Making a slumber party unforgettable requires good planning and having lots of fun things to do. A slumber party lets everyone kick off their shoes and have fun. Rather than throwing a lackluster sleepover, here you'll learn what's needed for creating the best slumber party ever. Just be careful though––if it's too much fun, your friends won't want to leave!

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Inviting your slumber party pals

  1. 1
    Ask your parents for permission. It'd be disappointing to get all hyped up only to have your parents say no. Try be extra good around the house and not to ask multiple times as it doesn't help them make the decision you want them to.
    • Don't make a scene if your parents don't agree straight away. They may need time to think about it and if you throw a tantrum, that'll color their view negatively.
  2. 2
    Make a guest list. Invite all your close friends. Don't invite someone just because they are one of the "popular group", because they will either make it awkward or might play mean tricks. Invite only people you trust to come to your house.
    • Check with your parents how many people you're allowed to invite over.
  3. 3
    Confirm the guest list with your parents and sort out a date. The best way to make sure everyone can come is to, before you send out invitations, ask everyone if they are free on the date planned.
  4. 4
    Make the invitations. These can be made at home using a printer or you can purchase them if preferred. Write in the date, time, place and the names of each person invited. If they need to bring anything, make that clear too. Send the invitations out with plenty of time to spare.
    • A cute invitation idea: Pink and purple with cute red hearts.
    • It helps to remind your friends to bring PJs, sleeping bag and a pillow. If they also need to bring a stuffed toy, costume, DVDs, snacks, etc., write it down too.
    • If mailing the invitations is too much of a hassle or its summer and therefore you are unable to distribute them, consider sending out e-cards instead
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Planning the slumber party

  1. 1
    Plan the movie (or movies) you'll watch. If you want something scary then play "Nightmare on Elm Street". If you're going to play a funny girl's movie then play "Pitch Perfect". Any movie that you know your friends will love!
  2. 2
    Plan the food. Snacks are important. If you and your friends like spicy food then make some popcorn with chili pepper. If you like cheese, then get some crackers and make cheese dip.
    • Go to your local store and grab some junk food and soda! Cookies, soda and candies are essential. Also make sure that there are at least a few healthy options to eat such as fruit, juice and smoothies.
  3. 3
    Get all the supplies ready for the slumber party ahead of the date. Get drinks, cake, food, make up, games, CDs, and some movies. When you are at the store, be sure to get some nice air freshener too, you don't want your house to smell unpleasant.
  4. 4
    Schedule a time to clean the house before everyone arrives. Prepare space for your guest to sleep. If you have a blowup mattress than get that for your guest and prepare it before they arrive. If you are going to have a movie marathon, maybe set your living room out to sleep there with your guests so if you or your guest/s get tired you and your guest/s don't have to go to the trouble to go your beds and can just fall asleep right where you are.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Activity ideas

  1. 1
    Prepare things to do. Make sure you have some good things planned out to do while your guest/s are there as it can become boring when there isn't anything to do. Maybe have a board game, video games, movie marathon, makeovers, karaoke night, etc. That way there isn't much chance really of you or anyone else getting bored.
  2. 2
    Do outside activities. Try such activities as using bikes or scooters. Run around outside playing tag or other games. Roll down hills. Toss candy in the air and try to catch it in your mouth.
    • If it's summer, try swimming and water games.
  3. 3
    Do inside activities. Have a mini trampoline inside for bouncing up and down. Have a pillow fight using pillows as shields and long pillows as swords. Prank call your classmates (friends only though!). Make a fort. Hang out inside the fort.
    • Cook breakfast together in the morning.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

On the day of the slumber party

  1. 1
    Get the slumber party set up on the day of the event. Set up a big table for the drinks, food, and cake. Grab your cutest pajamas and softest blanket. Make sure your party room looks totally hot with posters, cool lights, and make up stations.
  2. 2
    Be nice and pleasant around the guests invited. Set a good image for yourself and smile lots. If you're rude, than people might remember your slumber party as bad, instead of an unforgettable night of awesomeness.
  3. 3
    Don't act bossy, or brag about your house. Give the party guests a tour of the party room or area, so that they feel comfortable. Do all events in order to keep the party organized and under control.
  4. 4
    Enjoy the slumber party. If you make new friends, you'll grow a great reputation. If you throw great parties, you will soon be very popular!
    • Have fun! Don't be all uptight and have a schedule for when certain things need to happen. Chill out, have fun and get a little sleep if possible, that's if you're not pulling an all-nighter!
    • If you're going somewhere with your guest/s the next day and have to wake up to be ready by a certain time, make waking them up fun! Sing a silly song, spray them with silly string, you get the idea.
  5. 5
    Give treat bags when guests leave. This will finish the event beautifully. Include things that you know your friends will enjoy, such as candies, scented erasers and small bottles of nail polish.
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  • If something bad happens to anyone, such as a medical emergency or even a minor injury make sure you're prepared for it. Have a first aid kit and have all the contact details of parents, just in case.


About This Article

Ivy Summer
Co-authored by:
Certified Wedding & Event Planner
This article was co-authored by Ivy Summer. Ivy Summer is a Certified Wedding Planner and the Owner of Voulez Events. Ivy has over 10 years of experience consulting, planning and coordinating weddings around the globe. She has also created a DIY online wedding planning workshop for couples, called "Plan Your Wedding Like A Pro." She currently resides in Greece where she continues to work with a worldwide network of planners and wedding professionals. This article has been viewed 63,515 times.
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Co-authors: 59
Updated: March 6, 2023
Views: 63,515
Categories: Sleep Overs