List of dyes

This is a list of dyes with Colour Index International generic names and numbers and CAS Registry numbers.

Common name Synonyms C.I. generic name C.I. number Class CAS number
Acid Blue AS Weak Acid Blue Acid Blue 25 62055 anthraquinone 6408-78-2
Acid fuchsin Acid Magenta
Acid Rubin
Acid Violet 19 42685 triarylmethane 3244-88-0
Acid orange 3 Acid orange 3 10385 nitro 6373-74-6
Acid orange 19 Acid Orange 19 14690 azo 3058-98-8
Acid orange 20 Orange I Acid Orange 20 14600 azo 523-44-4
Acid Red 13 Fast red E Acid red 13 16045 azo 2302-96-7
Acid red 25 Acid red 25 16050 azo 5858-93-5
Acid red 88 Fast red A Acid red 88 15620 azo 1658-56-6
Acid Red 95 Erythrosine Y
Acid red 95 45425 xanthene 33239-19-9
Acridine orange Euchrysine Basic Orange 14 46005 acridine 494-38-2
Acridine red 3B 45000 pyronin 2465-29-4
Acriflavine Trypaflavine 46000 acridine 65589-70-0
10597-46-3 (hydrochloride)
Alcian Blue 8GX Alcian Blue Ingrain Blue 1 74240 phthalocyanine 75881-23-1
Alcian yellow GXS Sudan orange Ingrain yellow 1 12840 azo 61968-79-1
Alizarin Turkey red Mordant red 11
Pigment red 83
58000 anthraquinone 72-48-0
Alizarin blue 67410 anthraquinone 66675-89-6
Alizarin cyanin BBS Anthracene blue SWX Mordant blue 23 58610 anthraquinone 8005-67-2
Alizarin Red S alizarin carmine Mordant red 3 58005 anthraquinone 130-22-3
Alizarin Violet Gallein Mordant violet 25 45445 fluorone 2103-64-2
Alizarin yellow GG Mordant yellow 1 14025 azo 584-42-9
Alizarin yellow R Mordant orange 1 14030 azo 1718-34-9 (Na salt)
2243-76-7 (acid)
Alkali blue Alkali blue 4B
Alkali blue 5B
Acid blue 110 42750 triarylmethane 62152-67-4
Alkannin Anchusin Natural red 20 75530 natural 517-88-4
Allura Red AC Food red 17 16035 azo 25956-17-6
Amaranth Azorubin S Acid red 27 16185 azo 915-67-3
Amido black 10B Amidoschwarz
Naphthol blue black
Acid black 1 20470 diazo 1064-48-8
Aniline black Pigment black 1
Oxidation base 1
50440 azine 13007-86-8
Aniline Yellow Sudan yellow R
Induline R
Solvent yellow 1 11000 azo 60-09-3
Anthracene blue SWR Alizarin blue 2RC Mordant blue 32 58605 anthraquinone 6372-24-6
Anthrapurpurin 1,2,7-Trihydroxyanthraquinone 58255 anthraquinone 602-65-3
Apigenin Chamomile Natural yellow 1 75580 natural 520-36-5
Apocarotenal Food orange 6 40820 carotenoid 1107-26-2
Archil red Acid red 74 13355 azo 6300-18-1
Astaxanthin carotenoid 472-61-7
Astra blue 6GLL Astrablau Basic blue 140 743516 phthalocyanine 61724-62-7
Auramine O Canary yellow Basic yellow 2 41000 diarylmethane 2465-27-2
Aurin Rosolic acid
43800 triarylmethane 603-45-2
Aurintricarboxylic acid ATA triarylmethane 4431-00-9
Azocarmine B Acid red 103 50090 quinone-imine 25360-72-9
Azocarmine G Acid red 101 50085 quinone-imine 25641-18-3
Azo-eosin Azoeosin G Acid red 4 14710 azo 5858-39-9
Azo Fuchsine 6B Acid violet 7 18055 azo 4321-69-1
Azophloxine Red 2G
Azogeranin B
Amidonaphthol red G
Acid red 1
Food red 10
18050 azo 3734-67-6
Azorubine Acid red 14
Food red 3
14720 azo 3567-69-9
Azo violet Magneson I azo 74-39-5
Azure A Methylene azure A 52005 thiazin 531-53-3
Azure B Methylene azure B 52010 thiazin 531-55-2
Azure C Methylene azure C 52002 thiazin 531-57-7
Basic Black 2 Basic black 2 11825 azo 4443-99-6
Basic Red 18 Basic red 18 11085 azo 25198-22-5
Benzanthrone Solvent yellow 182 589005 benzanthrone 82-05-3
Benzo scarlet 4BNS Amyloid red Direct red 72 29200 diazo 8005-64-9
Benzyl violet FD&C violet No. 1 Acid violet 49
Food violet 2
42640 triarylethlamine 1694-09-3
Berberine Umbellatine Natural yellow 18 75160 natural 2086-83-1
Betanin Beetroot red 7659-95-2
Biebrich scarlet Croceine scarlet
Ponceau B
Acid red 66 26905 diazo 4196-99-0
Bismarck brown R Vesuvine brown Basic brown 4 21010 diazo 8005-78-5
Bismarck brown Y Vesuvine BA
Phenylene brown
Manchester brown
Basic brown 1 21000 diazo 8005-77-4
Black 7984 Food black 2 27755 diazo 2118-39-0
Blue MX-R Reactive blue 4 61205 anthraquinone 13324-20-4
BODIPY Dipyrrometheneboron difluoride 138026-71-8
Brazilin/Brazilein Natural red 24 75280 natural 474-07-7
Brilliant Black BN Food Black 1 28440 diazo 2519-30-4
Brilliant blue FCF Erioglaucine
FD&C Blue No. 1
Acid blue 9
Food blue 2
42090 triarylethlamine 3844-45-9
Brilliant cresyl blue Cresyl blue BBS Basic dye 51010 oxazin 81029-05-2
Brilliant green Malachite green G
Basic green 1 42040 triarylmethane 633-03-4
Bromsulfthalein BSP triarylmethane 71-67-0
Bromocresol green BCG triarylmethane 76-60-8
Bromocresol purple BCP triarylmethane 115-40-2
Bromodeoxyuridine BDU 59-14-3
Bromophenol blue BPB
triarylmethane 115-39-9
Bromopyrogallol red Dibromopyrogallosulfonphthalein triarylmethane 16574-43-9
Bromothymol blue BTB triarylmethane 76-59-5
Brooker's merocyanine MOED merocyanine 23302-83-2
Brown FK Kipper brown Food Brown 1 azo 8062-14-4
Brown HT Chocolate brown HT Food Brown 3 20285 diazo 4553-89-3
Brown MX-5BR Reactive brown 10 179060 azo 12225-67-1
Cadmium acetate 77185 inorganic 543-90-8
Calcofluor white Fluorescent brightener 28 40622 stilbene 4193-55-9
Calconcarboxylic acid Patton and Reeder's indicator azo 3737-95-9
Canthaxanthin Food orange 8 40850 carotenoid 514-78-3
Capsanthin Paprika Natural red 34 75133 natural 465-42-9
Capsorubin carotenoid 470-38-2
6-Carboxyfluorescein 6-FAM fluorone 3301-79-9
Carmine Cochineal
Carminic acid
Natural red 4 75470 natural 1260-17-9
Carthamin Carthamine Natural red 26 75140 natural 36338-96-2
Celestin blue Mordant blue 14 51050 oxazin 1562-90-9
Chrome Azurol S Alberon Mordant blue 29 43825 triarylmethane 1667-99-8
Chrome fast yellow 8GL Luxine pure yellow 6G Mordant yellow 33 56210 aminoketone 6486-77-7
Chrome violet CG Aluminon Mordant violet 39 43810 triphenylmethane 13186-45-3
Chromium(III) chloride Chromic chloride 77295 inorganic 10025-73-7
Chromium(III) sulfate 77305 inorganic 10101-53-8
Chromotrope 2R Carmoisine 6R Acid red 29 16570 azo 4197-07-3
Chromoxane Cyanin R Solochrome cyanin R
Alizarol cyanin R
Eriochrome cyanin R
Mordant blue 3 43820 triphenylmethane 3564-18-9
Chrysoidine R Basic orange 1 11320 azo 4438-16-8
Chrysoidine Y Basic orange 2 11270 azo 532-82-1
Chrysophanol Turkey rhubarb Natural yellow 23 75400 anthraquinone 481-74-3
Ciba blue Tetrabromoindigo Vat blue 5 73065 indigoid 5475-31-2
Cibacron Blue F3GA Procion Blue HB Reactive blue 2 61211 anthraquinone 12236-82-7
Citrus Red 2 Citrous red No. 2 Solvent red 80 12156 azo 6358-53-8
Congo corinth Erie garnet B Direct red 10 22145 diazo 2429-70-1
Congo red Cotton red Direct red 28 22120 diazo 573-58-0
Coomassie brilliant blue Brilliant blue R Acid blue 83 42660 triarylmethane 6104-59-2
Cotton scarlet Acid red 73 27290 diazo 5413-75-2
Coumarin 7 Disperse yellow 82
Solvent yellow 145
Solvent yellow 185
551200 coumarin 27425-55-4
Crystal violet Gentian violet
Methyl violet 10B
Basic violet 3 42555 triarylmethane 548-62-9
Cudbear Orcein
Natural red 28 758600 natural 1400-62-0
Curcumin Natural yellow 3 75300 natural 458-37-7
D&C Red 33 Azo fuchsine Acid red 33 17200 azo 3567-66-6
o-Dianisidine Disperse black 6 24110 diazo 119-90-4
Dibenzpyrenequinone Vat golden yellow GK Vat yellow 4 59100 anthraquinone 128-66-5
Dibromoanthanthrone Vat brilliant orange 3RK Vat orange 3
Pigment red 168
59300 anthanthrone 4378-61-4
2,5-Dichlorobenzenediazonium Fast Scarlet GG Azoic diazo component 3 37010 diazonium salt 15470-55-0
Dichlorophenolindophenol DCPIP 956-48-9
Direct blue 218 Direct blue 218 24401 diazo 28407-37-6
Direct brown 2 Direct brown 2 22311 diazo 2429-82-5
Direct sky blue 5B Direct sky blue FB Direct Blue 15 22400 diazo 2429-74-5
Direct sky blue 6B Direct sky blue FF Direct Blue 1 24410 diazo 2610-05-1
Direct yellow 4 Brilliant fast yellow Direct yellow 4 24890 diazo 3051-11-4
Direct yellow 106 Brilliant fast yellow Direct yellow 106 40300 stilbene 12222-60-5
Disperse blue 1 1,4,5,8-Tetraaminoanthraquinone Disperse blue 1
Solvent blue 18
64500 anthraquinone 2475-45-8
Disperse blue 124 Disperse blue 124 111938 azo 61951-51-7
Disperse Orange 1 4-anilino-4'-nitroazobenzene Disperse orange 1 11080 azo 2581-69-3
Disperse orange 3 Disperse orange 3
Solvent orange 9
11005 azo 730-40-5
Disperse orange 11 1-Amino-2-methylanthraquinone Disperse orange 11
Solvent orange 35
60700 anthraquinone 82-28-0
Disperse orange 13 Seriplas Orange BL Disperse orange 13
Solvent orange 52
26080 diazo 6253-10-7
Disperse red 1 Disperse red 1
Solvent red 14
11110 azo 2872-52-8
Disperse Red 9 1-(methylamino)anthraquinone Disperse red 9
Solvent red 111
60505 anthraquinone 82-38-2
Disperse Red 11 1,4-diamino-2-methoxyanthraquinone Disperse red 11 62015 anthraquinone 2872-48-2
Disperse Red 60 1-amino-4-hydroxy-2-phenoxyanthraquinone Disperse red 60 60756 anthraquinone 17418-58-5
Disperse Yellow 3 Disperse yellow 3
Solvent yellow 77
Solvent yellow 99
11855 azo 2832-40-8
Disperse Yellow 26 Disperse yellow 26 10348 nitrodiphenylamine 16611-15-7
Disperse Yellow 42 Disperse yellow 42 10338 nitrodiphenylamine 5124-25-4
Durazol blue 8G Direct blue 86 74180 phthalocyanine 1330-38-7
Ellagic acid Alizarine yellow 75270 natural 476-66-4
Eosin B Eosine bluish
Imperial red
Acid red 91 45400 fluorone 548-24-3
Eosin Y ws Eosine yellowish
Acid red 87 45380 fluorone 17372-87-1
Eriochrome Black T Chrome black Mordant black 11 14645 azo 1787-61-7
Erythrosin B Red No. 3
Food red 14
Acid red 51 45430 fluorone 16423-68-0
Ethyl eosin Alcohol soluble eosin Solvent red 45 45386 fluorone 6359-05-3
Ethyl β-apo-8′-carotenoate Carophyll yellow Food orange 7 40825 carotenoid 1109-11-1
Ethyl Green 42590 triarylmethane 14855-76-6
Ethyl violet Basic violet 4 42600 triarylmethane 2390-59-2
Evans blue Azovan blue Direct blue 53 23860 azo 314-13-6
Fast red B Red B base Azoic diazo component 5 37125 diazonium salt 27761-26-8
Fast blue B Azoic diazo component 48 37235 diazonium salt 20282-70-6
Fast Green FCF Food green 3 42053 triarylmethane 2353-45-9
Fast Yellow AB Acetyl yellow Acid yellow 9
Food yellow 2
13015 azo 2706-28-7
Flavazine L Acid yellow 11 18820 azo 6359-82-6
Fluoran triarylmethane 596-24-7
Fluorescein Solvent yellow 94 45350 fluorone 2321-07-5
Food orange 7 Food orange 7 40825 carotenoid 1109-11-1
Fuchsine Basic fuchsin
Magenta I
Basic violet 14 42510 triarylmethane 632-99-5
Gallamin blue Mordant blue 45 51045 oxazin 1563-02-6
Gallocyanin Mordant blue 10 51030 oxazin 1562-85-2
Gossypetin 75750 natural 489-35-0
Green S Acid green 50
Food green 4
44090 triarylmethane 3087-16-9
Guinea green B Guinea green Acid green 3
Food green 1
42085 triarylmethane 4680-78-8
Hematoxylin/Hematein Natural black 1 75290 natural 517-28-2
Hofmann's Violet Dahlia
42530 triarylmethane 8004-86-2
Hydroxynaphthol blue azo 63451-35-4
Indigo Indigo blue Vat blue 1 73000 indigoid 482-89-3
Indigo carmine (synthetic) Indigo Acid blue 74 73015 indigoid 860-22-0
Indigo carmine (natural) Natural blue 2
Food blue 1
75781 natural 860-22-0
Indocyanine green Cardiogreen cyanine 3599-32-4
Induline Solvent blue 7 50400 azine 8004-98-6
Iodine green 42556 triarylmethane 33231-00-4
Isosulfan blue Patent blue violet Acid blue 1
Food blue 3
42045 triarylmethane 129-17-9
Janus Green B Union green B Basic dye 11050 azo 2869-83-2
Juglone Oil red BS
Black walnut
Natural brown 7 75500 natural 481-39-0
Kaempferol Rhamnolutein Natural yellow 13 75640 natural 520-18-3
Kermes Kermesic acid Natural red 3 75460 natural 18499-92-8
Lac Shellac
Laccaic acid
Xanthokermesic acid
Natural red 25 75450 natural 60687-93-6
Lanosol yellow 4G Reactive yellow 39 18976 azo 70247-70-0
Lawsone Hennotannic acid
Natural orange 6 75480 natural 83-72-7
Light green SF yellowish Acid green
Lissamine green SF
Acid green 5 42095 triarylmethane 5141-20-8
Lissamine fast red Acid red 37 17045 azo 6360-07-2
Lissamine flavine FF Brilliant acid yellow 8G
Fenazo yellow XX
Brilliant sulpho flavine FF
Acid yellow 7 56205 aminoketone 2391-30-2
Lissamine rhodamine B Kiton rhodamine B
Sulphorhodamine B
Xylene red B
Acid red 52 45100 xanthene 3520-42-1
Lithol Rubine BK Pigment red 57 15850 azo 5858-81-1
Luteolin natural 491-70-3
Luxol fast blue MBS Solvent blue 38
Direct blue 86
74180 phthalocyanine 1330-38-7
Malachite green Victoria green B
Diamond green B
Basic green 4 42000 triarylmethane 569-64-2
Martius yellow Naphthol yellow Acid yellow 24 10315 nitro 605-69-6
Mauveine Mauve Mauveine basic dye 50245 safranin 6373-22-4
Meldola blue Phenylene blue Basic blue 6 51175 oxazine 966-62-1
Metacresol purple m-cresolsulfonphthalein triarylmethane 2303-01-7
Metanil yellow Tropaeolin G Acid yellow 36 13065 azo 587-98-4
Methyl blue Cotton blue
Helvetia blue
Acid blue 93 42780 triarylmethane 28983-56-4
Methyl green Light green Basic blue 20 42585 triarylmethane 82-94-0
Methyl orange Acid orange 52 13025 azo 547-58-0
Methyl red Acid red 2 13020 azo 493-52-7
Methyl violet 2B Gentian violet B Basic violet 1 42535 triarylmethane 8004-87-3
Methyl violet 6B 42536 triarylmethane 84215-49-6
Methyl yellow Butter yellow Solvent yellow 2 11020 azo 60-11-7
Methylene blue Swiss blue Basic blue 9
Solvent blue 8
52015 thiazin 61-73-4
Methylene green Basic green 5 52020 thiazin 2679-01-8
Milling red FR Cloth scarlet Acid red 151 26900 diazo 6406-56-0
Milling yellow 3G Acid yellow 40 18950 azo 6372-96-9
Mordant brown 33 Acid chrome brown RH Mordant brown 33 13250 azo 3618-62-0
Mordant red 19 Chrome red 5G Mordant red 19 18735 azo 1934-24-3
Mordant yellow 16 Mordant yellow 16 25100 diazo 8003-87-0
Morelloflavone Fukugetin Natural yellow 24 75600 natural 16851-21-1
Morin Calico yellow Natural yellow 11 75660 natural 480-16-0
Morindin anthraquinone 60450-21-7
Morindone 75430 anthraquinone 478-29-5
Murexide Ammonium purpurate 56085 aminoketone 3051-09-0
Naphthalene blue black CS Blauschwartz NSF Acid black 41 20480 diazo 5850-37-3
2-Naphthol β-naphthol Azoic coupling component 1 37500 diazonium salt 135-19-3
Naphthol green B Acid green 1 10020 nitroso 19381-50-1
Naphthol yellow S Sulfur yellow S Acid yellow 1
Food yellow 1
10316 nitro 846-70-8
Naphthylamin Brown F Acid brown 6 14625 azo 6419-10-5
Neutral red Toluylene red Basic red 5 50040 eurhodin 553-24-2
New fuchsine Magenta III Basic violet 2 42520 triarylmethane 3248-91-7
New methylene blue NMB Basic blue 24 52030 thiazine 1934-16-3
Night blue Basic blue 15 44085 triarylmethane 4692-38-0
Nigrosin Solvent black 5 50415 azine 11099-03-9
Nigrosin WS Acid black 2 50420 azine 8005-03-6
Nile blue Nile blue sulphate Basic blue 12 51180 oxazin 2381-85-3
Nile red Nile blue oxazone oxazone 7385-67-3
5-Nitro-o-anisidine 2-Methoxy-5-nitroaniline Azoic diazo component 13 37130 diazo 99-59-2
Nuclear fast red Kernechtrot
Calcium red
60760 anthraquinone 6409-77-4
Oil Blue 35 Transparent blue 2N Solvent blue 35 61554 anthraquinone 17354-14-2
Oil Blue A Unisol blue AS Solvent blue 36 61551 anthraquinone 14233-37-5
Oil Red O Sudan red 5B Solvent red 27 26125 diazo 1320-06-5
Olsalazine (di)sodium Mordant yellow 5 14130 azo 15722-48-2 (acid)
6054-98-4 (Na salt)
Orange B Acid orange 137 19235 azo 15139-76-1
Orange G Orange gelb Acid orange 10 16230 azo 1936-15-8
Para red Paranitraniline red Pigment red 1 12070 azo 6410-10-2
Pararosanilin Magenta 0
Basic fuchsin
Basic red 9 42500 triarylmethane 569-61-9
Patent Blue V Sulphan blue Acid blue 3
Food blue 5
42051 triarylmethane 3536-49-0
Perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride PTCDA Pigment red 224 71127 perylene 128-69-8
p-Phenylenediamine Paraphenylenediamine Developer 13 76060 oxidation base 106-50-3
Phloxine B Acid red 92 45410 fluorone 18472-87-2
Picric acid Trinitrophenol 10305 nitro 88-89-1
Pigment Red 179 Perylene maroon Vat red 23
Pigment red 179
71130 perylene 5521-31-3
Pigment Red 190 Vat red 29
Pigment red 190
71140 perylene 6424-77-7
Pigment Violet 29 Pigment violet 29
Pigment brown 26
71129 perylene 81-33-4
Ponceau 2R Xylidine ponceau Acid red 26
Food red 5
16150 azo 3761-53-3
Ponceau 3R FD&C Red No. 1 Food red 6 16155 azo 3564-09-8
Ponceau 4R Cochineal red A
Brilliant scarlet 3R
Acid red 18 16255 azo 2611-82-7
Ponceau 6R Crystal scarlet
Crystal ponceau 6R
Brilliant crystal scarlet 6R
Acid red 44 16250 azo 2766-77-0
Ponceau S Acid red 112 27195 diazo 6226-79-5
Primuline Carnotine
Chloramine yellow
Direct yellow 59 49010 thiazole 8064-60-6
Prodan naphthalene 70504-01-7
Purpurin Alizarin purpurin
58205 anthraquinone 81-54-9
Purpuroxanthin 1,3-Dihydroxyanthraquinone 75340 anthraquinone 518-83-2
Pyranine D&C green 8 Solvent green 7 59040 pyrene 6358-69-6
Pyrogallol Pryogallic acid Oxidation Base 32 76515 oxidation base 87-66-1
Pyronin B 45010 pyronin 2150-48-3
Pyronin Y Pyronin G 45005 pyronin 92-32-0
Quercetin Xanthaurine Natural yellow 10 75670 natural 117-39-5
Quercitrin Thujin 75720 natural 522-12-3
Quinalizarin Alizarin bordeaux B Mordant violet 26 58500 anthraquinone 81-61-8
Quinizarin 1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone Solvent orange 86 58050 anthraquinone 81-64-1
Quinizarine Green SS Solvent green 3 61565 anthraquinone 128-80-3
Quinoline Yellow SS Solvent yellow 33 47000 quinoline 8003-22-3
Quinoline Yellow WS Japan yellow 203 Acid yellow 3
Food yellow 13
47005 quinoline 8004-92-0
Red HE-3B Reactive red 120 292775 diazo 61951-82-4
Remazol Brilliant Blue R Reactive blue 19 61200 anthraquinone 2580-78-1
Rhodamine 123 rhodamine 62669-70-9
Rhodamine 6G Basic red 1 45160 rhodamine 989-38-8
Rhodamine B Basic violet 10 45170 rhodamine 81-88-9
Rhamnazin 75700 natural 552-54-5
Rhamnocitrin Kaempferol 7-O-methyl ether Natural green 2 75650 natural 569-92-6
Riboflavin-5-Sodium Phosphate Coflavinase 130-40-5
Rose bengal Acid red 94 45440 fluorone 632-68-8
Rottlerin Kamala Natural yellow 25 75310 natural 82-08-6
Ruthenium red Ammoniated ruthenium oxychloride 77800 inorganic 11103-72-3
Rutin Rutoside
75730 natural 153-18-4
Saffron Crocin Natural yellow 6
Natural yellow 19
Natural red 1
75100 natural 89382-88-7
Safranin O Basic red 2 50240 safranin 477-73-6
Scarlet GN Ponceau SX Food red 1 14700 azo 4548-53-2
Seminaphtharhodafluor SNARF fluorone 153967-04-5
Sirius red 4B Chlorantine fast red 5B Direct red 81 28160 diazo 2610-11-9
Sirius red F3B Direct red 80 35780 diazonium salt 2610-10-8
Sirius scarlet GG Durazol scarlet 2G
Solantine scarlet G
Direct red 76 40270 stilbene 1325-63-9
Smoke royal purple 1,4-Diamino-2,3-dihydroanthraquinone Solvent violet 47 61690 anthraquinone 81-63-0
Solvent Red 26 Oil red EGN Solvent red 26 26120 diazo 4477-79-6
Solvent Violet 13 Oil violet 401
D&C Violet No.2
Solvent violet 13
Disperse blue 72
60725 anthraquinone 81-48-1
Solvent Yellow 56 Euromarker
Sudan 455
Solvent yellow 56 11021 azo 2481-94-9
Solvent Yellow 124 Euromarker SY 124 Solvent yellow 124 111155 azo 34432-92-3
Spirit blue Opal blue SS Solvent blue 23 42760 triarylmethane 2152-64-9
Stains-all DBTC thiazole 7423-31-6
Sudan Black B Fat black HB Solvent Black 3 26150 azo 4197-25-5
Sudan I Solvent yellow R Solvent yellow 14 12055 azo 842-07-9
Sudan II Sudan red Solvent orange 7 12140 azo 3118-97-6
Sudan III Sudan red BK Solvent red 23 26100 diazo 85-86-9
Sudan IV Scarlet R
Scharlach R
Biebrich scarlet R
Solvent red 24 26105 diazo 85-83-6
Sudan Red 7B Novasol red RN Solvent red 19 26050 diazo 6368-72-5
Sudan Red G Oil red G Solvent red 1 12150 azo 1229-55-6
Sudan Yellow 3G Solvent yellow 16 12700 azo 4314-14-1
Sulforhodamine 101 SR101 rhodamine 60311-02-6
Sulphur black 1 Sulphur black 1 53185 sulfur 1326-82-5
Sulphur black 11 Sulphur black 11 53190 sulfur 1327-14-6
Sulphur blue 7 Sulphur blue 7 53440 sulfur 1327-57-7
Sun yellow Direct yellow 11 40000 stilbene 1325-37-7
Sunset yellow FCF Orange yellow S Food yellow 3 15985 azo 2783-9-0
SYBR Green I cyanine 163795-75-3
Tartrazine Acid yellow T
Hydrazine yellow
Acid yellow 23 19140 azo 1934-21-0
Texas Red Sulforhodamine 101 acid chloride rhodamine 82354-19-6
Thioflavine S Direct yellow 7 49010 thiazole 12262-60-1
Thioflavine T Basic yellow 1 49005 thiazole 2390-54-7
Thioindigo DyStar Vat red 41 73300 thioindigo 522-75-8
Thionin Lauth's violet 52000 thiazin 581-64-6
Thymolphthalein triarylmethane 125-20-2
Titan yellow Clayton yellow Direct yellow 9 19540 azo 1829-00-1
Toluidine blue Tolonium chloride Basic blue 17 52040 thiazin 92-31-9
Tropaeolin O Chrysoine resorcinol
Sulpho orange
Gold yellow
Acid orange 6
Food yellow 8
14270 azo 547-57-9
Tropaeolin OO Fast yellow Acid orange 5 13080 azo 554-73-4
Tropaeolin OOO2 Orange II
2-napththol orange
Acid Orange 7 15510 azo 633-96-5
Trypan blue Niagara blue 3B Direct blue 14 23850 diazo 72-57-1
Tyrian purple Phoenician red Natural violet 1 75800 natural 19201-53-7
Uranin Fluoresceine sodium Acid yellow 73 45350 fluorone 518-47-8
Vat Blue 6 Blue K Vat blue 6 69825 anthraquinone 130-20-1
Vat Blue 36 Vat blue 36 73675 indigoid 6424-69-7
Vat brown 1 Vat brown 1 70802 anthraquinone 2475-33-4
Vat Green 1 Jade green base Vat green 1 59825 anthraquinone 128-58-5
Vat Green 9 Vat black BB Vat green 9 59850 anthraquinone 6369-65-9
Vat Orange 1 Vat golden yellow RK Vat orange 1 59105 anthraquinone 1324-11-4
Vat Yellow 1 Flavanthrone
Indofast yellow
Vat yellow 1 70600 anthraquinone 475-71-8
Vat yellow 2 Vat yellow 2 67300 anthraquinone 129-09-9
Victoria blue 4R Basic blue 8 42563 triarylmethane 2185-87-7
Victoria blue B Basic blue 26 44045 triarylmethane 2580-56-5
Victoria blue BO Basic blue 7 42595 triarylmethane 2390-60-5
Victoria blue R Basic blue 11 44040 triarylmethane 2185-86-6
Violanthrone Dibenzanthrone Vat blue 20 59800 violanthrone 116-71-2
Water blue Aniline blue Acid blue 22 42755 triarylmethane 28631-66-5
Woodstain scarlet Crocein scarlet 3B
Brilliant crocein MOO
Acid red 73 27290 diazo 5413-75-2
Wool red B Fast milling red B Acid red 115 27200 diazo 6226-80-8
Xylene cyanol FF Acid blue 147 42135 triarylmethane 2650-17-1
Yellow 2G Lissamine fast yellow Acid yellow 17
Food yellow 5
18965 azo 6359-98-4
Yellow H-A Reactive yellow 3 13245 azo 6539-67-9


  • Synonyms should be treated with caution because they are often used inconsistently, see discussion page and external link

See also


  • BDH laboratory chemicals & biochemicals catalogue 1983
  • Important Early Synthetic Dyes 1991 Smithsonian Institution
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