Timeline of the Khitans

This is a timeline of the history of the Khitans. The Khitans were a nomadic people in northeastern Asia related to the Xianbei. Following the collapse of the Tang dynasty, they established the Liao dynasty in 916, encompassing parts of modern-day northern China, Mongolia, and North Korea. The Liao dynasty was eventually conquered by the Jin dynasty in 1125. Remnants of the Liao court led by Yelü Dashi fled westward to Central Asia where they established the Western Liao dynasty. In 1211, the Western Liao throne was usurped by a Naiman called Kuchlug. In 1218, the Mongol Empire defeated and conquered the Western Liao dynasty.

Liao dynasty (916–1125)
Collapse of the Liao dynasty (1117–1124)

4th century

388The Kumo Xi are defeated by the Northern Wei. As a result, the Khitans split from the Kumo Xi and emerge as a recognizable group of people around the Songmo region in modern Heshigten Banner and Ongniud Banner; at some point they migrate to the east of Daling River in modern Beipiao, Fuxin, and Zhangwu County[1]

6th century

553Khitans raid Northern Qi, who retaliate dealing devastating losses to the Khitans[2]
585Khitans move to the area between the Laoha River and Liao River[3]

7th century

605Yami Qaghan of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate attacks the Khitans on behalf of the Sui dynasty[4]
618Dahe Duoluo comes to power
627Dahe Mohui succeeds Dahe Duoluo
644Dahe Kuge succeeds Dahe Mohui
648Khitans submit to the Tang dynasty as vassals[5]
653Abugu succeeds Dahe Kuge
654Mohe and Goguryeo attack the Khitans[6]
660Tang dynasty attacks the Khitans and captures their leader Abugu at Songmo; Abugu is sent to Luoyang;[7]
675Dahe Jinzhong comes to power
696Li Jinzhong (Mushang Khan) of the Khitans along with his brother-in-law Sun Wanrong revolt against Tang hegemony and attack Hebei; Li dies soon after and Sun succeeds him[8]
697Tang dynasty and Qapaghan Qaghan of the Second Turkic Khaganate defeat Sun Wanrong and Khitans become vassals of the Turks;[9] Dahe Shihuo succeeds Sun Wanrong

8th century

716Khitans break alliance with the Turks and ally with Tang[10]
717Dahe Suogu succeeds Dahe Shihuo
720Ketuyu attacks Suogu and Suogu flees to the governor-general of Ying Prefecture, who sends 500 Tang soldiers to back Suogu but is defeated[11]
Dahe Yugan succeeds Dahe Suogu
724Dahe Tugan succeeds Dahe Yugan
725Dahe Shaogu succeeds Dahe Tugan, who fled to the Tang dynasty in fear of Ketuyu
730Ketuyu of the Khitans attacks Tang[12]
Julü succeeds Dahe Shaogu
732Tang forces inflict heavy casualties on the Khitans and Kumo Xi[13]
733A Tang-Kumo Xi army attacks a Turk-Khitan army[14]
734Zhang Shougui defeats Khitan forces in Youzhou (Hebei)[15]
735Guozhe murders Ketuyu and succeeds Julü
736An Lushan attacks the Khitans but is defeated[16]
740An Lushan attacks the Khitans[11]
745Two Khitan tribes revolt and are defeated by An Lushan[11]
746Kailuo succeeds Guozhe
750Chinese cultural dominance in Liaoning disappears and is replaced by Khitan culture[17]
752An Lushan attacks the Khitans[18]
778Su Khagan succeeds Kailuo
795 60,000 Kumo Xi raid the Tang dynasty and are defeated by Liu Ji[19]

9th century

800Bala Khagan succeeds Su Khagan
820Zhaogu Khagan succeeds Bala Khagan
830Kumo Xi raid Youzhou and are defeated by Li Zaiyi[19]
842Qushu succeeds Zhaogu Khagan
847The Kumo Xi rebel against the Tang dynasty and are defeated by Zhang Zhongwu[20]
860Xi'er succeeds Qushu
882Qinde succeeds Xi'er
890The Khitans drive the Kyrgyz away from the Orkhon Valley[21]

10th century


901Abaoji is elected leader of the Yila tribe[22]
903Abaoji becomes Yuyue, commander of all the Khitan nation's military forces[23]
905Abaoji secures an alliance with Li Keyong in Datong[23]
90727 FebruaryKhitan chieftain Abaoji becomes khagan of the Khitans[24]
908Abaoji attacks the Shiwei[25]


910Abaoji subdues a rebellion by the Kumo Xi[25]
912Abaoji attacks the Zubu[25]
915Abaoji attacks the Khongirad[25]
916Abaoji declares himself emperor of the Khitans[26] and force Goryeo and Silla to pay tribute[27]
917Wuyue offers the Khitans naphtha but they refuse[27]
918Khitans relocate their capital to Shangjing, the Supreme Capital[28]
919Khitans subdue the Khongirad[29]


922Abaoji raids Jin[30]
923Abaoji raids Later Tang[30]
924Abaoji conquers the Tartars[31]
926Khitans conquer Balhae and set up the puppet kingdom of Dongdan[32]
6 SeptemberAbaoji dies and his son Yelü Bei withdraws his claim to the throne, and the second son Yelü Deguang becomes Emperor Taizong of Liao[33]
928Khongirad rebels in the north[33]
929Emperor Taizong of Liao orders the relocation of the Dongdan Kingdom and its people to the Eastern Capital in modern Liaoyang[33]


930Yelü Bei flees to Later Tang[33]
933Khitans attack the Tanguts[33]
93628 NovemberKhitans install Shi Jingtang as emperor of the Later Jin. In return Shi transfers 16 prefectures in Shanxi and Hebei to the Liao.[34]
937Shi Jingtang of the Later Jin kills Yelü Bei[33]


947The Khitan state is named the Liao dynasty[26]
Liao dynasty invades Later Jin and sacks Xiang Prefecture, killing most of its population[34]
15 MayEmperor Taizong of Liao dies and the son of Yelü Bei, Yelü Ruan, succeeds him as Emperor Shizong of Liao[35]


9517 OctoberEmperor Shizong of Liao is murdered by a relative and is succeeded by Yelü Jing, son of Emperor Taizong of Liao, who becomes Emperor Muzong of Liao[36]
952Liao dynasty assists Northern Han in repelling Later Zhou[37]
954Liao dynasty assists Northern Han in repelling Later Zhou[37]
959Later Zhou invades the Liao dynasty but retreats after their emperor dies[38]


960FebruaryZhao Kuangyin declares himself Emperor Taizu of Song, replacing Later Zhou[39]
963Minor skirmishes occur along the Liao dynasty and Song dynasty borders[40]
964Liao dynasty assists Northern Han in repelling Song dynasty[40]
965Khongirad and Shiwei tribes rebel[41]
967Minor skirmishes occur along the Liao dynasty and Song dynasty border[40]
96912 MarchEmperor Muzong of Liao is murdered by his attendants and is succeeded by Yelü Xian, son of Emperor Shizong of Liao, who becomes Emperor Jingzong of Liao[40]


973Jurchens raid Liao dynasty[42]
975Liao dynasty attacks Jeongan but fails[43]
976Liao dynasty assists Northern Han in repelling Song dynasty[44]
Jurchens raid Liao dynasty[42]
977Liao dynasty assists Northern Han in repelling Song dynasty[44]
An examination hall is built in Southern Capital[45]
979Liao dynasty attempts to assist Northern Han in repelling Song dynasty but is intercepted en route and demolished[46]
Battle of Gaoliang River: Song dynasty invades Liao dynasty and is defeated[46]


980Emperor Jingzong of Liao invades the Song dynasty and retakes territory in Hebei[46]
982Emperor Jingzong of Liao invades the Song dynasty but is defeated[46]
13 OctoberEmperor Jingzong of Liao dies and his son Yelü Longxu succeeds him as Emperor Shengzong of Liao; Empress Xiao Yanyan becomes regent[42]
983The Liao dynasty reverts to calling itself the Khitans[26]
986Song dynasty attacks the Khitans but is defeated[47]
988Khitans begin holding regular imperial examinations[45]


992Khitans attack the Tanguts[48]
993First conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War: Khitans invade Goryeo and acquire nominal tributary status over Goryeo[49]
997Zubu tribes rebel[50]
998Khitans invade the Song dynasty[48]

11th century


1000Khitan forces retreat from the Song dynasty after failing to take key cities[48]
1001Khitans attack the Song dynasty but are repulsed[48]
1003Khitans invade the Song dynasty and retreat without making permanent gains[48]
1004Emperor Shengzong of Liao conducts a full-scale invasion of the Song dynasty which ends in stalemate and the Chanyuan Treaty, an agreement to an annual payment of silk and silver from the Song to the Khitans[51]
1006The Kumo Xi are assimilated into the Khitan nation[52]
1007Zubu tribes rebel[50]
1009Empress Xiao Yanyan dies[53]


1010Second conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War: Mokjong of Goryeo is murdered by Gang Jo and the Khitans send an expedition to punish him; Gang Jo is killed[53]
1012Zubu tribes rebel[50]
1018Third conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War: Khitans invade Goryeo but are defeated[54]
1019Third conflict in the Goryeo–Khitan War: Khitans prepares another army to attack Goryeo[54]


1020Hyeonjong of Goryeo sends envoys to pay tribute to the Khitans[54]
1027Khitans attack the Ganzhou Uyghur Kingdom but are repelled and then ambushed by Zubu tribes[55]
1029Da Yanlin, a distant relative of the defunct Balhae regime, rebels; he is defeated[56]


103125 JuneEmperor Shengzong of Liao dies and his son Yelü Zongzhen succeeds him as Emperor Xingzong of Liao; Xiao Noujin becomes regent[57]
1034Xiao Noujin attempts to dethrone Emperor Xingzong of Liao but fails and is banished[58]
103810 NovemberLi Yuanhao declares himself Emperor Jingzong of Western Xia[59]
1039Xiao Noujin returns to the capital[60]


1042Khitans force the Song dynasty to increase annual tribute to 200,000 taels of silver and 300,000 bolts of silk[61]
1044Khitans attack the Western Xia but fail[61]
1049Khitans attack Western Xia but are repelled[62]


1050Khitans attack Western Xia and extract tribute[62]
105528 AugustEmperor Xingzong of Liao dies and is succeeded by his son Yelü Hongji, who becomes Emperor Daozong of Liao[63]
All officials are required to wear Chinese court dress[64]
1056The Pagoda of Fogong Temple is completed[65]
1059Institutes of higher learning are established in the capitals and prefectural and county schools are established[64]


1063A group of Khitan dissidents ambush Emperor Daozong of Liao but are defeated[66]
1066Khitans revert to calling their state the Liao dynasty[26]
1069Zubu tribes rebel[50]


1076Trade of gunpowder ingredients with the Liao dynasty and Western Xia is outlawed by the Song dynasty[67]
1082Unusually heavy snowfall kills 70 percent of livestock and horses[68]


1085The Shilu, the Veritable Records, are produced[69]


1093Mogusi of the Zubu and the Dilie tribes of western Heilongjiang raid the Liao dynasty[50]

12th century


1100Mogusi of the Zubu is captured and hacked to pieces at the capital[70]
The Tianning Temple (Beijing) is completed[71]
110112 FebruaryEmperor Daozong of Liao dies and his grandson Yelü Yanxi succeeds him as Emperor Tianzuo of Liao[70]
1102The Zubu and Dilie tribes are pacified[70]


1114The Jurchens under Wanyan Aguda attack the Liao dynasty[72]
1115Wanyan Aguda declares himself emperor of the Jin dynasty
Yelü Zhangnu rebels and is defeated[73]
1116Gao Yongchang rebels in the east and asks the Jurchens for help and ends up getting annexed by the Jin dynasty[74]
1117Emperor Taizu of Jin defeats the Khitan army of the Liao dynasty[74]
1118Zubu tribes rebel against the Liao dynasty and Liao territory suffers from famine[75]
Emperor Taizu of Jin captures the Liao dynasty's Eastern Capital[76]


1120Emperor Taizu of Jin captures the Liao dynasty's Supreme Capital[75]
1121Emperor Taizu of Jin captures the Liao dynasty's Central Capital[77]
1122Emperor Tianzuo of Liao flees the Southern Capital and his uncle Yelü Chun is declared emperor of Northern Liao, however he dies three months later and the title is passed down to Yelü Ding, the son in hiding with his father the emperor also in hiding; real power goes to Empress Dowager Xiao Defei[77]
Jin dynasty conquers the Western Capital and Southern Capital[77]
Yelü Dashi and Empress Dowager Xiao Defei retreat to the west and meet up with Emperor Tianzuo of Liao, who executes the empress for disloyalty[78]
1123Song dynasty attacks the Liao dynasty but is repelled[79]
Yelü Dashi is captured by the Jin dynasty and leads an attack on Emperor Tianzuo of Liao, who escapes; afterwards Yelü Dashi escapes from the Jurchens and rejoins the emperor[80]
1124Emperor Tianzuo of Liao attacks the Jin dynasty despite warnings from Yelü Dashi[80]
Yelü Dashi declares himself king and flees with 200 followers to the Orkhon River, where he eventually takes the title of gurkhan, meaning "Universal Khan"[80]
112526 MarchEmperor Tianzuo of Liao is captured by the Jin dynasty; so ends the Liao dynasty[80]
1128Emperor Tianzuo of Liao dies in captivity[80]
1129Yelü Dashi annexes two Jin tribes[81]


1130Yelü Dashi leaves the Orkhon River with 20,000 followers and travels to the Kingdom of Qocho where the ruler welcomes him[80]
1131summerYelü Dashi attacks the Karakhanids at Kashgar but is repelled[82]
1134Yelü Dashi captures Balasagun and vassalizes the nearby Kankalis, Karluks, Kyrgyz, and Kingdom of Qocho[83]
Yelü Dashi launches an invasion of the Jin dynasty, which ends in failure[84]
1137Yelü Dashi defeats Mahmud of the Western Karakhanids near Khujand and annexes Fergana and Tashkent[85]
Khitans raid Jin dynasty[86]


11419 SeptemberBattle of Qatwan: Yelü Dashi annihilates the army of Ahmad Sanjar of the Seljuk Empire and vassalizes the Khwarazmian dynasty[87]
1142Qara Khitai plunders Khwarezm and forces Atsiz to pay an annual tribute of 30,000 dinars[87]
1143Yelü Dashi dies and his wife Xiao Tabuyan succeeds him as regent[88]


1151Yelü Yilie, son of Yelü Dashi, becomes gurkhan of the Qara Khitai[89]


1161Khitans rebel against the Jin dynasty[90]
1163The Khitan rebellion is defeated by the Jin dynasty[90]
Yelü Yilie dies and is succeeded by his sister, Yelü Pusuwan[91]
1165Qara Khitai conquers Balkh[92]


1171Qara Khitai defeats a Khwarazmian army[92]
1172Qara Khitai assists Ala ad-Din Tekish in taking the Khwarazmian dynasty from his brother Sultan Shah of Khwarezm[93]
1175Naimans and Kankalis switch sides to the Jin dynasty[94]
1177Yelü Pusuwan is discovered in an affair with Xiao Fuguzhi and gets executed; Yelü Yilie's son Yelü Zhilugu becomes gurkhan of the Qara Khitai[95]


1181Qara Khitai assists Sultan Shah of Khwarezm in taking Merv, Sarakhs, and Abiward[96]
Kipchaks raid the Qara Khitai[96]


1198Qara Khitai assists Ala ad-Din Tekish against the Ghurids but is defeated and loses Balkh[97]

13th century


1204Qara Khitai defeats Muhammad of Ghor[98]
Kashgar and Khotan rebel unsuccessfully against the Qara Khitai[99]
1205Ghurids seize Termez from the Qara Khitai[100]
1206Qara Khitai retakes Termez[100]
springKokochu, also known as Teb Tengri, chief shaman of the Mongols, bestows upon Temüjin the title of Genghis Khan, "Oceanic Ruler" of the Mongol Empire, at the kurultai of Burkhan Khaldun, sacred mountain of the Mongols[101]
1207Muhammad II of Khwarezm captures Bukhara and Samarkand[102]
1208Kuchlug of the Naimans arrives at the Qara Khitai court[103]
1209Kingdom of Qocho rebels against Qara Khitai and switches allegiance to the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan[103]
Qara Khitai captures Samarkand[104]


1210Kuchlug sacks Uzgen[104]
AugustA Qara Khitai army is defeated by Muhammad II of Khwarezm, who captures the Khitan commander Tayangu and annexes Fergana and Otrar[104]
Buraq Hajib is captured by Muhammad II of Khwarezm[105]
1211The Karluks rebel against the Qara Khitai and switch sides to the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan[103]
Muhammad II of Khwarezm seizes Uzgen[106]
Qara Khitai defeats Kuchlug but the returning army is refused entry into Balasagun due to being mistaken for Khwarazmian troops and ends up massacring the entire city[107]
Kuchlug ambushes and captures Yelü Zhilugu, after which he usurps the throne of the Qara Khitai[108]
Kuchlug attacks Ozar of Almaliq unsuccessfully, and Ozar submits to the Mongol Empire of Genghis khan[109]
1213Yelü Zhilugu dies[108]
1214Kuchlug captures Kashgar[109]
1216Jebe of the Mongol Empire attacks the Qara Khitai and seizes Kashgar[110]
1218Kuchlug is captured and executed by the Mongol Empire; so ends the Qara Khitai[111]


1224Buraq Hajib becomes governor of Kerman and converts to Islam, at which point the caliph grants him the title of Qutlugh Sultan[112]
1226Buraq Hajib rebels against the Khwarazmian dynasty[112]
1227SeptemberEmperor Mozhu of Western Xia surrenders to the Mongol Empire and is promptly executed; so ends the Western Xia[113]


1232Buraq Hajib submits to the Mongol Empire and becomes Qutlugh Khan[112]
12349 FebruarySiege of Caizhou: Emperor Aizong of Jin abdicates to a distant relative, Hudun, who becomes Emperor Mo of Jin, and commits suicide; Emperor Mo of Jin is killed by the Mongols; so ends the Jin dynasty[114]
1235Buraq Hajib dies[115]
1236Qutb al-Din, cousin of Buraq Hajib, comes to power and is succeeded by Rukn al-Din, son of Buraq Hajib[115]


1252Rukn al-Din is succeeded by Qutb al-Din, cousin of Buraq Hajib and husband of his daughter Kutlugh Turkan[115]
1257Qutb al-Din is succeeded by his wife Kutlugh Turkan[115]


127919 MarchBattle of Yamen: Mongol fleet annihilates the Song fleet and Zhao Bing dies at sea; so ends the Song dynasty[116]


1282Kutlugh Turkan is succeeded by her stepson Soyurghatmish[115]


1292Soyurghatmish is succeeded by Padishah Khatun, daughter of Qutb al-Din and Kutlugh Turkan[115]
1296Padishah Khatun is succeeded by Sultan b. Hajjaj, son of Kutlugh Turkan and Qutb al-Din[115]

14th century

1304Sultan b. Hajjaj is succeeded by Jahan, son of Soyurghatmish[115]
1306Öljaitü of the Ilkhanate deposes Jahan and installs a Mongol governor in Kerman[112]
1307The last Qutlughkanid Jahan escapes to Shiraz[112]
1328Jahan's daughter, Qutlugh Khatun, marries Mubariz al-Din Muhammad, the founder of the Muzaffarids[117]
1340Mubariz al-Din Muhammad takes Kerman and reinstates the Qara Khitai[117]

19th century

1811People of the Ili region are still calling themselves the Qara Khitai[118]

See also


  1. Xu 2005, p. 6.
  2. Xu 2005, p. 267.
  3. Xu 2005, p. 11.
  4. Barfield 1989, p. 139.
  5. Xu 2005, p. 240.
  6. Graff 2002, p. 198.
  7. Xu 2005, p. 239-40.
  8. Wang 2013, p. 85.
  9. Xu 2005, p. 242.
  10. Skaff 2012, p. 138.
  11. Wang 2013, p. 220.
  12. Skaff 2012, p. 312.
  13. Wang 2013, p. 92.
  14. Skaff 2012, p. 45.
  15. Xiong 2009, p. cxi.
  16. Xu 2005, p. 248.
  17. Wang 2013, p. 309.
  18. Xu 2005, p. 249.
  19. Xu 2005, p. 269.
  20. Xu 2005, p. 270.
  21. Barfield 1989, p. 165.
  22. Mote 2003, p. 37.
  23. Mote 2003, p. 38.
  24. Xiong 2009, p. 310-311.
  25. Twitchett 1994, p. 60.
  26. Xiong 2009, p. 311.
  27. Whiting 2002, p. 306.
  28. Mote 2003, p. 41.
  29. Twitchett 1994, p. 65.
  30. Mote 2003, p. 44.
  31. Whiting 2002, p. 307.
  32. Xiong 2009, p. 66.
  33. Twitchett 1994, p. 69.
  34. Xiong 2009, p. cxvii.
  35. Twitchett 1994, p. 75.
  36. Twitchett 1994, p. 81.
  37. Twitchett 1994, p. 82.
  38. Twitchett 1994, p. 82-83.
  39. Xiong 2009, p. cxviii.
  40. Twitchett 1994, p. 84.
  41. Twitchett 1994, p. 83.
  42. Twitchett 1994, p. 87.
  43. Twitchett 1994, p. 102.
  44. Twitchett 1994, p. 85.
  45. Twitchett 1994, p. 92.
  46. Twitchett 1994, p. 86.
  47. Twitchett 1994, p. 99.
  48. Twitchett 1994, p. 105.
  49. Twitchett 1994, p. 103.
  50. Twitchett 1994, p. 138.
  51. Twitchett 1994, p. 109-110.
  52. Twitchett 1994, p. 98.
  53. Twitchett 1994, p. 111.
  54. Twitchett 1994, p. 112.
  55. Twitchett 1994, p. 121.
  56. Twitchett 1994, p. 113.
  57. Twitchett 1994, p. 114.
  58. Twitchett 1994, p. 115.
  59. Twitchett 2009, p. 302.
  60. Twitchett 1994, p. 116.
  61. Twitchett 1994, p. 122.
  62. Twitchett 1994, p. 123.
  63. Twitchett 1994, p. 124.
  64. Twitchett 1994, p. 126.
  65. Steinhardt 1997, p. 20.
  66. Twitchett 1994, p. 128.
  67. Andrade 2016, p. 32.
  68. Twitchett 1994, p. 133.
  69. Twitchett 1994, p. 130.
  70. Twitchett 1994, p. 139.
  71. "Tianning Temple Pagoda in Beijing". China Through a Lens. Retrieved 13 September 2017.
  72. Twitchett 1994, p. 142.
  73. Twitchett 1994, p. 143.
  74. Twitchett 1994, p. 144.
  75. Twitchett 1994, p. 146.
  76. Twitchett 1994, p. 223.
  77. Twitchett 1994, p. 147.
  78. Twitchett 1994, p. 150.
  79. Twitchett 1994, p. 149.
  80. Twitchett 1994, p. 151.
  81. Biran 2005, p. 32.
  82. Biran 2005, p. 37.
  83. Biran 2005, p. 39.
  84. Twitchett 1994, p. 153.
  85. Biran 2005, p. 41.
  86. Biran 2005, p. 40.
  87. Biran 2005, p. 44.
  88. Biran 2005, p. 48.
  89. Biran 2005, p. 50.
  90. Biran 2005, p. 52.
  91. Biran 2005, p. 54.
  92. Biran 2005, p. 55.
  93. Biran 2005, p. 56.
  94. Biran 2005, p. 57.
  95. Biran 2005, p. 58.
  96. Biran 2005, p. 61.
  97. Biran 2005, p. 66.
  98. Biran 2005, p. 69.
  99. Biran 2005, p. 74.
  100. Biran 2005, p. 70.
  101. Twitchett 1994, p. 343.
  102. Biran 2005, p. 72.
  103. Biran 2005, p. 75.
  104. Biran 2005, p. 77.
  105. Biran 2005, p. 87.
  106. Biran 2005, p. 78.
  107. Biran 2005, p. 79.
  108. Biran 2005, p. 80.
  109. Biran 2005, p. 81.
  110. Biran 2005, p. 83.
  111. Biran 2005, p. 84.
  112. Biran 2005, p. 88.
  113. Twitchett 1994, p. 213.
  114. Twitchett 1994, p. 264.
  115. Biran 2005, p. 227.
  116. Twitchett 2009, p. 956.
  117. Biran 2005, p. 89.
  118. Biran 2005, p. 90.


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