1973 in spaceflight

1973 saw the launch of the first American Space station known as Skylab on a Saturn rocket.

1973 in spaceflight
Orbital launches
First8 January
Last29 December


Date and time (UTC) Rocket Flight number Launch site LSP
(⚀ = CubeSat)
Operator Orbit Function Decay (UTC) Outcome


8 January
Soviet Union Proton-K Soviet Union Baikonur Site 81
Soviet Union Luna 21/Lunokhod 2 MOM Selenocentric Lunar rover15 January 1973 (At Moon)Successful
11 January
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Kosmos 543 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance24 January 1973Successful
20 January
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 544 (Tselina-O) MO SSSR Low Earth ELINT15 June 1980Successful
24 January
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 545 (DS-P1-Yu) MO SSSR Low Earth 31 July 1973Successful
26 January
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Kapustin Yar Site 107
Soviet Union Kosmos 546 (Tsiklon mockup) MO SSSR Low Earth BoilerplateIn orbitSuccessful


1 February
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet UnionKosmos 547 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance13 February 1973Successful
3 February
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Molniya 1-23 MOM Molniya Communication23 October 1977Successful
8 February
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 548 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance21 February 1973Successful
15 February
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Baikonur Site 31/6
Soviet Union Prognoz-3 MOM Molniya Solar flare detection31 December 1976Successful
26 February
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 549 (Tselina-O) MO SSSR Low Earth ELINT29 June 1980Successful


1 March
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 550 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance11 March 1973Successful
6 March
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Kosmos 551 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance20 March 1973Successful
6 March
United States Atlas-Agena SLV-3A United States Cape Canaveral SLC-13
United States Rhyolite 2 US Air Force Geosynchronous ELINTIn orbitSuccessful
9 March
United States Titan IIID United States Vandenberg SLC-4E
United States KH-9 NRO / CIA Low Earth Reconnaissance17 March 1973Successful
20 March
Soviet Union Vostok (R-7 8A92M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Meteor 1-14 MOM Low Earth WeatherIn orbitSuccessful
22 March
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 552 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance3 April 1973Successful
Soviet Union Nauka MOM Low Earth Technology9 April 1973Successful


3 April
Soviet Union Proton-K Soviet Union Baikonur Site 81
Soviet Union Salyut 2 (Almaz) MOM Low Earth Space Station28 May 1973Failure
Depressurised before crew launch could occur
5 April
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Molniya 2-5 MOM Molniya Communications6 January 1979Successful
6 April
United States Atlas SLV-3D Centaur United States Cape Canaveral SLC-36B
United States Pioneer 11 (Pioneer G) NASA Heliocentric to Solar escape Planetary probeIn orbitSuccessful
First spacecraft to visit Saturn
Maiden flight of Atlas SLV-3D Centaur rocket.
12 April
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 133
Soviet Union Kosmos 553 (DS-P1-Yu) MO SSSR Low Earth 11 November 1973Successful
19 April
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 554 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance7 May 1973Successful
Destroyed in orbit after deactivation
19 April
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Kapustin Yar Site 86
Soviet Union InterKosmos 9 Interkosmos Low Earth Solar radiation detectionIn orbitSuccessful
20 April
United States Delta (1914) United States Cape Canaveral SLC-17B
United States Anik A2 Telesat Geosynchronous CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
25 April Soviet Union Tsyklon-2 Soviet Union Baikonur Site 90
Soviet Union US-A MO SSSR Intended: Low Earth Ocean surveillance25 April 1973Failure
Engine failure
25 April
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 555 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance7 May 1973Successful
Soviet Union Nauka MOM Low Earth Scientific research9 May 1973Successful


5 May
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 556 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance14 May 1973Successful
11 May
Soviet Union Proton-K Soviet Union Baikonur Site 81
Soviet Union Kosmos 557 (Salyut / Zarya) MOM Low Earth Space Station22 May 1973Failure
Loss of control in orbit
14 May
United States Saturn V United States Kennedy LC-39A NASA
United States Skylab NASA Low Earth Space Station11 July 1979Successful
First American Space Station
Last flight of the Saturn V rocket
Damaged during launch, but repaired
16 May
United States Titan IIIB (24B) United States Vandenberg SLC-4W
United States OPS 2093 (KH-8) NRO / US Air Force Low Earth Reconnaissance13 June 1973Successful
17 May
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 133
Soviet Union Kosmos 558 (DS-P1-Yu) MOM Low Earth 22 December 1973Successful
18 May
Soviet Union Soyuz-U (R-7 11A511U) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 559 (Zenit-4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance23 May 1973Successful
Maiden flight of Soyuz-U carrier rocket
21 May
France Diamant-B France Kourou SEREB
France Castor CNES Intended:Low Earth Technology21 May 1973Failure
France Pollux CNES Intended:Low Earth Technology  
Final flight of Diamant-B
Fairing failed to separate
23 May
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 560 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance5 June 1973Successful
25 May Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Zaliv (Tsiklon) RVSN Intended: Low Earth Navigation25 May 1973Failure
Failed to reach orbit
25 May
United States Saturn IB United States Kennedy LC-39B NASA
United States Skylab 2, 3 Astronauts NASA Low Earth, docked to Skylab Crewed orbital flight22 June 1973Successful
First crewed flight to Skylab
25 May
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 561 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance6 June 1973Successful
Soviet Union Nauka MOM Low Earth Gamma ray telescope20 June 1973Successful
29 May
Soviet Union Vostok (R-7 8A92M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Meteor 1-15 MOM Low Earth WeatherIn orbitSuccessful


5 June
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 133
Soviet Union Kosmos 562 (DS-P1-Yu) MOM Low Earth 7 January 1974Successful
6 June
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 563 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance18 June 1973Successful
8 June
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 564 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 565 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 566 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 567 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 568 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 569 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 570 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 571 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationsIn orbitSuccessful
10 June
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Kosmos 572 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance23 June 1973Successful
10 June
United States Delta (1913) United States Cape Canaveral SLC-17B
United States Explorer 49 (RAE) NASA Selenocentric AstronomyIn orbitSuccessful
12 June
United States Titan IIIC United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40
United States DSP F-4 (IMEWS 4) US Air Force Geosynchronous Missile early warningIn orbitSuccessful
15 June
Soviet Union Soyuz (R-7 11A511) Soviet Union Baikonur Site 1/5
Soviet Union Kosmos 573 (Soyuz 7K-T) MOM Low Earth Test spacecraft17 June 1973
20 June
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 574 (Tsiklon) MO SSSR Low Earth NavigationIn orbitSuccessful
21 June
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 575 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance3 July 1973Successful
26 June
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Tselina-O RVSN Intended: Low Earth SIGINTNever left groundFailure
Exploded on pad after fuelling error; 9 killed
26 June
United States Titan IIIB (24B) United States Vandenberg SLC-4W
United States OPS 4018 (KH-8) US Air Force Intended: Low Earth Reconnaissance26 June 1973Failure
Agena upper stage malfunction; Failed to reach orbit
27 June
Soviet Union Soyuz-M (R-7 11A511M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 576 (Zenit-4MT / Orion) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance9 July 1973Successful


4 July Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 43
Soviet Union (Zenit 4M) MOM Intended: Low Earth Reconnaissance4 July 1973Successful
11 July
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Molniya 2-6 MOM Molniya Communication5 August 1978Successful
13 July
United States Titan III D United States Vandenberg SLC-4E
United States OPS 8261 (KH-9) NRO / CIA Low Earth Reconnaissance12 October 1973Successful
16 July
United States Delta (0300) United States Vandenberg SLC-2W
United States ITOS E NASA / NOAA Intended: Low Earth Weather16 July 1973Failure
Second stage malfunction
21 July
Soviet Union Proton-K Soviet Union Baikonur Site 81
Soviet Union Mars 4 MOM Intended: Areocentric
Actual: Heliocentric
Mars orbiterIn orbitFailure
Retro-rockets failed, did not enter Martian orbit
25 July
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 577 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance7 August 1973Successful
25 July
Soviet Union Proton-K Soviet Union Baikonur Site 81
Soviet Union Mars 5 MOM Areocentric Mars orbiterIn orbitPartial Failure
Computer malfunction a few days after entering Martian orbit
28 July
United States Saturn IB United States Kennedy LC-39B NASA
United States Skylab 3, 3 Astronauts NASA Low Earth, docked to Skylab Crewed orbital flight25 September 1973Partial Failure
Thruster malfunction, nearly required rescue mission


1 August
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 578 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance13 August 1973Successful
5 August
Soviet Union Proton-K Soviet Union Baikonur Site 81
Soviet Union Mars 6 MOM Heliocentric Mars lander12 March 1974Failure
Disappeared shortly before landing
8 August
Soviet Union Proton-K Soviet Union Baikonur Site 81
Soviet Union Mars 7 MOM Heliocentric Mars landerIn orbitFailure
Missed planet due to premature separation
17 August
United States Thor-Burner 2A United States Vandenberg SLC-10W
United States DMSP 5B F-4 US Air Force Low Earth WeatherIn orbitSuccessful
21 August
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 579 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance3 September 1973Successful
21 August
United States Titan IIIB (33B) United States Vandenberg SLC-4W
United States OPS 7724 (Jumpseat 3) NRO / US Air Force Molniya SIGINTIn orbitSuccessful
22 August
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 133
Soviet Union Kosmos 580 (DS-P1-Yu) MO SSSR Low Earth 1 April 1974Successful
23 August
United States Atlas SLV-3D Centaur United States Cape Canaveral LC-36A
United States Intelsat IV F7 Intelsat Geosynchronous CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
24 August
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Kosmos 581 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance6 September 1973Successful
28 August
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 582 (Tselina-O) MO SSSR Low Earth ELINT5 September 1980Successful
30 August
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Molniya 1-24 MOM Molniya Communication5 December 1979Successful
30 August
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Kosmos 583 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance12 September 1973Successful


6 September
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 584 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance20 September 1973Successful
8 September
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 585 (Sfera) MO SSSR Low Earth In orbitSuccessful
14 September
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 586 (Tsiklon) MO SSSR Low Earth NavigationIn orbitSuccessful
18 September China Feng Bao 1 (FB1) China Jiuquan LA-2B
China JSSW 1 Intended: Low Earth Reconnaissance18 September 1973Failure
21 September
Soviet Union Soyuz-U (R-7 11A511U) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 587 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance4 October 1973Successful
27 September
Soviet Union Soyuz (R-7 11A511) Soviet Union Baikonur Site 1/5
Soviet Union Soyuz 12, 2 Cosmonauts MOM Low Earth Crewed orbital flight29 September 1973Successful
Return-to-flight after Soyuz 11 incident
27 September
United States Titan IIIB (24B) United States Vandenberg SLC-4W
United States OPS 6275 (KH-8) Low Earth Reconnaissance29 October 1973Successful


2 October
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 588 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 589 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 590 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 591 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 592 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 593 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 594 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 595 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
3 October
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 596 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance9 October 1973Failure
Soviet Union Nauka RVSN Low Earth Magnetosphere9 October 1973Successful
Parachute failed to deploy during recovery
6 October
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 597 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance12 October 1973Successful
10 October
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 598 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance16 October 1973Successful
15 October
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Kosmos 599 (Zenit 2M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance28 October 1973Successful
16 October
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 600 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance23 October 1973Successful
16 October
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 133
Soviet Union Kosmos 601 (DS-P1-Yu) MO SSSR Low Earth 15 August 1984Successful
19 October
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Molniya 2-7 MOM Molniya Communication8 July 1983Successful
20 October
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 602 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance29 October 1973Successful
26 October
United States Delta (1913) United States Cape Canaveral SLC-17B
United States Explorer 50 (IMP) NASA High Earth MagnetosphereIn orbitSuccessful
27 October
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 603 (Zenit 4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance9 November 1973Successful
29 October
Soviet Union Vostok (R-7 8A92M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 604 (Tselina) MOM Low Earth SIGINT19 January 1992Successful
30 October
United States Scout A-1 United States Vandenberg SLC-5 Vought
United States Transit-O 20 US Navy Low Earth NavigationIn orbitSuccessful
Final flight of Scout A rocket
30 October
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Interkosmos 10 (DS-U2-IK) Interkosmos Low Earth Geophysics1 July 1977Successful
31 October
Soviet Union Soyuz-U (R-7 11A511U) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 43
Soviet Union Kosmos 605 (Bion 1) MOM Low Earth Biology22 November 1973Successful


2 November
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 41
Soviet Union Kosmos 606 (Oko) MOM Molniya Missile Early WarningIn orbitSuccessful
3 November
United States Atlas SLV-3D Centaur United States Cape Canaveral SLC-36B
United States Mariner 10 NASA Heliocentric Planetary probe24 March 1975Successful
Flybys of Venus and Mercury
First spacecraft to visit Mercury
6 November
United States Delta (0300) United States Vandenberg SLC-2W NASA
United States NOAA 3 (ITOS-F) NASA / NOAA Low Earth WeatherIn orbitSuccessful
Final flight of Delta 0100 series
10 November
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 607 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance22 November 1973Successful
10 November
United States Titan III D United States Vandenberg SLC-4E
United States OPS 6630 (KH-9) NRO / CIA Low Earth Reconnaissance13 March 1974Successful
United States OPS 7705 (SSF) NRO / US Air Force Low Earth SIGINT26 December 1978Successful
United States OPS 6630 P/L 2 (SSF) NRO / US Air Force Low Earth SIGINTIn orbitSuccessful
14 November
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Molniya 1-25 MOM Molniya Communication26 May 1979Successful
16 November
United States Saturn IB United States Kennedy LC-39B NASA
United States Skylab 4 NASA Low Earth, docked to Skylab Crewed orbital flight8 February 1974Successful
Final flight of Skylab programme
20 November
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 133
Soviet Union Kosmos 608 (DS-P1-Yu) MO SSSR Low Earth 10 July 1974Successful
21 November
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Baikonur
Soviet Union Kosmos 609 (Zenit-4M) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance4 December 1973Successful
27 November
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 610 (Tselina-O) MO SSSR Low Earth SIGINT / ELINT15 September 1980Successful
28 November
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 133
Soviet Union Kosmos 611 (DS-P1-Yu) MO SSSR Low Earth 19 June 1974Successful
28 November
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 612 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance11 December 1973Successful
30 November
Soviet Union Soyuz (R-7 11A511) Soviet Union Baikonur Site 1/5
Soviet Union Kosmos 613 (Soyuz 7K-T) MOM Low Earth Test spacecraft29 January 1974
30 November
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Molniya 1-26 MOM Molniya Communication9 June 1985Successful


4 December
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 614 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
13 December
Soviet Union Kosmos-2I (R-12 11K63) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 133
Soviet Union Kosmos 615 (DS-P1-I) MO SSSR Low Earth 17 December 1975Successful
13 December
United States Titan IIIC United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40
United States DSCS II F-3 US Air Force Geosynchronous Communication1 August 1982Successful
United States DSCS II F-4 US Air Force Geosynchronous Communication20 December 1993Successful
16 December
United States Delta (1900) United States Vandenberg SLC-2W NASA
United States Explorer 51 (AE-C) NASA Low Earth / Medium Earth Atmospheric12 December 1978Successful
17 December
Soviet Union Soyuz-M (R-7 11A511M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 616 (Zenit 4MT) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance28 December 1973Successful
18 December
Soviet Union Soyuz (R-7 11A511) Soviet Union Baikonur Site 1/5
Soviet Union Soyuz 13, 2 Cosmonauts MOM Low Earth Crewed orbital flight26 December 1973Successful
Orion 2 Astrophysics / Astronomy
19 December
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 617 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 618 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 619 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 620 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 621 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 622 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 623 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
Soviet Union Kosmos 624 (Strela) MO SSSR Low Earth CommunicationIn orbitSuccessful
21 December
Soviet Union Voskhod (R-7 11A57) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Kosmos 625 (Zenit 4MK) MOM Low Earth Reconnaissance3 January 1974Successful
25 December
Soviet Union Molniya-M (R-7 8K78M) Soviet Union Plesetsk
Soviet Union Molniya 2-8 MOM Molniya Communication24 November 1985Successful
26 December
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Aureole 2 (DS-U2-GKA) MO SSSR / CNES Low Earth Auroral research30 April 1974Successful
27 December
Soviet Union Tsyklon-2 Soviet Union Baikonur Site 90
Soviet Union Kosmos 626 (US-A / RORSAT) MO SSSR Low Earth Ocean Reconnaissance22 March 1974Successful
29 December
Soviet Union Kosmos-3M (R-14 11K65M) Soviet Union Plesetsk Site 132
Soviet Union Kosmos 627 (Tsiklon) MO SSSR Low Earth NavigationIn orbitSuccessful

Deep Space Rendezvous

Date (GMT) Spacecraft Event Remarks
15 JanuaryLuna 21Delivered Lunokhod 2 between Mare Serenitatis and the Taurus Mountains
15 JuneExplorer 49Entered Selenocentric orbitRadio telescope
3 DecemberPioneer 10Flyby of JupiterClosest approach: 130,354 kilometres (80,998 mi)


Start Date/Time Duration End Time Spacecraft Crew Remarks
26 May
40 minutes 01:20 CM-116
United StatesPaul J. Weitz Using a 10-foot (3.0 m) long tool, Weitz stood in the open hatch of the Command Module (as Joe Kerwin held onto his legs) and tried to remove a strap preventing the release of a solar panel on Skylab.[1]
7 June
3 hours
25 minutes
18:40 Skylab
United StatesPete Conrad
United StatesJoseph P. Kerwin
Used long-handled cable cutters to remove debris that prevented the solar array system from deploying and then forced the solar array system to deploy, providing the Skylab with electrical power needed to operate.
19 June
1 hour
36 minutes
12:31 Skylab
United StatesPete Conrad
United StatesPaul J. Weitz
Replaced exposed film cassettes with fresh film and repaired an electrical contact.
6 August
6 hours
31 minutes
7 August
United StatesOwen K. Garriott
United StatesJack R. Lousma
Erected a twin-pole solar shield to improve temperature control in Skylab, replaced film cassettes in the solar observatory and installed micrometeoroid detection panels.
24 August
4 hours
31 minutes
20:55 Skylab
United StatesOwen K. Garriott
United StatesJack R. Lousma
Installed a new gyroscope selection box, and replaced the film in the solar observatory.
22 September
2 hours
41 minutes
13:59 Skylab
United StatesOwen K. Garriott
United StatesAlan Bean
Replaced the film on the solar observatory and collected the Thermal Coatings Experiment Panel for return to Earth.[2]
22 November
6 hours
33 minutes
23 November
United StatesEdward Gibson
United StatesWilliam R. Pogue
Replaced the film on the solar observatory and repaired the antenna for the Earth resources experiment package.
25 December
7 hours
1 minute
23:01 Skylab
United StatesGerald P. Carr
United StatesWilliam R. Pogue
Used the extreme ultraviolet electronographic camera and the coronagraph contamination camera to photograph Comet Kohoutek. They also replaced the film on the solar observatory.
29 December
3 hours
29 minutes
20:29 Skylab
United StatesGerald P. Carr
United StatesEdward Gibson
Photographed Comet Kohoutek as it appeared from behind the Sun and recovered the Thermal Control Coatings Experiment panel.


  • Bergin, Chris. "NASASpaceFlight.com".
  • Clark, Stephen. "Spaceflight Now".
  • Kelso, T.S. "Satellite Catalog (SATCAT)". CelesTrak.
  • Krebs, Gunter. "Chronology of Space Launches".
  • Kyle, Ed. "Space Launch Report". Archived from the original on 5 October 2009. Retrieved 13 August 2022.
  • McDowell, Jonathan. "Jonathan's Space Report".
  • Pietrobon, Steven. "Steven Pietrobon's Space Archive".
  • Wade, Mark. "Encyclopedia Astronautica".
  • Webb, Brian. "Southwest Space Archive".
  • Zak, Anatoly. "Russian Space Web".
  • "ISS Calendar". Spaceflight 101.
  • "NSSDCA Master Catalog". NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
  • "Space Calendar". NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  • "Space Information Center". JAXA.
  • "Хроника освоения космоса" [Chronicle of space exploration]. CosmoWorld (in Russian).
Generic references:
 Spaceflight portal


  1. Belew, Leland F. (1977). "Skylab, Our First Space Station" (PDF). NASA. p. 61. Archived (PDF) from the original on 17 March 2010. Retrieved 7 February 2009.
  2. Ledbetter, James (1974). "Skylab Crew Systems Mission Evaluation" (PDF). NASA. pp. 301, p.338. Archived (PDF) from the original on 26 June 2008. Retrieved 11 February 2009.

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