1950 USSR Chess Championship

The 1950 Soviet Chess Championship was the 18th edition of USSR Chess Championship. Held from 10 November to 12 December 1950 in Moscow. The tournament was won by Paul Keres. Keres, Isaac Boleslavsky and Smyslov entered the final directly. The final were preceded by seven quarter-finals and five semifinals (at Leningrad, Tula, Tartu, Kiev and Gorky).[1]

18th Soviet Chess Championship (1950)
Paul Keres

Table and results

18th Soviet Chess Championship (1950)
1 Soviet Union Paul Keres -½½1½½011110½1½1½111½
2 Soviet Union Isaac Lipnitsky ½-½1010½1½½1½1011111
3 Soviet Union Alexander Tolush ½½-01½1½0110½11½1111
4 Soviet Union Lev Aronin 001-10½10111½½1½1111
5 Soviet Union Alexander Konstantinopolsky ½100-½½1½½½½½11½1½10
6 Soviet Union Vassily Smyslov ½0½1½-½0½½1½1½101110
7 Soviet Union Vladimir Alatortsev 110½½½-0½½0½1½½1019
8 Soviet Union Isaac Boleslavsky 0½½0011-11½½01½½½½9
9 Soviet Union Efim Geller 0011½½½0-0½11100119
10 Soviet Union Salo Flohr 0½00½½½01-1½1½11½½9
11 Soviet Union Vladas Mikenas 0½00½01½½0-10½1111
12 Soviet Union Tigran Petrosian 1010½½½½0½0-1001½18
13 Soviet Union Igor Bondarevsky ½½½½½0010010-11½½½8
14 Soviet Union Yuri Averbakh 000½0½½00½½10-1½117
15 Soviet Union Alexey Suetin ½10000½½100100-110
16 Soviet Union Georgy Borisenko 00½½½10½1000½½0-1½
17 Soviet Union Alexey Sokolsky ½000001½0½0½½000-½4
18 Soviet Union Victor Liublinsky 0000½00½0½00½01½½-4


  1. Cafferty, Bernard. (2016). The Soviet Championships. Londres: Everyman Chess. p. 71
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