars, you might hit your accelerator. This slows you down.
    • Instead, you might see that there’s a traffic jam up ahead and slow down slightly. Then, you might loop around the other cars and return to your previous speed.
  2. 2
    Stay on a straight path so you can maintain your speed. A straight path means that you aren’t weaving in and out of the other cars. You can maintain your highest speed when you’re going straight, so pick the lane that’s most empty. It’s okay to change lanes as you go around the track, but do your best to stay on the same path.
    • This means it may be faster to drive in the outer lane sometimes, even though it’s a greater distance.

    Tip: Weaving slows you down and increases your chances of crashing. It’s okay to pass other karts, but don’t weave around the other karts on the track.

  3. 3
    Increase your speed on each lap to slowly build your speed. You might be tempted to slam on the accelerator as soon as you get the signal to go, but this usually slows down your time. Instead, accelerate gradually as you enter your first lap. Then, increase your speed with each lap to build and sustain your momentum. This helps you approach the finish line strong.
    • Your go kart won’t hit its highest speeds when you rev the engine. It’s better to gradually build speed.
    • This also helps you slowly pass the other karts instead of having to constantly brake and accelerate as you all start the race.
  4. 4
    Be careful that you don’t hit curbs, barriers, or other go karts. While many go karts have a wide rubber bumper to protect you, bumping into objects slows you down. Keep a distance from curbs and barriers so you don’t scrape or slam against them. Additionally, don’t get too close to other karts, as you might accidentally crash into them.[7]
    • Some people like to give slower carts that are blocking the track a gentle bump to encourage them to move out of the way. However, this will slow you down. It’s better to just go around them if you can.
  5. 5
    Go wide on the corners, then cut in toward the inside of the track. To take the corners faster, move to the outer lane of the track just before you get to the corner. Then, cross the corner in a straight line from outer corner to outer corner, cutting close to the inside of the track as you pass the curve.[8]
    • If you dart from outer corner to outer corner, you'll be able to drive across the curve in a straighter line compared to if you hug the curve. You'll still need to turn your go kart, but the angle of the turn won't be as sharp, which allows you to better maintain your speed.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Improving Your Driving

  1. 1
    Practice go-karting to help you improve your driving. Like with any skill, you’ll get better at driving a go kart with practice. Drive the go kart as often as you can so you can work on your technique and build new skills. Over time, you’ll become a successful go kart driver!
    • Don’t feel bad if you’re not good at driving the go kart when you first get started. This is normal! You’ll get better if you keep doing it.

    Tip: Go karting is supposed to be fun, so don’t get bogged down on trying to beat everyone. If you’re having fun, you’re a total success!

  2. 2
    Time your runs so you can track your progress. Use a timer to track how long it takes you to complete each lap or to finish a track. Write down your times so you can track your progress. This will help you see how well you’re improving when it comes to your speed.
    • Your laps should steadily get faster as you gain experience.
    • You’ll likely notice that your laps get slower when you first drive on a new track.
  3. 3
    Learn the track to improve your speeds. If you’re racing on a track, familiarizing yourself with the track and its turns may help you drive it better. In addition to practicing on the track, study it from overhead and ask the facility if you can have a map of the track. This may help you become a better driver.[9]
    • If you’re going to be participating in a race, check out the track ahead of time. If you can’t go in person, ask the race organizer to send a map of the route or pictures of the route.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is leaning forward into turns for more grip on the front wheels effective?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Lifting your bum off the seat when exiting a turn can be slightly more effective, so leaning forward going into a turn could help a bit. But we are only talking half seconds.
  • Question
    Are go karts automatic?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. Some professional ones aren't, but you will always get an automatic when renting.
  • Question
    How do I level out if I am spinning out?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You shouldn't be spinning out in the first place. Try letting off the gas, turning the wheel the right way, gently braking, or crashing safely into a wall. The guys will help you out if you crash. To avoid spinning out, stop drifting so much and try to avoid bumping into objects and other cars.


  • Wear thick clothing while driving to protect your skin in case your get hurt.
  • If you have any medical conditions, consult your doctor before you drive a go kart to make sure it’s safe for you to do so.

About This Article

Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Danielle Blinka is a Writer, Editor, Podcaster, Improv Performer, and Artist currently living in Houston, TX. She also has experience teaching English and writing to others. Danielle holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Master of Arts in English with a concentration in writing, and Master of Public Administration from Lamar University. This article has been viewed 318,749 times.
16 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 35
Updated: December 10, 2022
Views: 318,749
Categories: Vehicle Sports
Article SummaryX

Driving a go kart can be a little confusing if you're not used to it, but once you figure out the right way to use the pedals and make turns around the track, it's actually super simple. The pedal on your right will be your accelerator to make you go. Try to gradually press on the accelerator and decelerator, which will keep your go-cart moving smoothly without losing speed. The brake will be on your left. Press it lightly to slow down or push it all the way to come to a complete stop. Don’t push both pedals at the same time, since this will make your go kart drive awkwardly. Enter turns slowly and accelerate out of them. Try to start wide, then cut in toward the inside of the track as you exit the corner. Always keep your eyes on the track ahead of you to help you plan your maneuvers. For more tips, including how to increase your lap time in a go kart, read on!

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