List of extreme points of Switzerland

This is a list of the extreme points of Switzerland.


Type Point Location Canton Elevation Coordinates
highest point Monte Rosa Zermatt Valais 4634 m 45°56′12″N 007°52′00″E
lowest point Lake Maggiore Locarno (district) Ticino 193 m 46.14°N 8.8°E / 46.14; 8.8 (Lake Maggiore surface - lowest point (195 m))
highest city St. Moritz St. Moritz Grisons 1822 m 46°29′50″N 9°50′16″E

highest village Juf Avers Grisons 2126 m 46°26′44″N 009°34′45″E
highest train station Jungfraujoch Fieschertal, (in Bernese Oberland) Berne 3454 m 46°32′55″N 007°58′59″E
highest airport Samedan Airport Samedan Grisons 1707 m 46°32′02″N 009°53′02″E
highest cable car Klein Matterhorn Zermatt Valais 3883 m 45°56′18″N 007°43′47″E
highest ski area Gobba di Rollin Zermatt Valais 3899 m
highest waterfall 2nd of the Seerenbach Falls Betlis, Amden St. Gallen (302 m of 585 m) 47°09′N 009°08′E
(tallest structure) Grande Dixence Dam Hérémence Valais (285 m) 46°4.8′N 7°24′E

Latitude and longitude

Description Location Municipality Canton Swiss Grid Coordinates Pic
Northernmost point 47°48'N at Oberbargen Bargen Schaffhausen 684600.234 / 295933.843 [1] 47°48′29.75″N 008°34′04.43″E [2] [3]
Southernmost point 45°49'N at Pedrinate Chiasso Ticino 45°49′04.91″N 009°00′59.34″E [2]
Westernmost point 5°57'E Chancy Geneva 46°07′56.07″N 005°57′22.69″E [2]
Easternmost point 10°29'E at Piz Chavalatsch Müstair Grisons 833841 / 166938 [4] 46°36′46″N 10°29′31″E


  1. GIS SH
  2. - Bing(formerly) MSN Maps as per instructions at Wikipedia: Obtaining geographic coordinates
  3. "SwissFot: Photo". Archived from the original on 2011-07-07. Retrieved 2008-01-26.
  4. Uffizi d'agricultura e da geoinfurmaziun dal chantun Grischun

See also

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