When playing capture the flag at night in the woods or any environment, much more skill comes into play. This will require some fast thinking. You also cannot be afraid of being alone in the woods at night. Get started capturing the flag at step number one below.


  1. 1
    Get hold of either camouflage or a dark outfit. Dark blues, grays, browns and greens tend to be less visible at night than actual black because of the silhouettes. Camouflage should match the local environment. The outfit must be comfortable and versatile. Waterproof, washable, durable clothing is desirable. Also, clothing should not be loud-this means no loose clothing that rubs together, things that jingle, or stiff clothing/shoes that creak. Sweats are best. Wear your outfit when playing.
  2. 2
    Build up speed and endurance before the game. Train by running, playing sports or doing any other exercise that helps to make you a fast runner with plenty of stamina.
  3. 3
    Head to the border when the game starts. Move carefully to the border, crawling or staying low at all times. Once there, wait for 20-30 seconds, checking for defenders. Lunge across the border in a low stance. Dive or step into the nearest brush or other cover (depending on the amount of time you think you have).
  4. 4
    Call for a distraction when you reach the enemy flag. Use a two way radio call for a distraction to happen 100–200 yards (91.4–182.9 m) opposite and behind your location.
    • If you do not have a radio, simply wait for someone to do something stupid.
  5. 5
    Grab the flag and wrap it around your arm so less of you seems to attract attention
  6. 6
    Call for a party of 4-5 people once you reach the border to surround you and run very fast to the border. The people around you can block tags from the other team, giving you some cover.
    • If no one else is available, sneak out the way you came in. This almost always works.
  7. 7
    Celebrate like crazy. Be sure to rub it in. Now you have bragging rights!
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I create a distraction by myself?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Throw a rock or stick in the opposite direction to make the other team think that you ran that way.
  • Question
    What do I do if there aren't any bushes around?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Wing it and run. If it is at night, make a rule that no flashlights are allowed. That way, it's harder to spot you. Be very quiet. Make a game plan, if you can.
  • Question
    What is the best way to guard the flag?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Always be on the lookout. Imagine how you would try to get the flag if you were on the opposing team, and take measures to counteract these approaches.


  • If the game is in a public area (park, etc) and the police show up, do NOT run. A cop seeing a person dressed in all blacks and camouflage will automatically give chase. Instead, calmly explain to the officer that you are playing capture the flag and give the time when you will be done. If a problem arises, call the organizer/team captain for explanation.
  • Watch out for motion sensor lights, especially in an urban environment, for this will give you away every time.
  • Don't take losing too hard--no one likes a sore loser. Remember, it's just a game. Simply call a rematch and beat them in that one.
  • Do not play near cliffs or in a dangerous neighborhood.
  • Be careful not to become dehydrated while playing, as this can lead to serious consequences. A water bottle is a good idea.
  • If playing in another's back yard or on private property of any sort, ALWAYS ask permission. You can get into serious trouble.
  • Make sure that certain objects (like radios or small flashlights) are allowed by the rules.
  • Firecrackers/other devices may be illegal where you are playing. They can also catch fire to whatever trees or grass are around you. Consider alternate remote noise-making devices (alarm clocks?).
  • Have some sort of game-wide identifier that EVERYONE playing knows in case someone from the street decides to start trouble.
  • Don't disturb the neighbors, you wouldn't like to be kept up all night.

Things You'll Need

  • Camouflage or dark clothing
  • A flag (preferably light colored)
  • (optional) 2-way radios, enough for a whole team--headsets with radios make this a lot more convenient
  • (optional) night vision goggles/scopes
  • (optional) noisemakers that can be activated at a distance (firecrackers, timed alarms i.e. egg timers, etc.)

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 28 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 50,254 times.
17 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 28
Updated: October 3, 2022
Views: 50,254
Categories: Tag and Chasing Games
Article SummaryX

To win at Capture the Flag at night, try hiding at the border right when the game starts. Then, once you have an opening, sneak across the border toward the other team's flag. Alternatively, you can run toward the flag in a group of 4-5 players so it's harder for the other team to tag and stop all of you. Either way, when you reach the flag, wrap it around your arm so you're less likely to draw attention to yourself when you run away. For more tips, like how to dress for nighttime Capture the Flag so you're less visible, read on!

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