Shadow Cabinet of Jim McLay
New Zealand political leader Jim McLay assembled a "shadow cabinet" system amongst the National caucus following his election to the position of Leader of the Opposition in 1984. He composed this of individuals who acted for the party as spokespeople in assigned roles while he was Leader of the Opposition (1984–86). McLay was plagued by interference from previous leader Robert Muldoon, who was denied a place on National's frontbench which he desired, unlike McLay who wished him to retire to the backbenches as an 'elder statesmen'.[1]
As the National Party formed the largest party not in government at the time, the frontbench team was as a result the Official Opposition of the New Zealand House of Representatives.
List of shadow ministers
Portfolio | Minister | Start | End |
Leader | Jim McLay | 29 November 1984 | 26 March 1986 |
Deputy Leader | Jim Bolger | 29 November 1984 | 26 March 1986 |
Agriculture | Ian McLean | 29 November 1984 | 10 February 1986 |
Jim Bolger | 10 February 1986 | 26 March 1986 | |
Attorney-General | Jim McLay | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Paul East | 29 January 1985 | 26 March 1986 | |
Defence | Doug Kidd | 29 November 1984 | 26 March 1986 |
Education | Robin Gray | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Ruth Richardson | 29 January 1985 | 26 March 1986 | |
Finance | John Falloon | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Bill Birch | 29 January 1985 | 10 February 1986 | |
Michael Cox | 10 February 1986 | 26 March 1986 | |
Foreign Affairs | Warren Cooper | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Jim McLay | 29 January 1985 | 8 August 1985 | |
Warren Cooper | 8 August 1985 | 26 March 1986 | |
Health | Merv Wellington | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Philip Burdon | 29 January 1985 | 10 February 1986 | |
George Gair | 10 February 1986 | 26 March 1986 | |
Internal Affairs | Jim Gerard | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Graeme Lee | 29 January 1985 | 26 March 1986 | |
Justice | Jim McLay | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Paul East | 29 January 1985 | 26 March 1986 | |
Labour | Jim Bolger | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
George Gair | 29 January 1985 | 10 February 1986 | |
Bill Birch | 10 February 1986 | 26 March 1986 | |
Maori Affairs | Winston Peters | 29 November 1984 | 26 March 1986 |
Overseas Trade | Warren Cooper | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
John Falloon | 29 January 1985 | 26 March 1986 | |
Trade and Industry | Philip Burdon | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Jim Bolger | 29 January 1985 | 10 February 1986 | |
Ian McLean | 10 February 1986 | 26 March 1986 | |
Transport | George Gair | 29 November 1984 | 29 January 1985 |
Winston Peters | 29 January 1985 | 26 March 1986 | |
Works | Robin Gray | 29 January 1985 | 26 March 1986 |
Frontbench teams
The list below contains a list of McLays's shadow ministers and their respective roles.[2] McLay initially retained the lineup he inherited from previous leader Sir Robert Muldoon when he became leader in November 1984. The only changes made were Muldoon relinquishing the Finance portfolio which was given to John Falloon.[3]
January 1985
McLay announced his first shadow cabinet in January 1985.[4]
Rank | Shadow Minister | Portfolio | |
1 | Hon Jim McLay | Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs | |
2 | Hon Jim Bolger | Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister of Trade and Industry | |
3 | Hon Bill Birch | Shadow Minister of Finance | |
4 | Hon George Gair | Shadow Minister of Labour Shadow Minister of Employment | |
5 | Hon Warren Cooper | Shadow Minister of National Development Shadow Minister of Regional Development Shadow Minister of Resource allocation Shadow Minister of Industrial development Shadow Minister of South Island development | |
6 | Hon Venn Young | Shadow Minister of Social Welfare Shadow Minister of Civilian rehabilitation Shadow Minister of ACC | |
7 | Hon John Falloon | Shadow Minister of Overseas trade Shadow Minister of Expenditure | |
8 | Ian McLean | Shadow Minister of Agriculture | |
9 | Hon Tony Friedlander | Shadow Minister of Energy | |
10 | Hon Merv Wellington | Shadow Minister of Local Government Shadow Minister of Urban issues | |
11 | Don McKinnon | Senior Whip Shadow Minister of Industrial Relations | |
12 | Michael Cox | Junior Whip Shadow Minister of Customs Shadow Minister of Revenue | |
13 | Robin Gray | Shadow Minister of Works and Development | |
14 | Doug Kidd | Shadow Minister of Defence Shadow Minister of Fisheries Shadow Minister of Aquaculture | |
15 | Paul East | Shadow Attorney-General Shadow Minister of Justice Shadow Minister of Constitutional Issues Shadow Minister of Official Information | |
16 | Bruce Townshend | Shadow Minister of State Services Shadow Minister of State Corporations Shadow Minister of Immigration | |
17 | Rt Hon Sir Robert Muldoon | no portfolio | |
18 | Jack Luxton | Shadow Minister of Foreign Relations Shadow Minister of Pacific Island Affairs | |
19 | Winston Peters | Shadow Minister of Maori Affairs Shadow Minister of Transport Shadow Minister of Railways Shadow Minister of Civil Aviation and Meteorological services | |
20 | Ruth Richardson | Shadow Minister of Education | |
21 | Philip Burdon | Shadow Minister of Health | |
22 | John Banks | Shadow Minister of Tourism Shadow Minister of Publicity Shadow Minister of Sport and Recreation | |
23 | Roger McClay | Shadow Minister of Housing Shadow Minister of the Environment | |
24 | Graeme Lee | Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs Shadow Minister on Civil Defence Shadow Minister of EQC Shadow Minister of Wildlife Shadow Minister of Drug Misuse | |
25 | Norman Jones | Shadow Minister of Police Shadow Minister of War Pensions and Rehabilitation | |
26 | Neill Austin | Shadow Minister of Lands Shadow Minister of Valuation | |
27 | Rex Austin | Shadow Minister of Apiculture | |
28 | Rob Talbot | Shadow Minister of Horticulture | |
29 | Derek Angus | Shadow Minister of Forests | |
30 | Simon Upton | Shadow Minister of the Arts Shadow Minister of Science and Technology | |
31 | Jim Gerard | Shadow Minister of Broadcasting Shadow Minister of Public Trust Shadow Minister of Racing | |
32 | Doug Graham | Shadow Minister of Disarmament | |
33 | Denis Marshall | Associate Shadow Minister of Agriculture | |
34 | Roger Maxwell | Shadow Postmaster General Shadow Minister of State Insurance | |
35 | Katherine O'Regan | Shadow Minister of Consumer Affairs Shadow Minister of Statistics | |
36 | Dr Lockwood Smith | Shadow Minister of Marketing | |
37 | Rob Storey | Shadow Minister of Diversification Shadow Minister of Rural Banking | |
August 1985
McLay reshuffled his shadow cabinet in August 1985 to accommodate Maurice McTigue, after he won the Timaru by-election, and reflect Rob Talbot who had requested not to have a portfolio as he intended to retire at the next election.[5]
Rank | Shadow Minister | Portfolio | |
1 | Hon Jim McLay | Leader of the Opposition | |
2 | Hon Jim Bolger | Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister of Trade and Industry | |
3 | Hon Bill Birch | Shadow Minister of Finance | |
4 | Hon George Gair | Shadow Minister of Labour Shadow Minister of Employment | |
5 | Hon Warren Cooper | Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Shadow Minister of Regional Development Shadow Minister of Resource allocation Shadow Minister of Industrial development Shadow Minister of South Island development | |
6 | Hon Venn Young | Shadow Minister of Social Welfare Shadow Minister of Civilian rehabilitation Shadow Minister of ACC | |
7 | Hon John Falloon | Shadow Minister of Overseas trade Shadow Minister of Expenditure Associate Shadow Minister of Finance | |
8 | Ian McLean | Shadow Minister of Agriculture | |
9 | Hon Tony Friedlander | Shadow Minister of Energy | |
10 | Hon Merv Wellington | Shadow Minister of Local Government Shadow Minister of Urban issues | |
11 | Don McKinnon | Senior Whip Associate Shadow Minister of State Corporations | |
12 | Robin Gray | Junior Whip Shadow Minister of Works and Development | |
13 | Michael Cox | Shadow Minister of Customs Shadow Minister of Revenue | |
14 | Doug Kidd | Shadow Minister of Defence Shadow Minister of Fisheries Shadow Minister of Aquaculture | |
15 | Paul East | Shadow Attorney-General Shadow Minister of Justice Shadow Minister of Constitutional Issues Shadow Minister of Official Information | |
16 | Bruce Townshend | Shadow Minister of State Services Shadow Minister of Immigration | |
17 | Rt Hon Sir Robert Muldoon | no portfolio | |
18 | Jack Luxton | Shadow Minister of Foreign Relations Shadow Minister of Pacific Island Affairs | |
19 | Winston Peters | Shadow Minister of Maori Affairs Shadow Minister of Transport Shadow Minister of Railways Shadow Minister of Civil Aviation and Meteorological services | |
20 | Ruth Richardson | Shadow Minister of Education | |
21 | Philip Burdon | Shadow Minister of Health | |
22 | John Banks | Shadow Minister of Tourism Shadow Minister of Publicity Shadow Minister of Sport and Recreation | |
23 | Roger McClay | Shadow Minister of Housing | |
24 | Graeme Lee | Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs Shadow Minister on Civil Defence Shadow Minister for EQC Shadow Minister of Wildlife Shadow Minister of Drug Misuse | |
25 | Norman Jones | Shadow Minister of Police Shadow Minister of War Pensions and Rehabilitation | |
26 | Neill Austin | Shadow Minister of Lands Shadow Minister of Valuation | |
27 | Rex Austin | Associate Shadow Minister of Apiculture | |
28 | Derek Angus | Shadow Minister of Forests | |
29 | Simon Upton | Shadow Minister of the Environment Shadow Minister of the Arts Shadow Minister of Science and Technology | |
30 | Jim Gerard | Shadow Minister of Broadcasting Shadow Minister of Public Trust Shadow Minister of Racing | |
31 | Doug Graham | Shadow Minister of Disarmament | |
32 | Denis Marshall | Associate Shadow Minister of Agriculture | |
33 | Roger Maxwell | Shadow Postmaster General Shadow Minister of State Insurance | |
34 | Katherine O'Regan | Shadow Minister of Consumer Affairs Shadow Minister of Statistics | |
35 | Dr Lockwood Smith | Shadow Minister of Marketing | |
36 | Rob Storey | Associate Shadow Minister of Agriculture | |
37 | Maurice McTigue | Shadow Minister of Irrigation | |
38 | Rob Talbot | no portfolio | |
February 1986
McLay announced a major reshuffle in February 1986.[6] He demoted Muldoon and Merv Wellington to the lowest and third lowest rankings for disloyalty and also promoted several MPs to the frontbench at the expense of Bill Birch and George Gair, which would cause destabilization in the caucus.
Rank | Shadow Minister | Portfolio | |
1 | Hon Jim McLay | Leader of the Opposition | |
2 | Hon Jim Bolger | Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister of Agriculture | |
3 | Hon Warren Cooper | Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Shadow Minister of Regional Development Shadow Minister of Resource allocation Shadow Minister of South Island development | |
4 | Hon Venn Young | Shadow Minister of Social Welfare Shadow Minister of Civilian rehabilitation | |
5 | Ian McLean | Shadow Minister of Trade and Industry Shadow Minister of Economic Development Shadow Minister of Industrial Development | |
6 | Michael Cox | Shadow Minister of Finance | |
7 | Doug Kidd | Shadow Minister of Defence Shadow Minister of National Development | |
8 | Ruth Richardson | Shadow Minister of Education Shadow Minister for Youth | |
9 | Paul East | Shadow Attorney-General Shadow Minister of Justice Shadow Minister of Constitutional Issues Shadow Minister of Official Information | |
10 | Hon John Falloon | Shadow Minister of Overseas trade Shadow Minister for the Audit Department Associate Shadow Minister of Finance | |
11 | Hon George Gair | Shadow Minister of Health | |
12 | Hon Bill Birch | Shadow Minister of Labour Shadow Minister of Employment | |
13 | Don McKinnon | Senior Whip Associate Shadow Minister for State Corporations | |
14 | Robin Gray | Junior Whip Shadow Minister of Works and Development | |
15 | John Banks | Shadow Minister of Local Government Shadow Minister of Tourism Shadow Minister of Publicity Shadow Minister of Sport and Recreation | |
16 | Philip Burdon | Shadow Minister of Customs | |
17 | Roger McClay | Shadow Minister of Housing | |
18 | Hon Tony Friedlander | Shadow Minister of Energy | |
19 | Simon Upton | Shadow Minister for the Environment Shadow Minister of the Arts Shadow Minister of Science and Technology | |
20 | Winston Peters | Shadow Minister of Maori Affairs Shadow Minister of Transport Shadow Minister of Railways Shadow Minister of Civil Aviation and Meteorological services | |
21 | Norman Jones | Shadow Minister of Police Shadow Minister of War Pensions and Rehabilitation | |
22 | Neill Austin | Shadow Minister of Lands Shadow Minister of Valuation Shadow Minister of Fishiries Shadow Minister of Aquaculture | |
23 | Graeme Lee | Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs Shadow Minister on Civil Defence Shadow Minister of Earthquake and War Damage Shadow Minister of Wildlife Shadow Minister of Drug Misuse | |
24 | Bruce Townshend | Shadow Minister of Immigration | |
25 | Derek Angus | Shadow Minister of Forests | |
26 | Doug Graham | Shadow Minister of Revenue Shadow Minister for Disarmament | |
27 | Rob Storey | Shadow Minister for Rural Banking Shadow Minister of Horticulture | |
28 | Roger Maxwell | Shadow Postmaster General Shadow Minister of State Insurance | |
29 | Jim Gerard | Shadow Minister of Broadcasting Shadow Minister of Public Trust Shadow Minister of Racing | |
30 | Denis Marshall | Associate Shadow Minister of Agriculture | |
31 | Katherine O'Regan | Shadow Minister of Consumer Affairs Shadow Minister of Statistics | |
32 | Dr Lockwood Smith | Shadow Minister of Marketing | |
33 | Maurice McTigue | Shadow Minister of Irrigation | |
34 | Jack Luxton | Shadow Minister of Foreign Relations Shadow Minister of Pacific Island Affairs | |
35 | Rex Austin | Shadow Minister of Apiculture | |
36 | Rob Talbot | no portfolio | |
37 | Hon Merv Wellington | Shadow Minister for ACC | |
38 | Rt Hon Sir Robert Muldoon | no portfolio | |
- Gustafson 1986, p. 159.
- Refer to the talk page for source
- Lagan, Bernard (30 November 1984). "Beaten Muldoon tearful - McLay chosen as party leader". The Dominion. p. 1.
- "National shadow cabinet named". The Evening Post. 29 January 1985. p. 1.
- "Sir Robert Still Out in the Cold". The New Zealand Herald. 9 August 1985. p. 5.
- Garnier, Tony (11 February 1986). "Muldoon main loser in Nat line-up". The Evening Post. p. 3.
- Gustafson, Barry (1986). The First 50 Years : A History of the New Zealand National Party. Auckland: Reed Methuen. ISBN 0-474-00177-6.