Many people make confuse the words "take" and "bring" but do not worry, it is easy to tell when to use each word. Read this article and it will help you whether you are coming or going.


  1. 1
    Realize that "take with me/you" and "bring with me/you" do not have the same meaning. Chances are you already know this, but if not it is an important first step. Even if you do recognize the differences at first glance, your subconscious mind may make these mistakes regardless.
  2. 2
    Identify the direction of motion. Both of these phrases refer to a person carrying an object to a location. The key to using them correctly is identifying if the motion will be to the speaker's location or not.
    • If the motion will be towards the speaker then the speaker should use bring. For example, while calling someone from your house about an upcoming visit: "Please bring the book you want to show me when you come to my house tomorrow."
    • If the motion will be to someplace other than the speaker's current location use the work "take." For example, when calling a friend about a visit you have planned at their house tomorrow: "Should I take the book I want to show you with me to your house tomorrow?" Also when the location is neither the speaker's or the listener's current location, use "take". For example: "Do you think I should take a jacket when we go hiking tomorrow?"
  3. 3
    Think before you speak. If you are interested in correcting your own usage then try to think a bit before you speak. This has other benefits as well.
  4. 4
    Correct yourself when you make a mistake. If you do this you will remember better each successive time.
  5. 5
    Do not become discouraged. It will take time to change your habits, so do not be angry with yourself if you are slow to change.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is it correct to say "Bring the programs with you to church"?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, especially if the speaker is (or will be) located at church.
  • Question
    Is it correct if I said, "Are you angry at me?"
    Top Answerer
    Yes. You could also say, "Are you angry with me?"


  • Do not try to change other people's speaking habits. Some people find this rude. Furthermore, if they don't want to make the change it will never happen.

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Co-authors: 7
Updated: May 6, 2021
Views: 53,952