If you've got a plain pair of shoes that you'd like to customize, try hydro dipping them. Hydro dipping is a fun process where you simply squirt spray paint into a tub of water and dip cloth shoes into it so the paint transfers to the fabric. The good news is you don't have to buy expensive supplies or kits. We'll tell you what materials you need and walk you through this simple process.


Wipe faux leather shoes with isopropyl alcohol.


Fill a plastic storage tub half full with lukewarm water.


Spray 2 or 3 cans of paint onto the surface of the water.

  1. Shake the cans really well and spray them until the water is covered with paint. You can use 2 cans if you just want a few colors or spray 3 if you want more colorful shoes. How you spray the paint is totally up to you! You could spray 1 color on 1 side of the water and spray the other color on the opposite side and swirl the colors together, or you could spray circles of color on the water so the different shades overlap.[6]
    • Although you can use other finishes like matte or satin, they may dry faster on the surface of the water, so it's harder to dip your shoes.
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Follow the manufacturer's instructions if you're using a hydro kit.

  1. Kits include hydrographic film that you activate in water. Start by preparing your shoes so they're clean and taped. To begin, lay the hydrographic film in a tub of warm water and let it sit for around 1 minute. Spray the top of the film with activator spray and let it sit for 1 minute. Then, submerge your shoe so the film coats it. Take out your shoe and rinse it with hot water until the glossy finish is gone.
    • Use a fresh piece of hydrographic film to dip the second shoe.
    • Some kits supply you with a dust mask and gloves. If yours doesn't come with them, just pick them up before you get started.

About This Article

Jessica Gibson
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Jessica Gibson is a Writer and Editor who's been with wikiHow since 2014. After completing a year of art studies at the Emily Carr University in Vancouver, she graduated from Columbia College with a BA in History. Jessica also completed an MA in History from The University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 12,492 times.
6 votes - 53%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: January 3, 2022
Views: 12,492
Categories: Shoe Decoration