1959 USSR Chess Championship

The 1959 Soviet Chess Championship was the 26th edition of USSR Chess Championship which was held from 9 January to 11 February 1959 in Tbilisi. The tournament was won by Tigran Petrosian. The final were preceded by semifinals events at Baku, Moscow, Rostov and Tashkent.[1][2]

Tigran Petrosian

26th Soviet Chess Championship (1959)
Tigran Petrosian

Table and results

26th Soviet Chess Championship (1959)
1 Soviet Union Tigran Petrosian -½½½½½½1½1½1½11½111½13½
2 Soviet Union Mikhail Tal ½-½½½1½10½1010½1111112½
3 Soviet Union Boris Spassky ½½-½00½½1111½½½1½11112½
4 Soviet Union Ratmir Kholmov ½½½-1½1½½110½011½1½½12
5 Soviet Union Mark Taimanov ½½10-0½1½½11½1½1½1½½12
6 Soviet Union Lev Polugaevsky ½01½1-0½1½0½0111½½½111
7 Soviet Union Paul Keres ½½½0½1-½1½0½1½½½101½10½
8 Soviet Union Yuri Averbakh 00½½0½½-1½½½1½½½111½10½
9 Soviet Union Viktor Korchnoi ½10½½000-11½1½01½½1½10
10 Soviet Union Anatoly Lutikov 0½00½½½½0-11½½101½1½
11 Soviet Union Efim Geller ½000011½00-½½11½½½11
12 Soviet Union Eduard Gufeld 01010½½½½0½-½½½½1½½½9
13 Soviet Union David Bronstein ½0½½½1000½½½-1½½½1019
14 Soviet Union Yacov Yuchtman 01½100½½½½0½0-½01½½1
15 Soviet Union Semyon Furman 0½½0½0½½100½½½-½0½118
16 Soviet Union Bukhuti Gurgenidze ½00000½½01½½½1½-½½0½7
17 Soviet Union Evgeni Vasiukov 00½½½½00½0½0½01½-½1½7
18 Soviet Union Nikolai Krogius 00000½10½½½½0½½½½-½½
19 Soviet Union Rashid Nezhmetdinov 000½½½00000½1½010½-16
20 Soviet Union Alexander Nikitin ½00½½0½½½½0½000½½½0-


  1. Cafferty, Bernard (2016). The Soviet Championships. London: Everyman Chess. p. 99.
  2. Soltis, Andy. (2000). Soviet chess, 1917-1991. McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0676-3. OCLC 41940198.
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