حمل الله
حمل الله وابن الإنسان هما لقبان من ألقاب يسوع في العهد الجديد والمسيحية.[1][2][3] وحمل الله (في اللغة اللاتينية: Agnus Dei) أيضا إحدى الصلوات الكاثولیكیة.

تقديس الحمل للفنان يان فان آيك
- Matthias Reinhard Hoffmann (2005)، The Destroyer and the Lamb: The Relationship Between Angelomorphic and Lamb Christology in the Book of Revelation، Mohr Siebeck، ص. 117، ISBN 3-16-148778-8، مؤرشف من الأصل في 16 ديسمبر 2019،
1.2.2. Christ as the Passover Lamb from Exodus A number of features throughout Revelation seem to correspond to Exodus 12: The connection of Lamb and Passover, a salvific effect of the Lamb's blood and the punishment of God's (and His people's) opponents from Exodus 12 may possibly be reflected within the settings of the Apocalypse. The concept of Christ as a Passover lamb is generally not unknown in NT or early Christian literature, as can for instance be seen in 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1:19 or Justin Martyr's writing (Dial. 111:3). In the Gospel of John, especially, this connection between Christ and Passover is made very explicit.
- "Agnus Dei (in Liturgy)"article from الموسوعة الكاثوليكية نسخة محفوظة 25 ديسمبر 2017 على موقع واي باك مشين.
- Karl Gerlach (1998)، The Antenicene Pascha: A Rhetorical History، Peeters Publishers، ص. 21، مؤرشف من الأصل في 16 ديسمبر 2019،
Long before this controversy, Ex 12 as a story of origins and its ritual expression had been firmly fixed in the Christian imagination. Though before the final decades of the second century only accessible as an exegetical tradition, already in the Paulin letters the Exodus saga is deeply involved with the celebration of bath and meal. Even here, this relationship does not suddenly appear, but represents developments in ritual narrative that mus have begun at the very inception of the Christian message. Jesus of Nazareth was crucifed during Pesach-Mazzot, an event that a new covenant people of Jews and Gentiles both saw as definitive and defining. Ex 12 is thus one of the few reliable guides for tracing the synergism among ritual, text, and kerygma before the Council of Nicaea.
- بوابة المسيحية
- بوابة يسوع
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