List of George Floyd protests outside the United States

George Floyd, an African American man, was murdered on 25 May 2020 during a police arrest. Protests seeking justice for Floyd began in the United States the next day, with citizens of other countries soon following suit. Internationally, protesters demonstrated opposition to racism worldwide,[1] opposed police brutality,[2] questioned the arming of police,[3][4] and expressed solidarity with their counterparts in the United States.[5] Prominent local issues included the 2016 death of Adama Traoré near Paris while in police custody (for whom roughly 20,000 people protested at various times) and the high rate of death amongst incarcerated Indigenous Australians.

International George Floyd protests
Part of George Floyd protests
Protest at Dam Square in Amsterdam, 1 June 2020
Map of protests around the world with over 100 participants (click for a dynamic version of the map)

Protests took place in over 60 countries and on all seven continents. The protests took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, during which gathering in crowds was strongly advised against in some parts of the world, and outright banned in others.


Eastern Africa

  •  Kenya:
    • Nairobi:
      • Dozens of people protested peacefully outside the US Embassy on 2 June.[6][7] Protesters also criticized Kenyan police over "extrajudicial killings and use of unnecessary force when enforcing Covid-19 rules" and accused the embassy of implied approval of American police brutality by remaining silent during the protests in the states.[6]
      • About 200 marched against police brutality in Mathare.[8]
  •  Uganda
    • Kampala: Twelve foreign nationals and three Ugandans were arrested in an anti-racism and anti-police brutality protest on 9 June.[9]

Northern Africa

Southern Africa

Western Africa


Central Asia

  •  Kazakhstan:
    • Almaty: Over 100 people participated in anti-government protests in Almaty.[29][30][31] One group of protestors held a banner that read "I Can't Breathe".[29][30] Dozens of people were detained by police.[31] The protest in Almaty was one of many protests nationwide, with protests also occurring in Nur-Sultan, Shymkent, Semei, Aqtobe, Oral, and Qyzylorda.[29][32] Nationwide, over 100 protestors were detained, despite a more liberal protest law coming into force that day.[30][31][32]
  •  Kyrgyzstan:
    • Bishkek: A rally was scheduled to be held in Gorky Park, but the organizers decided to cancel it for safety reasons and fear of provocations. A single protester who had seen the announcement for the planned protest went anyway and held a picket, holding a sign reading "authorities violence has no borders." Three police officers watched over the one-man protest.[33]

Eastern Asia

Protest in Fukuoka, 21 June
  •  Japan:
    • Chatan: About 400 people held a vigil for George Floyd outside Chapel 1 on Kadena Air Base in Okinawa.[35] The vigil was held in solidarity against racism, both in the US and in the United States Air Force.[35] Attendees observed 8 minutes 46 seconds of silence.[35] Some protestors also took a knee.[35]
    • Fukuoka: About 200 people protested at Tenjin Central Park.[36][37][38]
    • Kyoto: About 1000 people gathered near Yasaka Shrine and observed 8 minutes 46 seconds of silence before marching to City Hall.[39] Attendees came from as far away as Okinawa and Hiroshima.[39]
    • Nagoya: About 300 people protested against racism downtown around the Sakae area in a demonstration organized by three high school students.[40][41]
    • Osaka: On 7 June, nearly 1000 people participated in a demonstration organized in Osaka by the Kansai chapter of Black Lives Matter.[42]
    • Tokyo:
      • Around 200 people peacefully protested on 30 May against police brutality in light of the murder of Floyd and the beating by police of an ethnically Kurdish man living in Tokyo.[43][44]
      • Another protest followed on 6 June in Shibuya with over 500 participants.[42][45]
      • Someone claiming to be a member of Antifa threatened to bomb the immigration office and police station.[46]
      • On 14 June, thousands of people participated in a protest in Tokyo against police brutality and racism in the US and racism in Japan.[47]
  •  South Korea:
    Protest outside the US Embassy in Seoul, 4 June
    • Seoul:
      • About a dozen people protested outside the US Embassy against the murder of George Floyd as well as against American imperialism.[48][49]
      • Dozens of people protested near the US Embassy to seek justice for Floyd and denounce police brutality.[50][51] Protestors also called on the South Korean government to enact an anti-discrimination law.[51]
      • Around 150 people protested in Myeong-dong on 6 June.[52]
    • The protesters, who also sang "God Bless America", gathered 4 June at Osan Air Base on South Korea's west coast. On 11 June, another demonstration was held at Camp Humphreys, about 60 miles south of the Demilitarized Zone separating North and South Korea.[53]
  •  Taiwan:

South Asia

  •  India:
  •  Pakistan:
  •  Sri Lanka:
    • Colombo: On 9 June 2020, about 100 people gathered in front of the US embassy for a peaceful protest organized by the Frontline Socialist Party seeking justice for Floyd.[63][64][65][66][67] The day before, the police had obtained a court injunction prohibiting the gathering.[63][65] Violence was used by the police to disperse the crowd and arrest 53[lower-alpha 3] protestors for violating quarantine measures, with police being seen "throwing at least one woman into an open truck".[68][65][67][66] The use of police brutality to arrest people protesting peacefully against police brutality was heavily criticized by political parties, civil rights organizations, and trade unions, and some organizations made a joint statement pointing out that "[b]y assaulting protesters who abided by quarantine laws while not taking action when government supporters violated quarantine law, police have clearly demonstrated their readiness to violate rights guaranteed by the constitution according to the bidding of the ruling party".[67][66][lower-alpha 4] The US Embassy added that they had not asked the police to stop the protest.[63]

Southeastern Asia

  •  Indonesia:
    Papuans have been protesting for decades against how the Indonesian government has treated them. The use of police brutality against Papuan students resulted in a serious series of protests in 2019.[69][70] Seven Papuans arrested the previous year, known as the "Balikpapan Seven", were given "surprisingly light jail terms on treason charges"[lower-alpha 5] after the George Floyd protests began, possibly to avoid the unrest seen in American protests.[lower-alpha 6][69][72][71] Many drew parallels between the George Floyd protests and those of the Papuans, resulting in the trending of the hashtag #PapuanLivesMatter online[lower-alpha 7] and people in George Floyd protests outside of Indonesia also expressing solidarity with the Papuans.[73][74][75] Protestors also likened George Floyd with Obby Kogoya, a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta whose head was stepped on[lower-alpha 8] by an Indonesia policeman while he was lying face down on the ground as the police held his dorm under siege to prevent a peaceful protest.[76][78]
    Journalists, both foreign and domestic, face heavy resistance from the Indonesian government when attempting to report events in Papua.
  •  Philippines:
  •  Thailand:
    • Bangkok: Several Thai people in Bangkok who were protesting the suspected kidnapping of a Thai activist in Cambodia also held signs stating "I can't breathe", reflecting George Floyd's death and the disappearances of Thai activists.[86]
    • Online: On 7 June, approximately 300 Thais and foreigners in Thailand held a virtual protest on Zoom due to COVID-19 restrictions. Protesters wrote "I Can't Breathe" on their arms and observed silence for eight minutes 46 seconds.[87]

Western Asia

  •  Armenia:
    • Yerevan: Around 25 people protested at the US Embassy on 4 June. Some held papers listing names of Black Americans killed by police.[88]
  •  Cyprus:
    • Nicosia: About 250 people peacefully protested outside the United States Embassy, denouncing "social and racial inequities" that victimized not only Floyd, but also "the poor and dispossesed irrespective of race, creed or color".[89][90] Protesters took a knee and raised fists to show solidarity with American protestors.[89]
  •  Georgia:
    • Tbilisi: Several dozen people protested at the Rustaveli Metro Station against racism and police brutality.[91][92] A few counterprotestors were also present, with one stating that he was protesting because "the [other] protest was 'anti-white' and supported 'terrorism'".[91] Two counterprotestors held a flag of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, the first modern republic of Georgia, and stated that they were protesting in support of US President Trump.[91]
Protest in Tehran, 3 June
Protest in Tehran, 3 June. #Downfall_of_America is visible in the photo.
  •  Iran:
    • Mashhad: A candlelight vigil was held for Floyd in Mellat Park.[93][94]
    • Tehran: Protesters in Tehran held up signs saying "Justice for George Floyd", "I Can't Breathe" and Black Lives Matter.[95]
  •  Israel:
    • Jerusalem: On 30 May, over 150 people protested against the murder of Floyd and Iyad Halak, an unarmed autistic Palestinian student who was shot and killed by police in Jerusalem.[96][97]
    • Tel Aviv: Over 200 people protested against the murder of Floyd and Iyad Halak outside police headquarters on 30 May.[98] On 2 June, hundreds of people protested on a beach.[99] On 6 June, another peaceful protest was held at Rabin Square.
    • Haifa: Hundreds marched in Haifa protesting police violence against Floyd, Halak, and Solomon Teka, an Ethiopian-Israeli shot by Israeli police in 2019, in an incident which had sparked protests by Israel's Ethiopian community.[100]
  •  Lebanon:
  •  Turkey:
    • Ankara: People protested in front of the US Embassy against racism and the murder of Floyd.[107][108] One organization invited the US government to end the violation of human rights.[107]
    • Istanbul: About 50 people protested in Kadıköy, on the Asian side of Istanbul, against police brutality, standing in solidarity with American protestors and carrying a poster of George Floyd.[109] Police dispersed the group and detained at least 29 protestors.[109]


Eastern Europe

Northern Europe

  •  Denmark:
    Demonstration on Christiansborg Slotsplads, Copenhagen, 7 June
    • Aalborg: Around 500 people marched through the city in a peaceful protest on 9 June.[132]
    • Aarhus: Around 2,500 people gathered at the City Hall Square for a peaceful protest on 3 June.[133][134]
    • Copenhagen: Around 2,000 people gathered in front of the US Embassy for a peaceful protest on 31 May,[135] followed by another with more than 15,000 people on 7 June.[136] They happened during the COVID-19 pandemic, when there were restrictions on the size of gatherings in Denmark, but demonstrations were explicitly exempt from these rules.[137] The authorities recommended that everybody that had attended should request a test, which is free and easy in Denmark, and not dependent on one having symptoms.[138]
    • Odense: Around 300 people gathered for a peaceful protest on 10 June.[139]
  •  Estonia:
    • Tallinn: Around 500 people gathered in Tallinn for a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest on 10 June, despite the social distancing measures being set at maximum 100 people.[140]
  •  Faroe Islands:
    • Tórshavn: Hundreds of people gathered in the capital to protest against racism and police brutality on 9 June.[141] One of the organizers stated that many from the Faroe Islands would not acknowledge the existence of racism on the islands.[141]
  •  Finland:
    Protest in Helsinki, 3 June
  •  Guernsey:
    • Saint Peter Port: About a thousand people attended a peaceful rally on 20 June. Near the end they knelt for 8 minutes 46 seconds. There were no COVID-19 cases on the island at the time; the rally was originally scheduled for 13 June, but was rescheduled to be held on the day the island came out of lockdown.[144][145]
  •  Iceland:
  •  Ireland:
    • Cork: 4 June: Cork City Council opened an online book of condolences for citizens to express their sympathies to the family of George Floyd. 5 June: Around 300 protesters marched from Kent Station down Patrick Street to Grand Parade.[149]
    • Dingle: 8 June : About 150 people held a peaceful demonstration on Main Street Dingle lead by indie pop band Walking on Cars.[150]
    • Dublin: 31 May: About 100 people held a peaceful demonstration outside the US Embassy in Dublin.[151] On 1 June, thousands of marchers gathered again in Dublin to continue protests.[152]
    • Galway: 6 June: Hundreds of protesters gathered in Eyre Square to support Black Lives Matter. Speakers at the event also called for Ireland to end its Direct Provision system.[153]
    • Kilkenny: 3 June: Around 100 people took part in a vigil outside the Tholsel in honor of George Floyd.[154] 8 June: Over 150 people marched through the streets in an anti-racism rally to the Parade, where a silent vigil was held.[155]
    • Limerick: 6 June: More than 250 protesters met at Arthur Quay's Park to share their experiences about racism in Ireland, even though the organizers officially moved the event online for social distancing reasons during the COVID-19 pandemic.[156]
    • Waterford: 6 June: Hundreds of people marched from the Clock Tower to the Waterford Courthouse in an anti-racism protest.[157]
  •  Isle of Man:
    • Douglas: 9 June: More than 1000 protesters marched on the seafront before taking a knee in silence for just under 9 minutes.[158] At the time, there were no known active cases of coronavirus on the island.[158]
  •  Lithuania:
    • Vilnius: Around 1,000 people marched from the Cathedral square to the US embassy on 5 June.[159]
  •  Norway:
    • Bergen: A gathering consisting of a couple of hundred protestors took place in the city center of Bergen on 5 June.[160]
    • Kristiansand: Several hundred people met in the Kristiansand city center to protest police brutality on 5 June.[160]
    • Oslo: On 5 June, at least a thousand protestors marched from the US Embassy to the Norwegian Parliament where a larger gathering also took place. All in all, several thousand participants from at least three different protests were gathered at the most. The assistant director of the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs expressed his concerns regarding the protest due to the elevated risk of COVID-19 infection. Nevertheless, the police stated in advance that both they and the population in general put freedom of speech at a high value, and that they therefore would not stop the protest. They also stated that they were not there to be an "infection control police", but rather to maintain peace and order amongst the protestors.[160]
    • Tromsø: Although the official protest in Tromsø was cancelled due to the COVID-19 infection risk, several hundred people were gathered in the city center on 5 June to show solidarity towards the victims of racism and police brutality in both the US, Norway and the rest of the world alike.[160]
  •  Sweden:
    Protest in Stockholm on 3 June
    • Gothenburg: Around 3000 people gathered in Heden to protest against racism on 7 June. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the police shut the event down, so the protesters walked around the city instead.[161]
    • Malmö: Thousands of people gathered in Ribersborg to protest against racism on 4 June. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the police tried to shut the event down, but were unsuccessful.[162]
    • Örebro: More than 400 people gathered in Stortorget to protest against racism on 5 June.[163]
    • Stockholm: Thousands of people gathered in Sergels torg to protest against racism in solidarity with Black Lives Matter on 3 June. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the police shut the event down, so the protesters walked around the city instead.[164] Protests became heated at times, as the police used tear gas against the protesters.
    • Umeå: Over 50 people demonstrated in the city center on 4 June.[165] Over 300 gathered for a second protest in Broparken on 6 June. The police allowed the protest to proceed, but arrested two counter-protestors who tried to start a fight with the protestors.[166][167]
Protest at Hyde Park in London on 3 June
Starting on 28 May, protests arose in nearly all major cities across the United Kingdom, including Birmingham, Liverpool, London, Manchester and Newcastle. Many protests were organized by the Black Lives Matter and Stand Up to Racism movements. As well as providing solidarity to protests in the United States, many of the ongoing protests in the United Kingdom intended to highlight issues with racism faced from law enforcement in the United Kingdom and in daily life, as well as highlighting wider non-racial issues of police corruption and brutality. The UK city of Bristol made international headlines after protestors pulled down the statue of Edward Colston, a famous Bristolian slave owner.[168] Health Secretary Matt Hancock urged people not to attend large gatherings, including protests, as temporary regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic prohibited public gatherings of greater than 6 people.[169]

Southern Europe

  •  Andorra:
    • Andorra la Vella: About a hundred demonstrators gathered in General Council Square to protest against racism on 7 June.[170] Protestors observed a minute of silence, and a manifesto denouncing the spread of racism was read.[170]
  •  Croatia:
  •  Greece
    • Athens: 1 June: About 300 supporters of the Greek Communist Party's youth wing marched and demonstrated outside the US Embassy in Athens.[172] On 3 June, another demonstration was held with 3,000 protesters participating where they gathered at Syntagma Square and marched towards the US Embassy peacefully, while some demonstrators were throwing Molotov cocktails towards riot police during the march towards the US Embassy.[173][174][175]
    • Thessaloniki: 2 June: A group of protesters peacefully marched to the US Consulate in the center of the city to show solidarity with the protesters and victims of racism and police violence in the United States. Protesters also burned an American flag in front of the consulate. [176]
Protestors taking a knee and raising their fists in Sanremo on 20 June

Starting on 28 May, protests arose in nearly all major cities across Italy, including Milan, Naples, Florence, Rome and Bari. Many protests were organized by the Black Lives Matter and many Italian associations. As well as providing solidarity to protests in the United States, many of the ongoing protests in Italy intend to highlight issues with racism faced from law enforcement in Italy and in daily life, as well as highlighting wider non-racial issues of police corruption and brutality.

  •  Kosovo:
  •  Malta:
    • Valletta/Floriana: About 300 people gathered in front of Parliament House in an anti-racism protest on 8 June. The protests showed solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and called for justice for the murder of Lassana Cisse, a racially motivated murder of an Ivorian man in Malta in 2019. The anti-racism protesters were confronted by a group of anti-immigration protesters.[178] The anti-racism protestors took a knee and observed a minute of silence while the anti-immigration protestors booed.[178]
  •  Montenegro:
    • Podgorica: About 100 people peacefully protested in solidarity with the international George Floyd protests, marching through the city and taking a knee at Independence Square.[179][180] Protestors also wished to highlight the racism present in their own country.[180]
  •  Portugal:
    Protest in Lisbon on 6 June
    • Coimbra: on 6 June, hundreds of people gathered in Praça da República to protest peacefully against the murder of George Floyd and for the Black Lives Matter movement.[181]
    • Lisbon: on 6 June, about 10,000 people gathered in Alameda D. Afonso Henriques and marched down Avenida Almirante Reis in a peaceful manner, echoing chants to remember George Floyd as well as local victims of racism and police brutality, like Cláudia Simões and Kuku, ending the demonstration in Terreiro do Paço. It was organized by a platforme of organizations, from black and antiracism collectives, to antifascists, students, environmental, feminists organizations.[182]
    • Porto: on 6 June, about 1000 people protested peacefully in Avenida dos Aliados against the murder of George Floyd and racism in Portugal and Brazil.[183]
  •  Serbia:
Demonstration in Lleida on 7 June
Puerta del Sol in Madrid on 7 June
  •  Spain:
    • Barcelona: Over 350 people protested outside the American Consulate General on 1 June.[187] A second demonstration took place on 7 June, beginning at the Plaça Sant Jaume.[188][189]
    • Bilbao: A demonstration on 7 June.[190]
    • Canary Islands: Demonstration scheduled for 14 June.[189]
    • Lleida: 600 people protested on 7 June in memory of George Floyd and to demand better conditions for farmworkers (mostly immigrants).[191]
    • Madrid: On 7 June, hundreds of demonstrators surrounded the US Embassy to protest the murder of George Floyd.[192] The attendance exceeded the number of 200 authorized in advance by the Government Delegation (reportedly at least tenfold).[192] The demonstration was organized by the Comunidad Negra, Africana y Afrodescendiente de España (CNAAE) and it also protested against the deaths in the southern border of Spain and the death of Mame Mbaye, a street vendor who died in Madrid in 2018 after a police raid.[193]
    • Murcia: On 7 June, hundreds of people gathered near the Plaza de la Merced to honor George Floyd and denounce police brutality.[194]
    • Palma de Mallorca: A demonstration on 7 June, with an estimated 800–1,000 protestors in attendance.[189][195]
    • Salt: 500 people read a manifesto and marched to nearby Girona on 1 June, and 300 marched in a second protest on 7 June.[196][197]
    • Sitges: A demonstration on 7 June.[198]
    • Tarragona: More than 500 people demonstrated on June 7.[199]
    • Vilafranca del Penedès: More than 100 people demonstrated on June 7.[200]
    • Zaragoza: Around 200 people demonstrated on 2 June.[201]
  •  Turkey:

Western Europe

Black Lives Matter rally in Vienna on 4 June
Black Lives Matter protest in Paris on 6 June
Protestors in Paris on 13 June at Place de la République
People in Belgium protested to show solidarity with Americans and to demonstrate against issues with police or racism. Vigils and protests of up to thousands of participants took place nationwide. Around 10,000 demonstrators came to the protest in Brussels.[207]
  •  France:
    In 2016, Adama Traoré, a 24-year-old Malian French man, died by asphyxiation while in police custody.[208] In response, protestors in France had been seeking justice for him[lower-alpha 12] since 2016.[208] When a police investigation exonerated the three police officers associated with his death in a report released at the end of May during the beginning of the George Floyd protests, protesters took to the streets in massive numbers, with roughly 20,000 demonstrators throughout France violating pandemic protocols to rally for him.[210][211] Drawing parallels between Adama and Floyd, many protestors seeking justice for Adama also expressed solidarity with the American protestors seeking justice for Floyd, including Adama's sister.[210][lower-alpha 13]
    • Bordeaux: About 300 people protested in Parvis des Droits de l'Homme in front of the French National School for the Judiciary.[212]
    • Lille: About 2000 people protested against racism and police brutality, seeking justice for Adama Traoré.[213] Police used tear gas.[213]
    • Lyon: Hundreds of people protested against racism and police brutality, seeking justice for both Floyd and Adama Traoré.[214] Police used tear gas.[214]
    • Marseille: Thousands marched in Marseille holding signs that read "Justice for all" and "No more murders" on 2 June.[215]
    • Toulouse: 2000 people protested in Toulouse on 3 June at the place du Capitole.[216]
    • Montpellier: 5000 people in Montpellier attended the Je n’arrive plus à respirer ("I can't breathe") march one 3 June.[216]
    • Paris: About 20,000 people protested all throughout Paris to protest both the murder of Floyd and the 2016 death of Adama Traoré by French police.[217] People protested outside the US Embassy.[218] On 2 June, thousands of protesters demonstrated in front of the High Court of Paris at the Porte de Clichy[219] in northwest Paris for Floyd and Adama. The protest was illegal due to coronavirus restrictions. Police used tear gas.[220] Another protest occurred on 13 June.[221] Some counter-protesters shouted antisemitic insults.[222] The far-right identitarian group Génération Identitaire unfurled a banner from the top of a building which read "Justice for victims of anti-white racism. White Lives Matter." The banner was torn up by residents of the building.[223] On 30 June, a Confederate flag was noticed at a window facing the street of a police barracks, probably hung here in opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement.[224]
Protest at Alexanderplatz in Berlin
Over 100,000 people protested in over 40 cities and in all 16 states of Germany.[lower-alpha 14] Many people called on German law enforcement to address their racist practices and use of violence.[225][226] Over the course of one particular day, 93 arrests were made that had been reported by the media.[lower-alpha 14]
  •  Luxembourg:
    • Luxembourg City: Over 1000[lower-alpha 15] people protested peacefully in Limpertsberg in front of the US Embassy, despite rainfall.[229] Protestors also took a knee during the demonstration, which was organized by anti-racism organization Lëtz Rise Up.[229] A police spokesperson stated that pandemic restrictions had relaxed slightly during the past month, and that people were allowed to demonstrate.[230] One officer expressed his surprise regarding how strongly protestors adhered to precautionary measures.[229]
Protest in Amsterdam on 1 June
Protestors in Rotterdam on 3 June
People in the Netherlands protested to show solidarity with Americans and to demonstrate against issues with police or racism. Vigils and protests of up to thousands of participants took place nationwide.[231] When asked to comment on the protests in the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that racism is not only an American issue and that racism in the Netherlands is a "systemic problem".[232]
  •   Switzerland:
    • Basel: About 5000 people peacefully protested against racism and police brutality.[233] The protest was unauthorized, but the police did not stop it.[233] Thousands of masks were distributed.[233]
    • Bern:
      • On 13 June 4000 people protested, many donning black clothes. Most of the protesters wore masks.[234]
      • Dozens of people protested in front of the train station.[233]
    • Geneva:
      • A demonstration of 30 people on 31 May was broken up by police.[235]
      • An authorized demonstration on 9 June brought over 10,000 people to march from Place Neuve to Parc des Cropettes.[236][237] The protest was split into groups of about 300 to conform with pandemic regulations.[236] Protestors took a knee and raised their fists in solidarity.[237]
    • Lausanne: Several thousand people protested against racism and police violence, despite a ban on groups of more than 300 people.[238]
    • Neuchâtel: About 500 people protested in two separate groups in order to conform to regulations restricting such events to 300 participants.[233]
    • Zürich:
      • On 1 June, a demonstration was held with estimates ranging from several hundred to 2000 participants.[239]
      • On 13 June, over 10,000 protesters marched peacefully through the inner city. Police initially tried to dissuade the protest, citing coronavirus-related health concerns, but ultimately permitted the march and oversaw its path.[234]


Protest in Vancouver on 31 May
Protest in Ottawa on 5 June
  •  Argentina:
  •  Barbados:
    • Wildey: The Royal Barbados Police Force (RBPF) prevented a protest from occurring outside the US Embassy under the pretext of a 10-person social gathering limit due to COVID-19 restrictions.[242]
  •  Bermuda:
    • Hamilton:
      • Dozens of people stood, knelt, and chanted in a peaceful 2-hour demonstration at the US Consulate General on 1 June against the murder of Floyd as well as the appointment as Consul General of Leandro Rizzuto Jr., a controversial donor to Trump's election campaign whom the US Senate already declined to approve for an appointment to Barbados.[243][244]
      • On 7 June, about 7000 people gathered in Hamilton to stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.[245] Protesters took a knee and also observed a minute of silence for Chavelle Dillon-Burgess, a young black mother who was first reported missing in April and is now suspected to have been murdered.[245] The protest was believed to be the largest such gathering the community had ever seen.[245]
  •  Brazil:
    • Curitiba: Thousands of people protested against racism in front of the Federal University of Paraná on 1 June.[246]
    • Rio de Janeiro: Hundreds of people protested at the square in front of the Rio de Janeiro state government palace on 31 May.[247] The protest also responded to the police killing of a local black teenager, 14-year-old João Pedro Pinto, who was shot in the back during a police operation in São Gonçalo.[248] Police dispersed the protestors with tear gas.[248]
    • São Paulo: About 3000 people protested against police brutality inflicted upon black Brazilians on 7 June.[249][250]
  •  Canada:
Canadians protested to show solidarity with Americans and to demonstrate against issues with police or racism in Canada. Vigils and protests of up to thousands took place in every province and territory of Canada.[251][lower-alpha 16]
  •  Colombia:
    • Bogotá: More than 100 people protested peacefully in front of the US Embassy, denouncing the murder of Floyd and of Anderson Arboleda, a 24-year-old Afro-Colombian from Puerto Tejada who was allegedly attacked by a police officer with a wooden mallet, suffering multiple blows to the head.[252][253] Arboleda eventually died from his injuries days later.[253] Protestors also requested the withdrawal of American troops from Colombian territory.[252] The protest lasted for several hours.[252]
  •  Costa Rica:
    • San José: The Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica observed a minute of silence in memory of George Floyd.[254]
  •  Curaçao:
    • Willemstad: A small group of people protested in the center of Willemsted.[255]
  •  Dominican Republic:
  •  Ecuador:
    • Quito: 9 June: A march in solidarity with George Floyd was held.[257]
  •  Greenland:
    • Nuuk: A statue of Hans Egede was vandalized with the word "decolonize" spray painted on it on 21 June.[258]
  •  Guadeloupe:
    • Point à Pitre:
      • 1 June: Several dozen protesters gathered in front of the Memorial ACTe.
      • 3 June: A protest took place in front of the city's mairie organised by Combat Ouvrier and Rebelle.[259] According to the organizers over 600 people took part in the protest.[260]
      • 6 June: A march organised by the non-profit organisation CoReCA to protest racism and called for the renaming of Saint-Françoi's Jules Ferry street to George Floyd, over a hundred people took part in this march at la Place de La Victoire (Victory Square).[261]
      • 9 June: 300 mourners gathered in front of the mairie to mark George Floyd's funeral.
  •  Jamaica:
    • Kingston:
      • A small protest was held in front of the US Embassy on 4 June. Protesters denounced both the murder of George Floyd and the killing of Susan Bogle, a disabled woman of 44, who was killed by a soldier in August Town, St Andrew.[262] Ambassador Donald Tapia came out to express solidarity with the protestors.[262]
      • On 6 June, several hundred people wore black in a peaceful protest outside the US Embassy to demand justice for both Floyd and the Jamaicans who have been killed by law enforcement.[263] An additional protest was held at Emancipation Park.[263]
  •  Mexico:
    • Guadalajara: Hundreds of protesters marched in downtown Guadalajara on 4 June to protest 5 May police beating death of Giovanni López, a 30-year-old man who had been arrested and killed for not wearing a face mask on 4 May in Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos, Jalisco.[264][265] 26 people were arrested after protesters in downtown Guadalajara committed acts of vandalism and burned two police vehicles as well as setting a police officer on fire. Without offering any evidence, the state's governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez blamed President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the aggression against the police.[266] Mexican police have a long history of brutality and abuse, particularly against indigenous peoples.[267] Three police officers from Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos were arrested on 5 June for the murder of Giovanni López.[268]
    • Mexico City: Large crowds gathered in Mexico City. Protesters waved placards with the words "No justice! No peace!", "I can't breathe" and "Black lives matter".[269] Several hundred attended a vigil on 4 June.[270] A demonstration in the upscale neighborhood Polanco, Mexico City 5 June turned violent as protesters threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the US Embassy building[lower-alpha 17] and broke windows along Paseo de la Reforma; eleven people were injured,[272] including six police officers and a teenage girl who was kicked by a police officer.[273]
    • Tijuana: On 7 June 2020, more than 100 protesters marched throughout the city, from the police station to the border waving signs honoring George Floyd and calling attention to Giovanni López Ramírez who died in Jalisco police custody earlier in the year. Jaime Bonilla, the governor of Baja California, came out to greet them when they reached City Hall.[274] There were also protests regarding the death of Oliver López, who died in the hands of police a short time before George Floyd.[8]
    • Xalapa: Dozens of protesters gathered in Xalapa on 8 June to protest the 2 May arrest and death of Carlos Andrés Navarro Landa, 33. Navarro Landa was arrested for disorderly conduct and then died in police custody, officially from a heart attack but covered with bruises from a beating.[275]
  •  Trinidad and Tobago:
    Protest in Port of Spain on 8 June
    • Port of Spain:
      • 3 June: A protest organized by the Movement for Social Justice was held outside the US Embassy. A small number of people held signs for a few minutes before police asked them to observe social-distancing protocols.[276]
      • 8 June: Hundreds protested in support of Black Lives Matter in Queen's Park Savannah. The police commissioner attempted to speak to the crowd but was booed away. Another altercation occurred when a police officer attempted to film the group.[277][278]
  •  United States:


Protest in Brisbane on 6 June
Protestors in Melbourne on 6 June
On 6 June, protests involving tens of thousands were held in cities across Australia. These showed solidarity with the George Floyd protests, but also highlighted issues of racism within Australia including Aboriginal deaths in custody.[279]
The George Floyd protests sparked a strong response among New Zealanders, in particular among the indigenous Māori people who face structural discrimination similarly to African Americans in the United States.[281]

See also


  1. Some sources reported that she was 23 years old.[23] Also, some sources reported her name as Uwavera Omozuwa.[25]
  2. Because Taiwan and the United States officially severed diplomatic ties in 1979, the Institute currently acts as a de facto embassy.[54]
  3. The police reported that 53 people were arrested, though sources vary on the number, with one source stating that as few as "[a]bout 10" had been arrested.[65][63]
  4. Many had questioned why the police took no action during the funeral of Arumugam Thondaman, a cabinet minister whose funeral less than two weeks prior was attended by thousands, including Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was filmed hugging people and violating other quarantine measures.[67]
  5. Each received a sentence of either 10 or 11 months, while prosecutors had demanded sentences ranging from 5 to 17 years.[71][72]
  6. One legal analyst pointed out that "[i]n essence, they were all sentenced to time served".[72] One human rights representative considered it a "face-saving" move by the government so that the defendants did not go free.[72]
  7. Protests in Papua had previously subsided after a police ban on mass rallies and the enforcement of coronavirus controls, forcing activism online.[73]
  8. Kogoya was subject to other forms of inhumane treatment, but a photo of Kogoya's head being stepped on closely parallelled the video of Floyd having his neck being kneeled on, and was therefore highlighted during the George Floyd protests.[76][73][77]
  9. One source stated that thousands attended the protest.[60]
  10. According to some, the event was not a protest, but a "photo shoot" (фотосесія).[129][131]
  11. The Serbian organization is a self-described "Women's Feminist - Antimilitarist Peace Organization" that lists nonviolence as one of their core values.[184]
  12. In contrast with Floyd, he is generally referred to by his first name, such as in the phrase "Justice pour Adama".[209]
  13. Some French activists also chose to point out differences that made the movement in France distinctly French, with one stating that race relations in France was based on France's colonial past,[208] and another stating that in America, racism was clearly identified, while in France, there was a denial of the existence of racism.[211]
  14. All sources listed in main article.
  15. The embassy expected over 2000 protestors, and the organizers stated over 2000 showed up.[227][228]
  16. All sources listed in main article.
  17. The original US Embassy's main building is located in Colonia Cuauhtémoc.[271]


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