Ukrainian avant-garde

Ukrainian avant-garde is the avant-garde movement in Ukrainian art from the end of 1890s to the middle of the 1930s along with associated artists in sculpture, painting, literature, cinema, theater, stage design, graphics, music, architecture. Some well-known Ukrainian avant-garde artists include: Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Archipenko, Vladimir Tatlin, Sonia Delaunay, Vasyl Yermylov, Alexander Bogomazov, Aleksandra Ekster, David Burliuk, Vadym Meller, and Anatol Petrytsky. All were closely connected to the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Odesa by either birth, education, language, national traditions or identity.[1][2] Since it originated when Ukaine was part of the Russian Empire, Ukrainian avant-garde has been commonly lumped by critics into the Russian avant-garde movement.

The first formal Ukrainian artistic group to call itself "Avangarde" (Avant-garde) was founded in Kharkiv in 1925.[3] The term, "Ukrainian Avant-Garde", concerning painting and sculpture during Soviet censorship, was used during discussion at Tatlin's dream exhibition. Curated by Parisian art historian Andréi Nakov, in London, 1973, the exhibition showcased works of Ukrainian artists Vasyl Yermylov and Alexander Bogomazov.[4] The first international avant-garde exhibitions in Ukraine, which included French, Italian, Ukrainian and Russian artists, were presented in Odesa and Kyiv at the Izdebsky Salon; the pieces were later exhibited in St. Petersburg and Riga.[5][3] The cover of "Izdebsky Salon 2" (1910–11) contained abstract work by Wassily Kandinsky.


Vasyl Yermylov cover of "Avangarde" magazine, 1929
Ukrainian avant-garde painting The Overthrow of the Autocracy

People involved




Theatre directors

  • Boris Balaban
  • Les Kurbas
  • Faust Lopatynsky
  • Volodymyr Sklyarenko
  • Mark Tereshchenko
  • Januariy Bortnik

Stage Designers





  1. Myroslav Shkandrij. The Phenomenon of the Ukrainian Avant-Garde 1910-1935. Winnipeg Art Gallery: ISBN 088915208X, 2001.
  2. Library Of Ukrainian Art
  3. Bert Cardullo. Theories of the Avant-garde Theatre: A Casebook from Kleist to Camus. 2012. p. 23. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0810887045
  4. Andréi Nakov, Historien d'Art
  5. Linda S. Boersma. 0,10: The Last Futurist Exhibition of Painting. 1994. p 16. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers. ISBN 9064501351
  6. From Utopia to Tragedy. Ukrainian Avant-Garde 1914-1934. James Butterwick. Footprint Innovations Ltd. 2017
  7. Ukrainian Avant-garde

Further reading

  • Ukrajinska avangarda 1910-1930: Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 16. 12. 1990.-24.
  • Natalia Aseeva, Ukrainian-French relations 20-30's. XX century. N.Aseyeva. - K.: Naukova dumka, 1984. 226 pp.
  • Endre Bojtar, "Die Avantgarde in der ukrainischen Lyrik der zwanziger Jahre". In: M. Semenko: Ausgewahlte Werke. Würzburg, 1983. 218-233.
  • John E. Bowlt, "Performing Arts Journal", Vol. 1, No. 3 (Winter, 1977), pp. 62–84.
  • Birnie Danzker J.-A. Die Avantgarde und die Ukraine / Avantgarde and Ukraine / J.-A. Birnie Danzker, I. Jasenjawsky, J. Kiblitsky. – Munhen : Klinhardt & Biermann, 1993. – P. 13-40.
  • Olena Golub, "Everything was beginning from aquarelle". Day, 2010, (September 16.).
  • Dmytro Gorbachev, "Ukrainian avant-garde. In the European artistic revolution of the twentieth century", Pamyatki Ukrainy. - 1991. - No. 4. - P. 22-29.
  • P Kirchner, I Kongreß der Internationalen Assoziation der Ukrainisten, Zeitschrift für Slawistik, 1991.
  • Mahdalyna Laslo-Kutsiuk, Shukannia formy: Narysy z ukrainskoi literatury XX stolittia. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1980. 327 p.
  • Jean-Claude Marcadé, Raum, Farbe, Hyperbolismus : Besonderheiten der Ukrainischen Avantgardekunst ( Space, colour, hyperbolism: characteristics of Ukrainian avant-garde art ) / Jean-Claude Marcadé, J.-A. Birnie Danzker, I. Jasenjawsky, J. Kiblitsky // Avantgarde and Ukraine. – Munhen : Klinhardt & Biermann, 1993. – P. 41-51.
  • Valentina Markade, "Ukrainian art of the twentieth century and Western Europe", V. Markade, Vsesvit. - 1990. - No. 7. - P. 169-180.
  • Valentine Marcadé, Art d'Ukraine / V. Markade. – Paris : L'age D'Homme, 1990. – 349 p.
  • Olha Melnyk, editor; Viktoriia Velychko and Ihor Oksametnyi, curators. 2023. Futuromarennia. Multidisciplinary Project: Research, Exhibition, Catalog. Kyiv: Mystetskyi Arsenal. ISBN 978-966-97857-9-4.
  • Myroslava Mudrak, Nova Generatsiia (1927-1930) and the Artistic Avant-Garde in the Ukraine (dissertation), University of Texas at Austin, 1980.
  • Myroslava Mudrak, The New Generation and Artistic Modernism in the Ukraine, Umi Research Press, USA, 1986, pp 282, ISBN 0-8357-1687-2
  • Myroslava Mudrak, The painted surface in the Ukrainian Avant-garde : from facture to construction, Pantheon, 1987.
  • Myroslava Mudrak, "The New Generation and Artistic Modernism in the Ukraine" (review by Leon Tsao) Leonardo Vol. 21, No. 3 (1988), pp. 332–333.
  • Myroslava Mudrak, "The Ukrainian Studio of Plastic Arts in Prague and the Art of Jan Kulec", Art Journal Vol. 49, No. 1, (Spring, 1990), pp. 36–43.
  • Myroslav Shkandrij. The Literary Discussion in Soviet Ukraine, 1925-1928 (dissertation), University of Toronto, 1982.
  • Myroslav Shkandrij. The Phenomenon of the Ukrainian Avant-Garde 1910-1935. Winnipeg Art Gallery: ISBN 088915208X, 2001.
  • Myroslav Shkandrij. Avant-Garde Art in Ukraine, 1910–1930: Contested Memory, 2019
  • Virlana Tkacz, Les Kurbas and the Creation of a Ukrainian Avant-garde Theatre: The Early Years, Columbia University, 1983 .
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