List of aircraft (E)
This is a list of aircraft in alphabetical order beginning with 'E'.
Lists of aircraft |
List of gliders |
By constructor name |
(Eagle Aircraft Pty Ltd) see: Eagle
(Experimental Aircraft Assn, Hales Corners, WI)
(Eagle Aircraft Pty Ltd / EAA - Eagle Aircraft Australia)
Eagle Helicopter
(United Eastern Aeroplane Corp, Hempstead, NY)
Eastern Ultralights
(Eastman Aircraft Corp (Beasley, Eastman, Edward S Evans, Carl B Squier), Detroit, MI)
(Leonard Eaves, Leroy Huff, Lloyd Pearson, Oklahoma City, OK)
(Eberhart Aeroplane & Motor Co.)
(Herman A Ecker, Syracuse, NY)
- Ecker 1911 Biplane[1]
- Ecker 1912 Biplane[1]
- Ecker 1914 Biplane[1]
- Ecker Flying Boat
(Eclipse Aviation and Eclipse Aerospace (Fdr: Vern Raburn), Albuquerque, NM)
(Ector Aircraft Co, Odessa, TX)
- Ector Mountaineer (Cessna L-19 conv.)
- Ector Super Mountaineer (Cessna L-19 conv.)
Edel Paragliders
(Gwangju, South Korea)
(EDO Aircraft Corp (Fdr: Earl D Osborne), College Point, NY)
- Edo B (a.k.a. Aeromarine EO)
- Edo 1925 Monoplane (a.k.a. Aeromarine EO)
- Edo Malolo 1[1]
- Edo Malolo 2[1]
- Edo Malolo 3[1]
- Edo OSE
- Edo S2E[1]
- Edo TE
- Edo Model 142
(EDRA Pecas e Manutencao Ltda / EDRA Aeronautica)
- EDRA Aeronautica Paturi
- EDRA Aeronautica Super Pétrel
- EDRA Aeronautica Super Pétrel LS
(Edwards Common Sense Aeroplane Co, Tell City, IN)
((George) Sterling Edwards Aircraft Co, 1055 California St, S San Francisco, CA)
- Edwards XMBM-1[1]
(Entwicklung und Erprobung von Leichtflugzeugen, Putzbrunn, Germany)
(Entwicklungsgemeinschaft für Flugzeugbau)
- EFF Prometheus 1
- EFF Prometheus 19
- EFF Prometheus 12
- EFF Prometheus PV[6]
(Edward & Ray Effenheim, Milwaukee, WI)
(N. Efremov)
- Efremov C-1
Egyptian General Aero Organisation (EGAO)
EH Industries
(Joint venture company formed by Agusta and Westland to manage and market EH-101)
(Ellis Eichmann, Brownsville, TX)
- Zhiroplan[7]
(Eidgenoessische Konstruktionswerkstaette English: "Swiss Federal Constructions Works",
also known as Eigenössische Flugzeug Werke - EFW, or as Flug + Werk)
- EKW MA-7 (Militär-Apparat - MA-7)[8]
- EKW C-35 two-seat reconnaissance biplane
- EKW C-3600
- EKW C-3602 - two prototypes
- EKW C-3603 - pre-production series (10 built)
- C-3603-1 - main production version (148 built, at least 60 later converted to target tugs)
- C-3603-1 TR - trainer version (2 built)
- C-3603-1 - main production version (148 built, at least 60 later converted to target tugs)
- EKW C-3604 - Post-war development using Saurer YS-2 engine (13 built)
- F+W C-3605 - Turboprop version with Lycoming T53 engine (24 converted from C-3603-1)
- EKW D-3800 - licence built M.S.406H fighter
- EKW D-3801 - development of D-3800
- EKW D-3802 - licence built M.S.450/540 fighter
- EKW D-3803 - development of D-3800 with bubble canopy
El Gavilán
(ELA Aviacion S.L., Cordoba, Spain)
(Elbit Systems, Israel)
(Electravia Hélices E-Props, France)
Electric Aircraft Corporation
(Cliffside Park, NJ)
(Electricsports GmbH, Ostrach, Germany)
- Electricsports ES-Trike
- Electricsports GS-Trike
- Electricsports Scott-e
(G Elias & Brother, Buffalo, NY)
- Elias AJE Air Express[1][12]
- Elias Airmobile[1]
- Elias AJE[1]
- Elias EC-1 Aircoupe
- Elias Airsport
- Elias EC-3 Airmobile[1]
- Elias EM-1
- Elias EM-2
- Elias ES-1 (a.k.a. Elias-Stupar Twin)[1]
- Elias EO
- Elias M-1 Mailplane[1]
- Elias NBS-3
- Elias Sport#1[1]
- Elias Sport#2[1]
- Elias Sport#3[1]
- Elias TA-1
(Elitar (Samara VVV-Avia))
- Elitar Sigma
- Elitar IE-101 Elitar[13]
- Elitar IE-201 Senator[13]
- Elitar IE-202[13]
- Elitar IE-203[13]
- Elitar-202
- Elitar-401[13]
- Ellehammer monoplane
- Ellehammer semi-biplane
- Ellehammer triplane
- Ellehammer helicopter
- Ellehammer No1
- Ellehammer No3
- Ellehammer IV 1908
(La société Ellipse, Etuz-Marnay, France)
- Ellipse Alizé
- Ellipse Fuji 16 Alizé
- Ellipse Titan CX Alizé
- Ellipse DTA[14]
- Ellipse Fuji
- Ellipse Sol'R[15]
- Ellipse Titan
- Ellipse Twist
- Ellipse Windee[16]
- Ellipse Zenith
Elroy Air
(David Ely)
- Ely Twin
See:de Rouge
(Emair, div of Murrayair Ltd, Harlingen, TX) (a.k.a. Agronemair)
- Emair MA-1 Paymaster
- Emair MA-1B Diablo 1200
- Emair MA-2 Paymaster[1]
(Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S. A. English: Brazilian Aeronautics Company, Inc.)
- Embraer E-99
- Embraer E-190
- Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante
- Embraer EMB 111
- Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia
- Embraer EMB 121 Xingu
- Embraer EMB 123 Tapajós
- Embraer EMB 145 Erieye[17]
- Embraer EMB 200 Ipanema
- Embraer EMB 201 Ipanema
- Embraer EMB 202 Ipanema
- Embraer EMB 326 Xavante
- Embraer EMB 312 Tucano
- Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano
- Embraer EMB 710 Carioca (PA-28-235)
- Embraer EMB 711 Corisco (PA-28-200R)
- Embraer EMB 712 Tupi
- Embraer EMB 720 Minuano (PA-32-300)
- Embraer EMB 721 Sertanejo
- Embraer EMB 810 Sêneca (PA-34-200T)
- Embraer EMB 820 Navajo (PA-31-350)
- Embraer EMB 821 Carajá
- Embraer/FMA CBA 123 Vector
- Embraer Lineage 1000
- Embraer Legacy 450
- Embraer Lagacy 500
- Embraer Legacy 600
- Embraer Legacy 700
- Embraer Phenom 100
- Embraer Phenom 300
- Embraer Praetor 500
- Embraer Praetor 600
- Embraer E-Jet family
- Embraer E-Jet E2 family
- Embraer ERJ 135
- Embraer ERJ 140
- Embraer ERJ 145
- Embraer ERJ family
- Embraer R-99
- Embraer R-99A
- Embraer 170
- Embraer 175
- Embraer 190
- Embraer 195
- Embraer C-390
- Embraer MFT-LF[18]
((Harold) Emigh Aircraft Co, Denver, CO)
- Emigh Airsport[1]
- Emigh Commuter Jr.[1]
- Emigh Rocket[1]
- Emigh A-2 Trojan
Empire State
(Empire State Aircraft Corp, Hempstead Plains, NY)
- Empire State 1916 Military Tractor Biplane[1]
((E M Smith & Associates) EMSCO Aircraft Corp, Long Beach, CA)
- Emsco B-2 Challenger
- Emsco B-3
- Emsco B-3A
- Emsco B-4
- Emsco B-5
- Emsco B-7 Sport[1]
- Emsco B-8 Flying Wing
- Emsco B-10[1]
- Emsco Arctic Tern
(Empresa Nacional de Aeronáutica de Chile English:National Aeronautic Enterprise of Chile).
- ENAER Pantera
- ENAER T-35 Pillán
- ENAER T-35T Aucán
- ENAER A-36 Halcón
- ENAER T-36 Halcón
- ENAER ECH-02 Ñamcú - original design
- ENAER Eaglet - as modified for production
- ENAER E.26 Tamiz
- ENAER Avion Livano
(Yevgenii Robertovich Engels)
(Victor Enghusen & Morris Anderson, Frontenac, MN)
- Enghusen-Anderson 1931 Monoplane[1]
Engineering Division
(Engr Division, McCook Field, Dayton, OH; Hampton Roads, VA)
- Engineering Division XB-1A
- Engineering Division-Pomilio BVL-12
- Engineering Division XCO-5
- Engineering Division XCO-6
- Engineering Division DH-4[1]
- Engineering Division-Pomilio FVL-8
- Engineering Division GAX[1]
- Engineering Division GA-1
- Engineering Division H-1[1]
- Engineering Division M-1
- Engineering Division NBL-1
- Engineering Division TP-1
- Engineering Division TW-1
- Engineering Division USAC-1[1]
- Engineering Division USB[1]
- Engineering Division USD-9A
- Engineering Division VCP
- Engineering Division P-28 (McCook Field)[1]
- Engineering Division P-68 (McCook Field)[1]
- Engineering Division P-69 (McCook Field)[1]
- Engineering Division P-176 (McCook Field)[1]
- Engineering Division P-200 (McCook Field)
- Engineering Division P-263 (McCook Field)[1]
- Engineering Division P-303 (McCook Field)[1]
- Verville-Packard R-1
((Richard B "Dick") Engle Aircraft Corp (a.k.a. Palmer Inventions Inc, Engel Air Products Inc, Palmer Cam Engine Mfg Co), Framingham, Natick, Boston, and Cambridge, Massachusetts)
(Erik Engstrom)
- Engstrom EES-1 Sky Swallow V1
- Enstrom F-28
- Enstrom T-28[1]
- Enstrom TH-28[1]
- Enstrom TH180
- Enstrom 280
- Enstrom 480
- Entecho Demipod
- Entecho Mupod
(Joint Venture between Weserflug, Focke-Wulf, and Hamburger Flugzeugbau; Weserflug and Focke-Wulf were later absorbed into VFW)
(see #EWR)
(Epic Air LLC / Epic Aviation )
- Epic Dynasty
- Epic LT
- Epic Elite
- Epic Escape
- Epic Victory
- Epic E1000
(Ben T Epps, Athens, GA)
- Epps 1907 Monoplane
- Epps 1909 Monoplane
- Epps 1910 Monoplane
- Epps 1911 Monoplane
- Epps 1912 Monoplane
- Epps 1916 Biplane[1]
- Epps 1924 Monoplane
- Epps 1930 Biplane[1]
- Epps M-1[1]
(Equator Aircraft Gesellschaft fur Flugzeugbau mbH Ulm)
- Equator P-300 Equator
- Equator P-350 Equator[6]
- Equator P-400 Equator
- Equator P-420 Turbo Equator
- Equator P-420 Twin Equator[6]
- Equator P-450 Equator[6]
- Equator P-550 Turbo Equator[6]
- Equator P2 Excursion
- Erasmus SA 40
(C.J. Erasmus, Chicago, IL)
- Erasmus Super Parasol
(Engineering and Research Corporation (Pres: Henry A Berliner), Washington, DC and Riverdale, MD)
- ERCO 191-A[1]
- ERCO 310
- Ercoupe
- Ercoupe XPQ-13
- Ercoupe O-55[1]
- Twin Ercoupe
(Erla Maschinenwerk G.m.b.H. / designer Franz Xaver Mehr)
(Études et Réalisations de Protottypes pour l'Aviation Légère et Sportiv)
- ERPALS JH.03 le Courlis[9]
- ESA Spacelab
(Cheston L Eshelman Corp, Dundalk, MD)
- Eshelman EF-100 Winglet[1][25]
- Eshelman Flying Flounder[1][26]
- Eshelman FW-5
- Esnault-Pelterie REP.1
- Esnault-Pelterie REP.2
- Esnault-Pelterie REP.A
- Esnault-Pelterie REP.B
- Esnault-Pelterie REP.C
- Esnault-Pelterie REP.D
- Esnault-Pelterie REP.K
(Gottlob Espenlaub / Espenlaub Flugzeugbau)
- Espenlaub E-01
- Espenlaub E-02 – designer:Alexander Lippisch
- Espenlaub E-03
- Espenlaub E-04
- Espenlaub E-05[27]
- Espenlaub E-09
- Espenlaub E-11a
- Espenlaub E-12[27]
- Espenlaub E-14
- Espenlaub E-15
- Espenlaub E-15 Rak
- Espenlaub E-32
- Espenlaub E-33
- Espenlaub Motorsegler
- Espenlaub Rakete
- Espenlaub S
- Espenlaub Schleppflugzeug
- Espenlaub Schulflugzeug
(Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Aéronautiques / Antoine Odier & Gustave Bessière)
- ESTA Clinogyro[28]
(Igo Etrich / Etrich FlugzeugWerke (EFW), Austria)
- Etrich-Wels 1904 kite/glider
- Etrich-Wels 1906 Glider – Etrich's Leaf, 1906
- Etrich No1 1908
- Etrich Taube
- EFW Etrich Taube:Produced by the inventor Igo Etrich and EFW Etrich Flugzeugwerke.
- EFW Etrich II Taube 2-seater tractor monoplane
- EFW Etrich II modified Taube tractor monoplane
- EFW Etrich III Möve (Seagull) tractor monoplane
- EFW Etrich IV Manövertaube Type B military 2-seater monoplane
- EFW Etrich IV Taube tractor monoplane
- EFW Etrich V Taube tractor monoplane
- EFW Etrich VI Taube tractor monoplane
- EFW Etrich VII Renntaube 3-seater racing monoplane (1911)
- EFW Etrich VIII Luft-Limousine 4-seater high-wing monoplane (1911–12)
- EFW Etrich IX Schwalbe monoplane
- EFW Etrich XII Rennapparat 2-seater bomber monoplane
- EFW Etrich Taube Type 1913 2-seater bomber monoplane
- EFW Etrich Manövertaube Type F 2-seater military monoplane
- EFW Etrich Etrichapparat monoplane
- Etrich-Rumpler Taube:Initial name of the
- Rumpler Taube
- Rumpler Delfin-Taube (Rumpler Kabinentaube Delfin) Version with a closed cabin
- Gotha Taube:Produced by the Gothaer Waggonfabrik (Land Eindecker - "Land Monoplane") and designated Gotha A.I by the Idflieg
- Harlan Pfeil Taube
- Halberstadt Taube III:Produced by the Halberstadt.
- Jeannin Stahltaube:Version with a steel tubing fuselage structure.
- Kondor Taube:Produced by the Kondor.
- RFG Taube:Produced by the Reise- und Industrieflug GmbH (RFG).
- Roland Taube
- Albatros Taube:Produced by the Albatros Flugzeugwerke
- Albatros Doppeltaube:Biplane version produced by the Albatros Flugzeugwerke.
- Aviatik Taube:Produced by the Automobil und Aviatik AG firm.
- DFW Stahltaube:Version with a steel frame
- Etrich A.I
- Etrich A.II
- Etrich Luft-Limousine (1912–13)
- Etrich Sport-Taube (1929)
(Euler-Werke / Euler Flugmaschinen-Werke)
- Euler Hydro-triplane
- Euler B.I
- Euler B.II
- Euler B.III
- Euler C[29]
- Euler D.I
- Euler D.II
- Euler Doppeldecker 1[30][29]
- Euler Doppeldecker 2[30][29]
- Euler Dreidecker 1[30][29]
- Euler Dreidecker 2[30][29]
- Euler Dreidecker 3[30][29]
- Euler Dreidecker 4[30][29]
- Euler Dreidecker 5[30]
- Euler Pusher Einsitzer[29] (Gelber Hund - yellow hound)[30]
- Euler Vierdecker[30][29]
- Euler Military triplane
- Euler 1911 eindecker (not a Taube)
- Euler 1912 eindecker (not a Taube)
- Eurocopter BO 105
- Eurocopter Dauphin
- Eurocopter Cougar
- Eurocopter EC 120 Colibri
- Eurocopter EC 130 Ecureuil
- Eurocopter EC 135
- Eurocopter EC 145
- Eurocopter EC 155
- Eurocopter EC 175
- Eurocopter EC 225 Super Puma Mk.III
- Eurocopter EC 635
- Eurocopter EC 725 Cougar
- Eurocopter Dauphin
- Eurocopter Fennec
- Eurocopter HH-65 Dolphin
- Eurocopter Panther
- Eurocopter Super Puma
- Eurocopter Tiger
- Eurocopter/Kawasaki BK 117
(European Future Large Aircraft Group)[9] See: Airbus A400M Atlas
(Eurofly srl, Galliera Veneta, Italy)
Europe Sails
(Neukirchen, Austria)
(W. Heinrich Evers of Lamstedt)
- Evers E.1
- Evers E.2
- NFW E.5
- Exosonic 1.8
Explorer Aircraft
(Explorer Aircraft - now AEA)
(Express Aircraft Co (Paul Fagerstrom & Lawrence Olson), Olympia, WA)
- Express Series 90
- Express Wheeler
Express Design Inc
(Extra Flugzeugbau / Extra Aerobatic Aircraft / WalterExtra)
- Extra EA-200
- Extra EA-230
- Extra EA-260
- Extra EA-300
- Extra EA-330
- Extra EA-400
- Extra EA-500
- Extra NG (Extra Aerobatic Aircraft)
Lists of aircraft |
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- Gaillard, Pierre (1990). Les Avions Francaisde 1944 a 1964. Paris: Editions EPA. ISBN 2-85120-350-9.
- John W.R. Taylor, ed. (1988). Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1988-89. London: Jane's Information Group. ISBN 0-7106-0867-5.
- Keimel, Reinhard (1980). Propeller-Luftfahrzeugkonstruktionen seit 1945 (1. Aufl. ed.). Graz: H. Weishaupt Verlag. ISBN 3-900310-02-5.
- Taylor, John W. R.. (1983). Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1982-83. London: Jane's Publishing Company. ISBN 0-7106-0748-2.
- Gunston, Bill (1995). The Osprey Encyclopaedia of Russian Aircraft 1875–1995. London: Osprey. ISBN 1-85532-405-9.
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- Gaillard, Pierre (1991). Les Avions Francaisde 1965 a 1990. Paris: Editions EPA. ISBN 2-85120-392-4.
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- Editorial Staff (8 July 2020). "Inside the Electroflight/Rolls-Royce Electric Racer". AVweb. Retrieved 8 July 2020.
- Grey, C.G., ed. (1928). Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1928. London: Sampson Low, Marston & company, ltd.
- Jackson, Paul, MRAeS, ed. (2005). Jane's all the World's Aircraft 2004-05. London: Jane's Publishing Group. ISBN 0-7106-2614-2.
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- Lambert, Mark; Munson, Kenneth; Taylor, Michael J.H., eds. (1990). Jane's all the world's aircraft, 1990-91 (81st ed.). Coulson, Surrey, UK: Jane's Information Group. ISBN 978-0710609083.
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- Nowarra, Heinz J. (1993). Die Deutsche Luftruestung 1933-1945 Vol.2 - Flugzeugtypen Erla-Heinkel. Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe Verlag. ISBN 3-7637-5464-4.
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- Bridgman, Leonard, ed. (1947). Jane's all the World's Aircraft 1947. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co.
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- Gray, Peter; Thetford, Owen (1970). German Aircraft of the First World War. London: Putnam. ISBN 0-370-00103-6.
- Green, William; Swanborough, Gordon (1994). The Complete Book of fighters. London: Salamander Books Limited. ISBN 1-85833-777-1.