1968 USSR Chess Championship

The 1968 Soviet Chess Championship was the 36th edition of USSR Chess Championship. Held from 30 December 1968 to 1 February 1969 in Alma-Ata. The tournament was won by Lev Polugaevsky who defeats Alexander Zaitsev in a play-off match. The non-attendance of stars such as David Bronstein, Tigran Petrosian, Boris Spassky, all away at foreign tournaments made it not too strong an event, especially in conjunction with the absence of Paul Keres. Mikhail Tal was ill again, after a year in which he spent a lot of time in hospital under observation.[1][2]

36th Soviet Chess Championship
Lev Polugaevsky

Table and results

36th Soviet Chess Championship
1 Soviet Union Alexander Zaitsev -½1½1½½½1½½1½½½½½1½112½
2 Soviet Union Lev Polugaevsky ½-11½½1½½½½01½½½1½1112½
3 Soviet Union Anatoly Lutikov 00-00½½1101½111½½11111½
4 Soviet Union Vladimir Liberzon ½01-0½½½½110½1½1½1½½11
5 Soviet Union Vitaly Tseshkovsky 0½11-½½0½10½½110101111
6 Soviet Union Ratmir Kholmov ½½½½½-½½01½½1½½½½1½½10½
7 Soviet Union Mikhail Podgaets ½0½½½½-½1½0½½½½11½½110½
8 Soviet Union Mikhail Tal ½½0½1½½-00½½1½½1101110½
9 Soviet Union Janis Klovans 0½0½½101-1½½½0½1011110½
10 Soviet Union Evgeni Vasiukov ½½1000½10-½½0½½1111110½
11 Soviet Union Anatoly Lein ½½001½1½½½-1010½½1½½10
12 Soviet Union Yuri Averbakh 01½1½½½½½½0-½0½½½11½10
13 Soviet Union Viatcheslav Osnos ½00½½0½0½11½-1½½1½½110
14 Soviet Union Yuri Sakharov ½½000½½½1½010-1½0½119
15 Soviet Union Vladimir Bagirov ½½0½0½½½½½1½½0-0½½½1
16 Soviet Union Bukhuti Gurgenidze ½½½01½0000½½½½1-½½1½
17 Soviet Union Igor Zaitsev ½0½½0½0010½½01½½-1½1
18 Soviet Union Igor Platonov 0½0010½10000½½½½0-½1
19 Soviet Union Alexander Cherepkov ½00½0½½000½0½0½0½½-0
20 Soviet Union Yury Nikitin 000½0½0000½½000½001-


March 1969
Soviet Union Lev Polugaevsky½0½1½1
Soviet Union Alexander Zaitsev½1½0½0


  1. Cafferty, Bernard (2016). The Soviet Championships. London: Everyman Chess. p. 140.
  2. Soltis, Andy. (2000). Soviet chess, 1917-1991. McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0676-3.
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