Consult tarot cards for any matter under the sun and answer your most burning questions

Do you want to use your tarot deck to gain some clarity and direction? Tarot cards are super versatile divination tools that can advise you in all areas of life, from your romantic prospects to your soul purpose. If you have a wide range of questions and want answers from the Universe, you've stumbled on just the right place—welcome, dear reader! Here, you'll be able to try out all types of tarot spreads. Get ready to shuffle those cards to listen to your intuition and feed your curiosity.

Things You Should Know

  • The purpose of general tarot spreads is to receive guidance about multiple subjects, from your love life to your career path.
  • Tarot spreads help you tap into your intuition and self-reflect. Ultimately, tarot layouts arm you with knowledge about your circumstances or your future.
  • To create a "Year Ahead" spread, draw 13 cards. The first 12 represent a pearl of wisdom for every month, while the 13th card gives you guidance for the next 12 months.
Section 1 of 6:

Spreads for General Life Advice

  1. 1
    “Am I On the Right Path?” Spread (5 cards) Curious if you’re taking all the right steps and making all the best moves? If you want a little nudge of encouragement or a course correction, this layout has you covered. It’ll give you some real straight talk and either reassure you or redirect you to save you a lot of hassle in the long run. All you’ve got to do is draw 5 cards and arrange them in 1 row to reflect on how your current choices impact you:[1]
    • Card 1: Who am I right now?
    • Card 2: Am I on the right path?
    • Card 3: What’s the main obstacle standing in my way?
    • Card 4: What circumstances are in my favor and helping me out?
    • Card 5: How can I make progress and move forward in my life?
  2. 2
    “Where Will I End Up?” / “Wheel of Fortune” Spread (3 cards) When it comes to the game of life, we’re all at the mercy of the Wheel of Fortune—after all, sometimes you might find yourself on top, while other times you might be at rock bottom. If you’re interested in knowing if you’ll have a change in fortune, then pull out the “Wheel of Fortune” card from your deck. Then, draw 6 more cards and make a pile of 7 cards. Shuffle them and make 3 piles. Wherever the “Wheel of Fortune” card ends up will spell out your destiny:[2]
    • Pile 1 (Yes): Your fortune is about to change.
    • Pile 2 (Maybe): Your fortune might change.
    • Pile 3 (No): Your fortune is unlikely to change.
  3. 3
    “How Can I Be My Best Self?” Spread (7 cards) Eager for some self-improvement? Your tarot cards can be your best friends when it comes to elevating your consciousness and demanding more from yourself. Not only can they shed light on what’s so marvelous about you, but they can also offer no holds barred advice about what’s holding you back. For a glimpse of the best version of yourself, draw 7 cards; form 2 rows of 3 cards and place the 7th card between them:[3]
    • Card 1: Who am I now?
    • Card 2: What is blocking my way to success?
    • Card 3: How can I overcome these blocks?
    • Card 4: What new energy should I invite into my life?
    • Card 5: What’s the first step I should take to invite in that new energy?
    • Card 6: What’s the second step I should take to welcome in new energy?
    • Card 7: What does my “best self” look like?
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Section 2 of 6:

Spreads for Love Advice

  1. 1
    “Heart Opener” Spread (4 cards) Do you feel a bit guarded or reserved when it comes to love? Whether you’re recently single or have been flying solo for a while, your tarot deck can be your wingman and give you some eye-opening advice about how to invite love into your life. To learn how to let down your walls, draw 4 cards and form a “Y” to give a resounding “yes” to romance:[4]
    • Card 1: Why is my heart closed?
    • Card 2: How can I open my heart?
    • Card 3: How can I see the world through the lens of love?
    • Card 4: What will I see as a result of this?
  2. 2
    “Catching Feelings” Spread (6 cards) Do you already have a hunch, but you’d like your tarot cards to sharpen your intuition? This layout will help you make sense of how your crush sees you. Also feel free to use it on a current SO to see if their feelings have changed or if they’re just as fresh as the day they met you. To read your love interest like a book, draw 6 cards; form a diagonal line with 5 cards and lay down the 6th card so it's parallel to this line:[5]
    • Card 1: What am I feeling right now?
    • Card 2: How do I see my love interest?
    • Cards 3 & 4: How do they feel about me?
    • Card 5: Why do they feel that way about me?
    • Card 6: What should I do with this knowledge?
  3. 3
    “Relationship Check-In” Spread (8 cards) If you want a comprehensive session with your tarot decks, this layout will help you delve into the past so you have a better handle on your relationship’s future. It’s most appropriate for a connection that’s already established and for people who share a history with one another. To roll up your sleeves and really get into the nitty-gritty of your love life, draw 8 cards. Form an "L" with the first 3 cards, a "V" with the fourth and fifth cards, and a column with the final 3 cards.[6]
    • Card 1: How can I improve our relationship?
    • Card 2: What were we like when we first met?
    • Card 3: What attracts us to each other?
    • Card 4: What is the current state of the relationship?
    • Card 5: What are the strengths of our relationship?
    • Card 6: What are the weaknesses of our relationship?
    • Card 7: What can I keep in mind about my partner’s needs?
    • Card 8: What should my partner keep in mind about my needs?
    • Card 9: What’s the best way to improve upon our relationship?
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Section 3 of 6:

Spreads for Spiritual Advice

  1. 1
    “Advice from My Archangels” Spread (7 cards) Do you have really big questions that call for some divine support? Well, you’re in luck—tarot cards can be the perfect tool to channel the archangels so they can give you some heavy-duty answers for your burning queries. You’ll even be able to convene with multiple archangels for a whole range of perspectives. To reach out to the heavens, draw 7 cards; form a circle with the first 6 cards and place the final card in its center.[7]
    • Card 1: Archangel Michael, what is my life purpose?
    • Card 2: Archangel Raphael, how can I heal myself?
    • Card 3: Archangel Uriel, how can I take action to improve my life?
    • Card 4: Archangel Gabriel, how can I fully express myself?
    • Card 5: Archangel Azrael, what do I need to let go of?
    • Card 6: Archangel Ariel, how can I improve my finances or career prospects?
    • Card 7: Archangels, how do you see me?
  2. 2
    “Soul Purpose” Spread (5 cards) Are you aching to know what you should be doing on a soul-deep level? If you want a deep dive into your divine purpose, your tarot cards will hold up a divine mirror so you can reflect on the important work in store for you. They’ll help you identify your higher calling and advise you about how to move forward to fulfill it. Draw 5 cards and form an “X” to put your soul purpose in your crosshairs:[8]
    • Card 1: What’s a way to describe my soul’s energy?
    • Card 2: What’s my higher purpose?
    • Card 3: What special gift do I bring to this world?
    • Card 4: How can I put this gift to use?
    • Card 5: What will I attain once I’m aligned with my soul’s purpose?
  3. 3
    “Akashic Record” Spread (6 cards) In layman’s terms, the “Akashic records” are cosmic archives in another dimension that list everything you’ve done in previous lifetimes, what you’ll accomplish in this lifetime, and what your destiny is. If you’d like to know every facet of your soul so you can get a rich understanding of yourself, use your tarot deck to delve into your Akashic records. Draw 6 cards and form a circle for a full picture of your spirit. Place the first card above the second card on the left-hand side of the layout; place a third card to the right of this column; place a fourth card next to the third card, and place a fifth card below the fourth card:[9]
    • Card 1: Who was I in my past life?
    • Card 2: Who could I become in this lifetime?
    • Card 3: What’s been hidden about me? What do I ignore about myself?
    • Card 4: What is my inner truth?
    • Card 5: How can I thrive in this lifetime?
    • Card 6: How can I serve others in this lifetime?
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Section 4 of 6:

Spreads for Health Advice

  1. 1
    “Listening to My Body” Spread (7 cards) Want to be more attuned to your body and treat it like a temple? Your tarot cards can gently remind you to take care of yourself and preserve the beautiful vessel that the Universe granted you. They’ll also help you learn the way your body tries to communicate with you. To learn about how to safeguard your health, draw 7 cards to form a “U” and enlighten yourself about the most important person in your life—you.[10]
    • Card 1: How is my body feeling today?
    • Card 2: What does my body need right now?
    • Card 3: What is something I need to take more seriously about my body?
    • Card 4: What is something my body is trying to tell me?
    • Card 5: How can I improve how I take care of my body?
    • Card 6: How can I be better attuned to my body?
    • Card 7: How can I show gratitude to my body?
  2. 2
    “Self-Care During Rough Times” Spread (5 cards) Hit a couple pitfalls and feel worse for wear? No worries! Your tarot cards will do their best to encourage good habits that’ll restore and energize you. Not only that—they’ll give you guidance about holistic health so your mind, heart, body, and soul are all well taken care of. To fully lean into your rejuvenating journey, draw 5 cards and form a cross; place card 1 in the center, place card 2 below card 1; place card 5 above card 1; place card 3 to the left of card 1; and, finally, place card 4 to the right of card 1.[11]
    • Card 1: How do I see myself right now?
    • Card 2: What does my body need to feel healthy and nourished?
    • Card 3: What does my heart need to give and receive love?
    • Card 4: What does my mind need so I can stay focused and productive?
    • Card 5: What does my soul need to connect to my inner truth and purpose?
  3. 3
    "Healing Trauma” (8 cards) Are you struggling with a deep wound or an emotional burden that’s slowed you down? Maybe you want to break free from the past so you can move forward. Your tarot decks can help you confront traumas, even ones that have remained buried, so you can taste freedom and relief. To release yourself from any emotions or experiences that trouble you, draw 8 cards. Form an upside down pyramid: at the bottom, place cards 1 and 2 next to each other; line up cards 3-5 in a row above cards 1 and 2; line up cards 6-9 in a row above cards 3-5.[12]
    • Card 1: How has this trauma impacted my life?
    • Card 2: What emotions do I carry because of this trauma?
    • Card 3: How does this trauma affect my relationships with others?
    • Card 4: How does this trauma affect the way I see myself?
    • Card 5: What do I need to do to release this trauma?
    • Card 6: What lesson can I learn from my past experience?
    • Card 7: How can I begin to move past this experience?
    • Card 8: How will my life change when I finally release my trauma?
    • Card 9: Who will I become when I let go of my trauma?
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Section 5 of 6:

Spreads for Advice About the Future

  1. 1
    “Life Purpose” Spread (5 cards) Need some strong counsel about what to do with your future? Maybe you’re considering a career transition or you want to make use of your skills to change the world. This layout will not only help celebrate all you offer to society but also reveal the obstacles that stand in your way. For some insight about how you can transform your circumstances this coming year, draw 5 cards. Line up cards 1-3 in a horizontal row; place card 4 above card 2 and card 5 below card 2:[13]
    • Card 1: How am I really doing right now?
    • Card 2: What am I amazing at?
    • Card 3: What is my purpose right now?
    • Card 4: What is getting in my way?
    • Card 5: How can I love myself so I have the energy to fulfill my purpose?
  2. 2
    “Year Ahead” Spread (13 cards) If you want a forecast for your whole year so you know what to anticipate, this layout will give you a glimpse into the future. In fact, it’ll help you know what to expect from January to December. To give yourself a great head start so you know what to prepare for, draw 13 cards—you’ll have a piece of insight for every month as well as advice for how to conquer your entire year. Form a circle with cards 1-12, then place card 13 in its center.[14]
    • Cards 1-12: A pearl of wisdom for every month.
    • Card 13: Guidance for the next 12 months.
  3. 3
    “My Future Self” Spread (8 cards) Want to fast-forward and get well acquainted with your future self? While you might not have a time machine, your tarot deck is the next best thing! This layout will help you pose questions to the version of yourself that exists a year—or even ten years—from now, depending on your query. For some teasers and spoilers, draw 9 cards. Create a topmost row with cards 1-3; make a middle row with cards 4-6; form a bottom row with cards 7-9:[15]
    • Card 1: What am I like right now?
    • Card 2: What is my future self like?
    • Card 3: What’s my current situation? Am I struggling?
    • Card 4: What should I spend less time on so I can evolve as a person?
    • Card 5: What should I spend more time on to evolve as a person?
    • Card 6: What should I remember to do so I can set myself up for the future?
    • Card 7: What should I let go of to become my best self?
    • Card 8: What does my future self want to give me credit for?
    • Card 9: What do I have the potential to accomplish?
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Section 6 of 6:

Interpreting Your Tarot Cards

  1. 1
    The Major Arcana:
    • The Fool (0): You are about to start a new chapter of your life.
    • The Magician (I): You have special gifts that set you apart from others.
    • The High Priestess (II): You must follow your inner voice and instincts.
    • The Empress (III): You radiate compassion, beauty, and love.
    • The Emperor (IV): You are an authoritative figure that provides structure.
    • The Pope (V): You are a spiritual leader who’s meant to teach others.
    • The Lovers (VI): You need to give your relationships extra attention.
    • The Chariot (VII): You have an upcoming victory to look forward to.
    • Strength (VIII): You have the courage to handle anything Life throws at you.
    • The Hermit (IX): You need some alone time to manifest success.
    • The Wheel of Fortune (X): You're about to learn a lesson about luck.
    • Justice (XI): There is a consequence for every action you take.
    • The Hanged Man (XII): Surrender to the Universe right now.
    • Death (XIII): A chapter is about to close in your life.
    • Temperance (XIV): Remain patient for your efforts to come to fruition.
    • The Devil (XV): A series of temptations might test your will power.
    • The Tower (XVI): You'll face a difficulty, but you'll push past it.
    • The Star (XVII): The Universe is working in your favor, so have faith.
    • The Moon (XVIII): You're about to face what you've been running from.
    • The Sun (XIX): You're moving in the right direction, so stay hopeful.
    • Judgment (XX): Reflect on your past choices to gain self-awareness.
    • The World (XXI): You're exactly where you're meant to be right now.
  2. 2
    The Minor Arcana:
    • Ace of Wands: It's time to take a risk that will really pay off.
    • Two of Wands: You may be holding yourself back due to cynicism.
    • Three of Wands: Remain patient and optimistic right now.
    • Four of Wands: Group up with others to pull off a big project.
    • Five of Wands: Feel free to be incredibly ambitious and take-charge.
    • Six of Wands: Your community respects all the ways that you serve it.
    • Seven of Wands: Your gifts and talents are going to allow you to shine.
    • Eight of Wands: Your circumstances are about to quickly change.
    • Nine of Wands: You need some rest after all your hard work.
    • Ten of Wands: Your task will require all your time and attention.
    • Page of Wands: It's okay to be independent and make your own rules.
    • Knight of Wands: Overcome your self-doubt and take action right now.
    • Princess of Wands: Tap into your spirituality when making a decision.
    • Prince of Wands: Be bold when you enter a new business venture.
    • Queen of Wands: Gather your crew and encourage teamwork.
    • King of Wands: Use charisma and leadership to achieve what you want.
    • Ace of Cups: Push yourself to see the positive parts of your relationships.
    • Two of Cups: You will experience a soul connection with a friend or a lover.
    • Three of Cups: You will enjoy really harmony and fun in your relationships.
    • Four of Cups: You're probably longing for a change right now.
    • Five of Cups: You've been struggling with anger and trauma.
    • Six of Cups: You're about to connect with your inner child and celebrate life.
    • Seven of Cups: It's time to be hopeful and raise your standards.
    • Eight of Cups: Be wary of those who might take advantage of you.
    • Nine of Cups: You will receive many rewards for all your hard work.
    • Ten of Cups: You and all your loved ones will experience safety and joy.
    • Page of Cups: You're very idealistic and would benefit from reason and logic.
    • Princess of Cups: It's fine to trust your gut and interpret your dreams.
    • Prince of Cups: You're doing a great job balancing feelings and logic.
    • Knight of Cups: Forget your self-limiting beliefs and take a leap of faith.
    • Queen of Cups: Be emotionally honest with yourself to find the truth you seek.
    • King of Cups: People feel your passion and power when they see you.
    • Ace of Swords: Keep focused on one goal at a time to see it through.
    • Two of Swords: You're faced with two options and need to make a decision.
    • Three of Swords: You're feeling hurt, disappointed, and possibly heartbroken.
    • Four of Swords: You need some solitude so you can gather your thoughts.
    • Five of Swords: You are walking away from a situation that didn't serve you.
    • Six of Swords: You're transitioning and putting the past behind you.
    • Seven of Swords: You need to use your wits instead of aggression to win.
    • Eight of Swords: Avoid feeling powerless and instead realize you're in control.
    • Nine of Swords: You have some dark thoughts that are weighing you down.
    • Ten of Swords: You're about to face an inevitable end to a situation.
    • Page of Swords: You're full of passion and a desire to express yourself.
    • Knight of Swords: You're feeling particularly ambitious and driven right now.
    • Princess of Swords: You're about to make your ideas a reality very soon.
    • Prince of Swords: If you concentrate and focus, you'll achieve what you want.
    • Queen of Swords: Your intellect and clarity is a gift that people appreciate.
    • King of Swords: Your smarts and power help you achieve victory.
    • Ace of Pentacles: You're about to manifest what you wanted to attract.
    • Two of Pentacles: You're capable of juggling many responsibilities.
    • Three of Pentacles: Your wisdom and experience will help with your goals.
    • Four of Pentacles: You'll generate wealth if you stay focused on your goals.
    • Five of Pentacles: You're experiencing a period of loss right now.
    • Six of Pentacles: It's important for you to both give and receive.
    • Seven of Pentacles: Commit to your dreams in order to realize them.
    • Eight of Pentacles: You are getting closer to mastering your skill sets.
    • Nine of Pentacles: Be proud of what you've achieved in your career.
    • Ten of Pentacles: Share your success with others and uplift them.
    • Page of Pentacles: You're tapping into your power to achieve your goal.
    • Knight of Pentacles: It's time to remain responsible to get what you want.
    • Princess of Pentacles: Remain grounded during your creative endeavors.
    • Prince of Pentacles: Work diligently and manage your time wisely.
    • Queen of Pentacles: You're bound to experience prosperity and security.
    • King of Pentacles: You're on a path toward wealth and material success.
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About This Article

Susan Levitt
Co-authored by:
Tarot Card Reader
This article was co-authored by Susan Levitt and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Flamiano. Susan Levitt is a professional tarot card reader, astrologer, and feng shui consultant based in San Francisco, California since 1986. Susan is the author of five books that are published in several languages including Introduction To Tarot and Taoist Astrology. She posts tarot reading updates on Facebook, on Twitter @tarot_tweet, and her lunar blog. Her work has been featured on CNN and she was voted “Best Astrologer” by SF Weekly in San Francisco. This article has been viewed 2,099 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: February 28, 2023
Views: 2,099
Categories: Tarot Cards