List of aircraft (D-De)
This is a list of aircraft in alphabetical order beginning with 'D'.
Lists of aircraft |
List of gliders |
By constructor name |
see also: de Knight, Parsons-Jocelyn
(Jean Dabos et Masclet) see Avions JDM
- Dąbrowski D.1 Cykacz
- Dąbrowski D.2[4]
(Daimler Motorengesellschaft Werke)
- Daimler CL.I[6]
- Daimler D.I
- Daimler D.II
- Daimler G.I (Daimler R.I)
- Daimler G.II (Daimler R.II)
- Daimler L6
- Daimler L8
- Daimler L9[7]
- Daimler L11
- Daimler L14
- Daimler L15
- Daimler L20
- Daimler L21
- Daimler Lutskoy No. 1 monoplane
(WD Flugzeug Leichtbau / Wolfgang Dallach)
Dallair Aeronautica
- Dalotel DM-165
- Dalotel DM-125 Club
- Dalotel DM-160 Club
- Dalotel DM-160 Professional
- Dalotel DM.165 Viking[3]
- Damblanc–Lacoin Alérion helicopter
(Damoure, Jean Fabre and Léon Lacroix)
- Danton-Denhaut 1910 biplane
(D'rzhavna Aeroplanata Rabotilnica in Cyrillic ДАР - Държавната аеропланна работилница)
- DAR Uzunov-1 (DAR U-1) - DFW C.Va
- DAR 1 Peperuda ('Butterfly')
- DAR 2 - Albatros C.III
- DAR 3 Garvan ('Raven' or Laz-3)[9]
- DAR 4
- DAR 5 Brambar ('Beetle')[9]
- DAR 6
- DAR 7[9]
- DAR 7 SS.1[9]
- DAR 8 Slavei (or Slavey, 'Nightingale')[9]
- DAR 8A[9]
- DAR 9 Siniger ('Titmouse' or 'Tomtit')
- DAR 10 Bekas ('Snipe')
- DAR 11 Lyastovitsa ('Swallow') - 50 planned licensed Czech Avia B.135s [unbuilt]
- DAR 13
(Аероплани ДАР ЕООД - DAR aeroplanes EOOD)
- DAR 21 Vector
- DAR 21S
- DAR-23
- DAR 25 Impuls
- DAR Solo
- DAR Speedster
(Dayton Air Race Associates, Dayton, OH, constructed by WBB Associates, Dayton, OH)
- DARA Special[5]
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
- Boeing X-37
- Boeing X-45
- FALCON Hypersonic Weapon System/Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle
- General Atomics MQ-1 Predator unmanned drone
- Hypersonic Research Program
- Integrated Sensor is Structure unmanned airship
- Northrop Grumman Switchblade unmanned oblique-wing aircraft
- System F6 Fractionated Spacecraft distributed satellite demonstrator
(Dart Aircraft Ltd)
- Dart Cambridge
- Dart Totternhoe
- Dart Flittermouse
- Dart Pup
- Dart Kitten
- Dart Grunau Baby
- Dart Zögling
- Dart replica Lilienthal glider
- Dart replica Cayley glider
- Dart replica Wright glider
- Dart Weasel[10]
See: Xianyi
- Daspect III[11]
- Dassault Balzac V
- Dassault Barougan
- Dassault Étendard II
- Dassault Étendard IV
- Dassault Étendard VI
- Dassault Falcon 5X
- Dassault Falcon 6X
- Dassault Falcon 7X
- Dassault Falcon 8X
- Dassault Falcon 9X[12]
- Dassault Falcon 10
- Dassault Falcon 10X
- Dassault Falcon 20
- Dassault Falcon 50
- Dassault Falcon 100
- Dassault Falcon 200
- Dassault Falcon 900
- Dassault Falcon 2000
- Dassault Falcon Cargo Jet
- Dassault Falcon Guardian
- Dassault LOGIDUC
- Dassault Méditerranée[13]
- Dassault Mercure
- Dassault Mercure 100
- Dassault Milan
- Dassault Mirage III
- Dassault Mirage IIIV
- Dassault Mirage 5
- Dassault Mirage 50
- Dassault Mirage IV
- Dassault Mirage 2000
- Dassault Mirage 4000
- Dassault Mirage F1
- Dassault Mirage F2
- Dassault Mirage F3
- Dassault Mirage G
- Dassault Mirage G-8
- Dassault Mystère 20
- Dassault nEUROn
- Dassault Rafale
- Dassault Super Étendard
- Dassault Super Mystère
- Dassault MD 80 ABC[1]
- Dassault MD 303
- Dassault MD 311
- Dassault MD 312
- Dassault MD 315 Flamant
- Dassault MD 316T
- Dassault MD 320 Hirondelle
- Dassault MD 410 Spirale
- Dassault MD 415 Communauté
- Dassault MD 415M Diplomate
- Dassault MD 450 Ouragan
- Dassault MD 452 Mystère II
- Dassault MD 453 Mystère IIIN
- Dassault MD 454 Mystère IV
- Dassault MD 455 Spirale III
- Dassault MD 550 Mirage
- Dassault-Breguet Atlantique
- Dassault Breguet CC-117 Falcon Canadian Armed Forces
- Dassault Breguet Dornier Alpha Jet
- Dätwyler 1038 MDC Trailer
- Dätwyler Lerche[16]
- Dätwyler MD-3 Swiss Trainer
((Leon) D Davis Aircraft Corp, Lake Village, IN, 1976: Stanton, TX)
- Davis DA-1
- Davis DA-2
- Davis DA-2A
- Davis DA-3
- Davis DA-5
- Davis DA-5A
- Davis DA-6
- Davis DA-7[5]
- Davis DA-8[5]
- Davis DA-9 Super Pocket Rocket[5]
- Davis DA-10[5]
- Davis DA-11[5]
(C R Dawson, Glenn W Johnson & Clay Henley, Coeur d'Alene, ID)
- Dayton-Wright XO-3
- Dayton-Wright XPS-1
- Dayton-Wright TA-3
- Dayton-Wright TA-5
- Dayton-Wright TW-3
- Dayton-Wright Aerial Coupe
- Dayton-Wright Bug[17]
- Dayton-Wright Bull Head[17]
- Dayton-Wright Cabin Cruiser
- Dayton-Wright Chummy
- Dayton-Wright DH-4
- Dayton-Wright DWH-4 Blue Bird
- Dayton-Wright FP.2
- Dayton-Wright FS
- Dayton-Wright KT
- Dayton-Wright Limousine
- Dayton-Wright M-1[17]
- Dayton-Wright Messenger
- Dayton-Wright OW-1
- Dayton-Wright RB-1 Racer
- Dayton-Wright RB-1
- Dayton-Wright SDW
- Dayton-Wright T-4
- Dayton-Wright USXB
- Dayton-Wright WA[17]
- Dayton-Wright WD[17]
- Dayton-Wright WS[17]
- Dayton-Wright Nine-Hour Cruiser
(Daytona Aircraft Construction Inc, Deland, FL)
de Bolotoff
(de Bolotoff Aeroplane Works, Sevenoaks, Kent, United Kingdom)
- de Bolotoff 1913 triplane[18][19]
- de Bolotoff SDEB 14
de Boysson
- de Boysson A-3
de Brageas
- de Brageas Type E[21]
de Bruyère
- de Bruyère C1[6]
de Busschere
(Donald de Busschere)
- de Busschere Skylark I
- de Busschere Skylark II
de Chenne
(DeChenne (or Monett) Motor & Aeroplane Co (Pres: L B Durnil), Monett, MO)
- de Cheenne 1911 Biplane[5] a.k.a. 'Monett Biplane' and 'Dechene-Sowers' (sic)
de Havens & Watkins
(Claude de Haven & A C Watkins, San Francisco, CA)
- de Havens & Watkins 1909 Monoplane[5]
de Havilland
(for Geoffrey de Havilland's "DH" designs before the DH.14, see Airco)
- de Havilland DH.14 Okapi
- de Havilland DH.16
- de Havilland DH.18
- de Havilland DH.27 Derby
- de Havilland DH.29 Doncaster
- de Havilland DH.32
- de Havilland DH.34
- de Havilland DH.37
- de Havilland DH.42 Dormouse
- de Havilland DH.50
- de Havilland DH.51
- de Havilland DH.53 Humming Bird
- de Havilland DH.54 Highclere
- de Havilland DH.56 Hyena
- de Havilland DH.60 Moth
- de Havilland DH.61 Giant Moth
- de Havilland DH.65 Hound
- de Havilland DH.66 Hercules
- de Havilland DH.71 Tiger Moth
- de Havilland DH.72
- de Havilland DH.75 Hawk Moth
- de Havilland DH.77
- de Havilland DH.80 Puss Moth
- de Havilland DH.81 Swallow Moth
- de Havilland DH.82 Tiger Moth
- de Havilland DH.83 Fox Moth
- de Havilland DH.84 Dragon
- de Havilland DH.85 Leopard Moth
- de Havilland DH.86 Express
- de Havilland DH.87 Hornet Moth
- de Havilland DH.88 Comet
- de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide
- de Havilland DH.90 Dragonfly
- de Havilland DH.91 Albatross
- de Havilland DH.92 Dolphin
- de Havilland DH.93 Don
- de Havilland DH.94 Moth Minor
- de Havilland DH.95 Flamingo
- de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito
- de Havilland DH.99 Mosquito
- de Havilland DH.100 Vampire
- de Havilland DH.101 Mosquito
- de Havilland DH.102 Mosquito
- de Havilland DH.103 Hornet
- de Havilland DH.104 Dove
- de Havilland DH.106 Comet
- de Havilland DH.108 Swallow
- de Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen
- de Havilland DH.113 Vampire
- de Havilland DH.112 Venom
- de Havilland DH.112 Sea Venom
- de Havilland DH.114 Heron
- de Havilland DH.115 Vampire Trainer
- de Havilland DH.121 Trident
- de Havilland DH.125 Jet Dragon
de Havilland Aeronautical Technical School
- de Havilland T.K.1
- de Havilland T.K.2
- de Havilland T.K.3
- de Havilland T.K.4
- de Havilland T.K.5
de Havilland Canada
- de Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk
- de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver
- de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter
- de Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou
- de Havilland Canada DHC-5 Buffalo
- de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter
- de Havilland Canada Dash 7
- de Havilland Canada Dash 8
- de Havilland Canada CC-108
- de Havilland Canada CC-115
- de Havilland Canada CT-120
- de Havilland Canada C-127
- de Havilland Canada CSR-123
- de Havilland Canada CC-132
- de Havilland Canada CC-138
- de Havilland Canada CC-142
- de Havilland Canada CT-142
- de Havilland Canada AC-1
- de Havilland Canada AC-2
- de Havilland Canada C-7
- de Havilland Canada C-8
- de Havilland Canada CV-2
- de Havilland Canada CV-7
- de Havilland Canada E-9
- de Havilland Canada L-20
- de Havilland Canada O-5
- de Havilland Canada U-1
- de Havilland Canada U-6
- de Havilland Canada UV-18
de Lackner
((Donald) de Lackner Helicopters Inc., Mt Vernon, NY)
- de Lackner DH-4 Heli-Vector
- de Lackner DH-5 Aerocycle
- de Lackner HO-2
- de Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle
- de Lackner Model 125 Cloud Buster[24]
de Lesseps
(Paul de Lesseps)
- Monoplan de Lesseps
de Lloyd Thompson
- de Lloyd Thompson Looper
de Lotty
((Henri) DeLotty Flying School: de Lotty Aircraftsmen Co, San Francisco, CA)
- de Lotty 1929 Monoplane[5]
de Marçay
(Société Anonyme d'Etudes et de Construction Aéronautique Edmond de Marçay - SAECA Edmond de Marçay)
de Marçay-Kluijtmans
(Edmond de Marçay & J. Kluijtmans)
- de Marçay-Kluijtmans 1907 Dirigeable
- de Marçay-Kluijtmans 1908 Dirigeable
de Marçay-Moonen
(Edmond de Marçay & Emile Moonen)
- de Marçay-Moonen 1911 monoplane
- de Marçay-Moonen 1912 monoplane [25]
- de Marçay-Moonen L'Abeille
- de Marçay-Moonen 1912 2-seat monoplane
- de Marçay-Moonen 1913 floatplane racer
- de Marçay-Moonen 1914 double-biplane canard
de Marçay
(SAECA Edmond de Marçay or Anonyme d'Etudes et de Construction Aéronautique Edmond de Marçay)
- de Marçay 1
- de Marçay 2
- de Marçay 3
- de Marçay 4
- de Marçay 5
- de Marçay T-2
- de Marçay Limousine
- de Marçay Passe-Partout
- de Marçay single-seat tourer
de Monge
(Louis de Monge)
- De Monge DMP-1 (twin boom glider)
- de Monge 1914 monoplane
- Lumière-de Monge racer
- Buscaylet-de Monge 5/2
- Buscaylet-de Monge 7/3
- Buscaylet-de Monge 7-4
- Buscaylet-de Monge 7-5
- Buscaylet-de Monge 8/1 CN.2
- Buscaylet-de Monge 9/1
- Buscaylet-de Monge 10/1 C.2
- de Monge 120 RN.3
- de Monge 140 BN.4
- de Monge 5/1 (racer - Lumière-de Monge racer?)
- de Monge 6/1 (amphibian project)
- de Monge M-101
- de Monge M-160
- de Monge Live Wing monoplane
de Pischof
(Alfred de Pischof)
- de Pischoff 1907 biplane
- de Pischof 1911 Autoplan[26]
- de Pischof Avionnette 1920[27]
- de Pischof Estafette 1922[28]
de Rouge
(Charles de Rouge)
- de Rouge Elytroplan
- de Rouge Elytroplan-Lateron
de Schelde
(NV Koninklijke Maatschappij de Schelde)
- de Schelde Scheldemusch
- de Schelde Scheldemeeuw
- de Schelde S.12[29][30]
- de Schelde S.20[30]
- de Schelde S.21
de Vastey
(Georges de Vastey)
- Georges de Vastey G-1 Papillon
- Georges de Vastey G-2
De Vore
(Arthur Deicke)
Del Mar
(Bruce Del Mar / Del Mar Engineering Laboratories, Los Angeles CA.)
(Maurice Delanne, France)
- Delanne DL-10
- Delanne 11
- Delanne DL-20T
- Delanne 30 P2
- Delanne 60 E1
- Delanne DL-70
- Delanne DL-150
- Delanne DL-160
- Delanne DL-190
(Gérard Feugray and Christian Lesage)
(Jean Délémontez et Jacques Desjardins)
(Delgado Trades School, New Orleans, LA (now Delgado Community College))
Delta Sailplane Corporation
Delta System Air
(Jean DELmontez - Jacques VION)
- Dementyev Mercury 6
(François Denhaut)
- Denhaut Type A (1911)[41]
- Denhaut Type B (1912)[41]
- Denhaut Hy.749 (1926/27 Denhaut design built by France-Aviation)
(Robert Denize)
(Société Pour les Appareils Deperdussin) (Note: there is much confusion over Deperdussin's aircraft so the listed aircraft here may refer to the same item, hopefully all will be revealed later)
- Deperdussin Type A
- Deperdussin Type B Sports
- Deperdussin Type C
- Deperdussin Type D Monocoque
- Deperdussin T
- Deperdussin TT
- Deperdussin Coupe Schneider
- Deperdussin Type B concours militaire 1911[43]
- Deperdussin 1912 Racing Monoplane
- Deperdussin Monocoque
- De Feure-Deperdussin No.2 Monoplane
- British Deperdussin Seagull
- Desjardin Beaver des Pauvres
Detroit Cleveland
- Detroit Cleveland Airship
(Emile Dewoitine - Société Aéronautique Française, formerly Constructions Aéronautiques E. Dewoitine, nationalized in 1936 as Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Midi (SNCAM))
- Dewoitine AXD
- Dewoitine P-1
- Dewoitine P-2
- Dewoitine P-3
- Dewoitine P-4
- Dewoitine D.1
- Dewoitine D.2
- Dewoitine D.3
- Dewoitine D.4
- Dewoitine D.5
- Dewoitine D.6
- Dewoitine D.7
- Dewoitine D.8
- Dewoitine D.9
- Dewoitine D.10
- Dewoitine D.12
- Dewoitine D.13
- Dewoitine D.14
- Dewoitine D.15
- Dewoitine D.17
- Dewoitine D.18
- Dewoitine D.19
- Dewoitine D.21
- Dewoitine D.22
- Dewoitine D.23
- Dewoitine D.24
- Dewoitine D.25
- Dewoitine D.26
- Dewoitine D.27
- Dewoitine D.28
- Dewoitine D.30
- Dewoitine D.31
- Dewoitine D.33 Trait d'Union
- Dewoitine D.332 Emeraude
- Dewoitine D.333
- Dewoitine D.337
- Dewoitine D.338
- Dewoitine D.342
- Dewoitine D.35
- Dewoitine D.37
- Dewoitine D.371
- Dewoitine D.373
- Dewoitine D.40
- Dewoitine HD.41
- Dewoitine HD.411
- Dewoitine HD-412
- Dewoitine D.420
- Dewoitine D.430
- Dewoitine D.440
- Dewoitine D.450
- Dewoitine HD.460
- Dewoitine D.470
- Dewoitine D.480
- Dewoitine D.490
- Dewoitine D.500
- Dewoitine D.501
- Dewoitine D.503
- Dewoitine D.510
- Dewoitine D.511
- Dewoitine D.513
- Dewoitine D.520
- Dewoitine D.521
- Dewoitine D.530
- Dewoitine D.531
- Dewoitine D.532
- Dewoitine D.535
- Dewoitine D.550
- Dewoitine D.551
- Dewoitine D.560
- Dewoitine D.570
- Dewoitine D.580
- Dewoitine D.590
- Dewoitine D.600[51]
- Dewoitine D.620
- Dewoitine D.640
- Dewoitine D.650
- Dewoitine D.660
- Dewoitine D.680
- Dewoitine D.700
- Dewoitine D.710
- Dewoitine D.720
- Dewoitine HD.730
- Dewoitine D.750
- Dewoitine D.760
- Dewoitine D.770
- Dewoitine HD.780
- Dewoitine D.790
- Dewoitine D.800
- Dewoitine D.810
- Dewoitine D.820
- Dewoitine D.860
- Dewoitine D.900
- Dewoitine Navy Type D Carrier Fighter
- Gaillard, Pierre (1990). Les Avions Francaisde 1944 a 1964. Paris: Editions EPA. ISBN 2-85120-350-9.
- "DC.01 Rapace". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- Gaillard, Pierre (1991). Les Avions Francaisde 1965 a 1990. Paris: Editions EPA. ISBN 2-85120-392-4.
- Cynk, Jerzy B. (1971). Polish Aircraft 1893–1939. London: Putnam. pp. 600–613. ISBN 978-0-370-00085-5.
- "American airplanes: Da - DY". 2008-08-15. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- Green, William; Swanborough, Gordon (1994). The Complete Book of fighters. London: Salamander Books Limited. ISBN 1-85833-777-1.
- Gray, Peter; Thetford, Owen (1970). German Aircraft of the First World War (2nd ed.). London: Putnam. ISBN 0-370-00103-6.
- "Damoure-Fabre DFL-6". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- Hayles, John (2002). "Bulgarian Air Force". Retrieved 15 January 2012.
- "British Sport and Training Types". Flight. 27 October 1938. Retrieved 14 July 2014.
- "Daspect III". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- "Falcon 9X and 10X are Just 'Rumours' or are They?".
- Bridgman, Leonard, ed. (1957). Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1958-59. London: Jane's All the World's Aircraft Publishing Co. Ltd.
- "Dassy DA.1". Retrieved 16 May 2014.
- "Dassy DA.2". Retrieved 18 January 2017.
- Taylor, John W.R., ed. (1969). Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1969-70. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Company.
- "American airplanes: Dayton". 2008-08-15. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- Lewis, Peter (1962). British Aircraft 1809–1914. London: Putnam. p. 213.
- Goodall, Michael H.; Tagg, Albert E. (2001). British aircraft before the great war. Atglen: Schiffer Pub. pp. 95–96. ISBN 978-0764312076.
- "De Bothezat GB-5". Retrieved 18 May 2014.
- "de Brageas Type E". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
- "ALFRED HERRMANN (1895 - 1980)". Retrieved 18 May 2014.
- "Glymes glider". Retrieved 18 January 2017.
- Stingray. "de Lackner Model 125 "Cloud-Buster"". Retrieved 26 May 2014.
- "A successful aircraft with folding wings". Popular Mechanics: 194. February 1912. Retrieved 22 November 2015.
- Parmentier, Bruno (2005-12-02). "de Pischof 'Autoplan'" (in French). France: Aviafrance. Retrieved 19 December 2011.
- Parmentier, Bruno (2010-12-02). "de Pischof 'Avionnette'" (in French). France: Aviafrance. Retrieved 19 December 2011.
- Parmentier, Bruno (2005-07-09). "de Pischof 'Estafette'" (in French). France: Aviafrance. Retrieved 19 December 2011.
- Grey, John C.G; Bridgman, Leonard (1938). Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1938. London: Sampson Low, Marston & company, ltd.
- Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding#Vliegtuigbouw, Retrieved 5 November 2011
- Parmentier, Bruno. "De Vizcaya PV-102". Retrieved 26 November 2013.
- "DEICKE Arthur Deicke, München". (in English and German). Retrieved 13 April 2015.
- Nowarra, Heinz J. (1993). Die Deutsche Luftruestung 1933-1945 Vol.4 – Flugzeugtypen MIAG-Zeppelin. Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe Verlag. ISBN 3-7637-5464-4.
- Nowarra, Heinz J. (1993). Die Deutsche Luftruestung 1933-1945 Vol.1 - AEG-Dor*nier. Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe Verlag. ISBN 3-7637-5464-4.
- "Civil Aircraft Register - France". Retrieved 26 May 2014.
- Jackson, Robert (2004). The Encyclopedia of Aircraft. Silverdale Books. ISBN 1-85605-887-5.
- "Délémontez-Desjardins D01". 2003-08-21. Retrieved 2011-02-06.
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- Eastman E-2 Sea Rover
- ZMC-2
- Lockheed Vega
- Lockheed Model 8 Sirius
- Lockheed Altair
- Lockheed YP-24
- Martin T4M
- Lage 2002 p.299-300