This article was co-authored by Lia Huynh, LMFT and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Flamiano. Lia Huynh is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with over 20 years of experience. She specializes in providing counseling services for individuals, couples, Christians, and Asian Americans. Lia holds a BA in Psychology from The University of California, Los Angeles and an MS in Marriage and Family Therapy and Pupil Personnel Services from San Francisco State University.
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Spiritual messages tell a bereaved person that they’re in your heart. If someone has passed on and made their transition to Heaven, there are many beautiful words of condolences that you can share. Here, we'll provide quotes, prayers, and lines of Scripture that you can say out loud or write down. Read these touching examples to know exactly what to say spiritually when someone dies. You'll provide support to a person in need.
"My deepest sympathy and condolences. I know God will guide your deceased loved one’s soul to Heaven."
Tell the bereaved that their dearly departed is safe in the Lord’s hands. Share warm and heartfelt words of compassion, then praise the Lord’s plan for their loved one. You’ll remind them that the person they cherished is in your Savior's sanctuary.[1] X Research source
"I wish you comfort and strength during this difficult time. Please remember that you’ll always be in my prayers."
"I'm heartbroken by this loss. Your loved one was a blessing from the Lord, and we all have fond memories of them."
Bond with the griever by sharing warm recollections of their loved one. Embrace them and open up about your favorite moments with the dearly departed. When you share heartwarming times, you’ll tell the mourner that the person they loved lives on.[2] X Research source
"From the bottom of my heart, I believe your loved one is looking down on you from Paradise."
Comfort those who struggle with loss by saying that souls are eternal. When the bereaved feel as though they have lost touch with those they love the most, tell them that the deceased are with Christ. Speak about your faith and how you truly believe that those who have passed on are right above us in Paradise.[3] X Research source
“Their soul is in eternal peace. Here on Earth, we must reach out to our Savior for solace. I’m wishing for your healing.”
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3)
Remind anyone mourning that our Savior will tend to their spiritual pain. Acknowledge their anguish, but remind them that any heartache they’re going through is temporary. Share a beautiful Psalm that speaks about God’s glory and his all-powerful ability to heal even the most profound emotional wounds.[4] X Research source
“Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice.” (John 16:22)
Share words of Scripture that promise the passed on are not truly gone. When someone has lost a person they treasured and held dear, they may fear that they’ll never speak with the deceased again. Comfort them and remind them that the Creator made Heaven so they can reunite with those they love.
“For they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels.” (Luke 20:36)
Console a person by celebrating that their loved one resides in Paradise. Luke 20:36 is a beautiful line of Scripture to share because it rejoices in God’s glory and the gift of eternal life that he grants his followers. Embrace the bereaved and tell them that their loved one is now a being of light in Heaven.
“Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love.” (Lamentations 3:32)
“God is guiding me to assist you. I am here for you to lean on.”
Tell them that the Lord has inspired you to help them process their grief. Remind them that their emotional honesty is a gift that you cherish. Then, invite the bereaved to seek you out whenever they need support or to share their struggles. Finally, thank them for speaking their truth, even during hard times.
“Our church has you in our hearts. We are ready to come over with home-cooked meals and any other assistance you need.”
“Never hesitate to reach out. Grief has no time limit, and our community is always on your side."
“There is no pain like losing a parent. May our Holy Father watch over you. Our community is here for you.”
"It’s heartbreaking to be separated from a child. I know their soul is up in Heaven. May the Lord grant you strength.”
“I'm saddened by the passing of your beloved sibling. The Maker of Heaven and Earth will reunite you both.”
"I just received the painful news. My heart aches for you. I wish your family peace and healing as you process this loss.”
When someone has lost a relative, express support for the entire family. Whether they’ve lost a cousin, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, grandparent, or any other family member, this kind message acknowledges their grief. Remind them that the Lord and their loved ones will support them through this time.
“We’ll all remember your partner’s generosity and beautiful heart. May God guide you and surround you with love.”
If a person’s spouse or companion has passed, pray they’ll find support. Hold them in your heart as they grieve the person they shared their life with and celebrate all the wonderful traits of this individual. Reassure them that they’ll still experience love from their friends and the Lord as they cope with their loss.
“Your friend has ascended to Heaven with the angels. I know you’ll walk in the Lord’s light here on Earth.”
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