Your alarm clock begins to ring, jarring you out of a blissful and deep sleep, but you just can’t seem to drag yourself out of bed. Maybe you try to ignore the irritating beeps, or maybe you just click “snooze” every few minutes, until you realize that you’re going to be late or that you’ve missed another opportunity to use those morning hours effectively. Find out how to get out of bed as soon as that alarm clock begins to ring.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Establishing a Rhythm

  1. 1
    Learn about the value of good quality sleep on your health and state of mind. Knowing more about how sleep can benefit your waking life can help you to make the extra effort to get enough sleep.
    • Getting enough high-quality sleep will make waking up less difficult.
    • Recognizing the importance of sleep may provide you a clear goal to work towards, which will help you establish the rhythm of sleep and waking with greater ease.
    • Read scientific research rather than advertisements for alarm clocks. Focus on getting healthy sleep for a better morning.
  2. 2
    Evaluate your sleep habits. Make sure you get enough sleep. The suggested sleep duration for healthy adults is between 7-8 hours a night, and getting less sleep can lead to a “sleep deficit,” which makes waking up in the morning even more challenging.[1]
    • Use a smartphone or tablet app that tracks your sleep cycle to determine the duration and quality of your sleep.
    • Keep a sleep log to analyze your sleep patterns and ascertain if external factors are disrupting your sleep. [2]
    • Try to track how many hours of quality sleep your body needs to feel energized the next day and commit to taking care of yourself in that manner every night.
  3. 3
    Choose an effective alarm clock or phone alarm setting. Sleep patterns are unique to each person, so you should investigate a number of options that might suit your habits. You may need to try several different types before determining the best choice for your needs.
    • Extremely loud alarm clocks can raise your blood pressure and jolt you more fully awake more quickly, although some experts recommend against this approach.[3]
    • Some alarms require mental exercises, such as solving a puzzle or answering questions, before you can turn off the alarm. Cognitive stimulation forces different regions of your brain to engage, thus combating sleep inertia.[5]
  4. 4
    Explore alarms that encourage gradual wakefulness rather than abrupt sleep interruption. These alarms operate within a time frame set either by your average sleep cycle or your own choice, using either sound or dawn simulation, and can help with morning alertness.[6] [7] Research suggests that these alarms are better for your overall health.[8]
    • Dawn alarms use special lamps or light bulbs and are set to your selected wake-time. The lights gradually increase in brightness over a period of several minutes, activating your natural circadian rhythm, just as sunlight does.[9]
    • Smart alarms monitor your sleep and wake you gradually when you’re in a lighter stage of sleep. They also track the quality of your sleep over time and can help you determine the healthiest wake-up time for your body and your habits. As a result, you’ll feel less “sleep inertia” and more quickly become alert and ready to start your day.[9]
    • Smart alarms can be purchased as standalone clocks, wearable/fitness technology, or smartphone applications, while dawn simulators are usually standalone alarms or applications associated with smarthome technology.
  5. 5
    Conduct a trial run on a weekend or a day with fewer morning responsibilities. Make sure your alarm clock and wake-up plan is effective and manageable for both yourself and your partner or roommate, if applicable.
    • Make sure the volume, if applicable, is enough to wake you up.
    • Verify that all settings are appropriate for your situation and that they work as promised.
  6. 6
    Make a commitment to wake up at the same time every morning. Getting out of bed at the same time every day will help your body become accustomed to waking up at a particular time. Your circadian rhythm controls your sleep/wake cycle, and a consistent alarm clock setting can help you train your body to be ready to wake up at a particular time.[11]
    • Tell someone you trust about your commitment to better sleep and wake-up habits. Making a change in habits is challenging, so ask your loved ones for support in your efforts.
    • Remind yourself, every day, of the value of good sleep and the inherent rewards of starting your day on time, like a more relaxed morning and being on time to school or work.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting High Quality Sleep

  1. 1
    Make healthy food choices. Eat nutritious foods throughout the day to keep your blood sugars balanced and your digestive system working smoothly.
    • Avoid simple sugars, caffeine, and high-fat foods, and instead focus on complex carbs, lean proteins, good fats, and fresh herbs to stimulate the hormone serotonin, which promotes sleep.[11]
    • Stop eating at least three hours before you plan to go to bed. Eating too close to bedtime may cause acid reflux or other gastrointestinal issues, which will negatively affect your sleep quality and make it harder to wake up.[12]
  2. 2
    Exercise every day at a moderately intense level for at least 20 minutes. Exercise burns calories and strengthens your cardiovascular system to help ease the stress that might keep you awake, and it will also expend any excess energy so that your body can relax.[13] [14]
    • Afternoon exercise sessions may be best, as the workout raises your body temperature, which then falls back to normal, which may lead to better sleep.[15]
    • Adjust your planned wake-up time, if necessary, to add an exercise routine in the morning.
  3. 3
    Set your alarm clock. Verify that you’ve set the time to the correct period of the day (AM or PM) and that your volume, snooze actions, and power supply are in place.
    • If you’re using a sound-based alarm, consider placing your clock at some distance from your bed so that you have to get up to turn it off.
    • If your alarm requires mental exercises, such as puzzles, place your clock near a light source so that you can see it more clearly, if necessary.
  4. 4
    Have a good night's sleep. Using your sleep evaluation, choose a bedtime that’s appropriate for the sleep you need, and take the time to prepare your body for rest.
    • Consider setting a time each night when all electronics are put away or turned off. Then, allow yourself 20-30 minutes of mental relaxation to let your body naturally fall asleep.
    • Consider relaxing or stress-relief habits before sleep, such as meditation, prayer, or relaxation techniques.[18] [17]
    • Make sure your mattress, pillows, and blankets are comfortable, and go through any before-bed rituals, like brushing your teeth and washing your face. Make your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet (or have some sort of white noise). [18]
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Waking Up

  1. 1
    Sit up immediately. Push the covers to one side, and sit on the edge of your bed with your feet planted firmly on the ground. The cool air on your extremeties may more rapidly decrease your feeling of sleepiness, or “sleep inertia.”[19]
    • If your alarm clock is next to your bed, on a night stand, stand fully upright before turning it off.
    • If your clock is situated at a distance from your bed, walk over to it and turn it off.
  2. 2
    Use your environment to help you continue to wake up. If you are alone, or if your partner or roommate must also wake up at this time, turn on all the lights and open your curtains and blinds.
    • The light will stimulate the photoreceptors in your retinas.[22] and send a “wake-up” signal to your brain.[23]
    • Open the windows, if possible, to help cool your hands and feet and encourage wakefulness.[22]
  3. 3
    Begin your morning routine immediately. Waiting too long might tempt you to lie back down for “just a few more minutes.”
    • Try brushing your teeth first, then showering or washing your face. The cool water and lights in the bathroom will stimulate your senses and help to diminish your sense of sleepiness.
  4. 4
    Start your day with physical activity. Getting moving will stimulate your nervous and cardiovascular systems.
    • Yoga stretches encourage deep breathing, which helps with wakefulness first thing in the morning, and will help you feel more peaceful and alert for the rest of the day.[23]
    • Aerobic exercise may help you become more alert as your heart rate increases and improves oxygen flow to your brain. Additionally, "fasted excercise," before breakfast, will improve the way your body stores fats and burns calories, which will improve your health and energy (and sleep).[24]
  5. 5
    Make and eat a healthy breakfast. Having the time to prepare a delicious meal as a reward for waking up on time might be just the right encouragement you need to get out of bed.
    • Fresh fruits can provide a boost of energy, along with delicious flavor, to get your day started on a positive note.[25]
    • Lean proteins, such as eggs, will provide more long-term energy and a sense of fullness, to help you avoid eating too much at lunch due to hunger.[26]
    • Complex carbohydrates also offer long-term energy, as your body digests them more slowly, as well as a nice burst of energy immediately after eating them.[27] [28]
  6. Advertisement


  7. or a clock or smartphone app that requires physical activity to get you out of bed and moving,
  1. <

About This Article

Mel Shipman
Co-authored by:
Certified Life Purpose Coach, Owner of NextLevel Life, LLC
This article was co-authored by Mel Shipman. Mel Shipman is a Certified Life Purpose Coach & Mindset Coach. With over seven years of experience, she specializes in helping women leaders and entrepreneurs achieve their goals by shifting their mindsets and self-limiting beliefs. Mel holds a BS in Biology from Bowling Green State University, two master’s degrees in Business Administration and Health Administration from Webster University, and is a doctoral candidate in Professional Coaching from The Monarch Business School Switzerland. She has also received her Life Purpose Coach Certification from the Rhema International Training Group and is credentialed through the Certified Coaches Alliance. This article has been viewed 152,769 times.
4 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 28
Updated: March 22, 2023
Views: 152,769
Categories: Waking Up