A Clockwork Orange, written by Anthony Burgess, is a compelling novel about morality and free will. Unfortunately, it can be a difficult read, especially the first few chapters, as much of the book is narrated in the fictional argot known as Nadsat (the "teenage" language). Read on to better comprehend this “subliminal penetration,“ which will consequently allow you to enjoy the book much more.


Understand what Nadsat is.

  1. Nadsat is a fictional language mainly derived from Russian words, but with an Anglicized twist. For example, the Russian word “golova” (which translates into something along the lines of “head”) is written as “gulliver” in the book. While the words are spelled differently than their Russian counterparts, many words (such as "gulliver") still retain the original Russian meaning.
    • There are words of other origins as well, such as French, German, and even some that Burgess invented.
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Translate a sentence from the book.

  1. Here's an excerpt from Part 1, Chapter 1. "There was a doddery starry schoolmaster type veck, glasses on and his rot open to the cold nochy air." From this sentence, we'd be able to immediately deduce a few things: we know that it mentions an old school professor ("schoolmaster" should give that away), he has glasses on, and some part of his body is open to the cold air (not many parts of the body can open or close, so it'd be either the eyes or the mouth (and for the sake of brevity, it's the mouth)).
    • Here's what that same sentence would look like in normal English: "There was a strange old school professor, glasses on and his mouth open to the cold night air."
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Things You'll Need

  • A copy of Anthony Burgess's book A Clockwork Orange.
  • A pen/pencil and paper.
  • A lot of free time.
  • Patience.
  • Persistence.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 53,509 times.
41 votes - 70%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: June 16, 2022
Views: 53,509
Categories: Fictional Languages