Wamberal Lagoon

Wamberal Lagoon, an intermittently closed intermediate saline coastal lagoon,[1] is located on the Central Coast region of New South Wales, Australia. Wamberal Lagoon is located between the beachside settlements of Forresters Beach and Wamberal, and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, about 87 kilometres (54 mi) north of Sydney.

Wamberal Lagoon
Location of the lagoon in New South Wales, Australia.
Location of the lagoon in New South Wales, Australia.
Wamberal Lagoon
Location of the lagoon in New South Wales, Australia.
Location of the lagoon in New South Wales, Australia.
Wamberal Lagoon
LocationCentral Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Coordinates33°26′S 151°27′E
TypeIntermittently closed intermediate saline coastal lagoon[1]
Primary inflowsForresters Creek
Primary outflowsTasman Sea of the South Pacific Ocean
Catchment area5.8 square kilometres (2.2 sq mi)[2]
Basin countriesAustralia
Surface area50 hectares (120 acres)[2]
Average depth1.7 metres (5 ft 7 in) (AHD)[2]
Water volume880.2 megalitres (31.08×10^6 cu ft)[2]
Surface elevation0 m (0 ft)
SettlementsForresters Beach, Wamberal

Features and location

Fed by stormwater runoff that flows into Forresters Creek, the lagoon has a surface area of approximately 50 hectares (120 acres) and a catchment area of 5.8 square kilometres (2.2 sq mi).[2] When full, the Wamberal Lagoon covers an area of around 50 hectares (120 acres).[3] Its outflow is to the Tasman Sea of the South Pacific Ocean that is generally closed, and water levels inside the lagoon are not usually influenced by ocean tides.[4]

The lagoon and the surrounding land comprising 139 hectares (340 acres) form part of the Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve, a nature reserve created in 1981, that is under management of the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service.[5]

Terrigal Lagoon and Avoca Lake are located to the south and are a short distance away.

Wamberal Lagoon Conservation Society

Formed in 1983 and still active, the Wamberal Lagoon Conservation Society (WLCS) was set up to promote conservation of the lagoon and its surrounds in the face of increasing urban development.

The initial charter of the WLCS cited the terms of Section 49(3) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act: lands within a nature reserve shall be deemed to be dedicated for the purposes of:

  • (a) The care, propagation, preservation and conservation of wildlife;
  • (b) The care, preservation and conservation of natural environments and natural phenomena.
  • (c) The study of wildlife, natural environments and natural phenomena; and
  • (d) The promotion of the appreciation and enjoyment of wildlife, natural environments and natural phenomena.

To this end the Society engages in education, co-operation with other bodies having a similar interest, and representations to authorities whose responsibilities affect the nature reserve. Members of the WLCS have been active members in bushcare activities over many years, involving removal of rubbish and invasive plants from environmentally sensitive areas, and replanting of native vegetation.

In 2018 and 2019 the WLCS initiated a habitat restoration project aimed at improving water quality in inflows to the lagoon, with the ultimate aim of reintroducing an endangered amphibian species (the green and golden bell frog, Litoria aurea) that once was common in this area but has been extirpated (as it has over most of its former range[6][7]).

The green and goldenbell frog, Litoria aurea, was once abundant on the Central Coast of NSW but is now known from only two small populations, at Avoca Lagoon and Davistown. The species is classed as endangered under both federal and state wildlife regulations. Photograph by Matt Greenlees.

The WLCS is working with management authorities (notably, the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service and the Central Coast Council) to identify practicable methods to reduce pollutant input (e.g., via Gross Pollutant Traps[8] on waterways flowing into the lagoon) and to replace invasive weeds with native vegetation to enhance biodiversity.

As part of the habitat restoration initiative, WLCS assembled a list of vertebrate species that have been recorded to occur within one kilometre of the lagoon, based on unpublished records by WLCS members as well as consultancy reports.[9][10][11] That list confirms the highly biodiverse nature of the site, and hence the importance of its conservation. Species lists below.


FamilyCommon nameSpecies
HylidaeBleating tree frogLitoria dentata
HylidaeEastern dwarf tree frogLitoria fallax
HylidaePeron's tree frogLitoria peronii
MyobatrachidaeTusked frogAdelotus brevis
MyobatrachidaeCommon eastern frogletCrinia signifera
MyobatrachidaeStriped marsh frogLimnodynastes peronii


FamilyCommon nameSpecies
AcanthizidaeBrown thornbillAcanthiza pusilla
AcanthizidaeStriated thornbillAcanthiza lineata
AcanthizidaeYellow thornbillAcanthiza nana
AcanthizidaeBrown gerygoneGerygone mouki
AcanthizidaeWhite-browed scrubwrenSericornis frontalis
AccipitridaeGrey GoshawkAccipiter (Leucospiza) novaehollandiae
AccipitridaePacific BazaAviceda (Aviceda) subcristata
AccipitridaeWhite-bellied Sea EagleHaliaeetus leucogaster
AccipitridaeWhistling KiteHaliastur sphenurus
AccipitridaeBlack KiteMilvus migrans
AccipitridaeOspreyPandion haliaetus
ACROCEPHALIDAEAustralian Reed WarblerAcrocephalus (Acrocephalus) australis
ALCEDINIDAEKookaburraDacelo (Dacelo) novaeguineae
ALCEDINIDAESacred KingfisherTodiramphus (Todiramphus) sanctus
ANATIDAEMallard DuckAnas (Anas) platyrhynchos
ANATIDAEPacific Black DuckAnas (Anas) superciliosa
ANATIDAEChestnut TealAnas (Nettion) castanea
ANATIDAEGrey TealAnas (Nettion) gracilis
ANATIDAEHardheadAythya (Nyroca) australis
ANATIDAEMusk DuckBiziura lobata
ANATIDAEAustralian Wood DuckChenonetta jubata
ANATIDAEBlack SwanCygnus (Chenopis) atratus
ANHINGIDAEAustralasian DarterAnhinga novaehollandiae
APODIDAESpine-Tailed SwiftHirundapus caudacutus
ARDEIDAEEastern Great EgretArdea (Casmerodius) modesta
ARDEIDAEEastern Great EgretArdea (Casmerodius) modesta
ARDEIDAEIntermediate EgretArdea (Mesophoyx) intermedia
ARDEIDAEGreat EgretArdea alba
ARDEIDAEStriated HeronButorides striatus
ARDEIDAELittle EgretEgretta garzetta
ARDEIDAEWhite-Faced HeronEgretta novaehollandiae
ARDEIDAEEastern Reef EgretEgretta sacra
ARDEIDAEBlack BitternIxobrychus flavicollis
ARDEIDAENankeen Night-HeronNycticorax caledonicus
ARTAMIDAEWhite-Breasted WoodswallowArtamus (Artamus) leucorynchus
ARTAMIDAEPied ButcherbirdCracticus nigrogularis
ARTAMIDAEAustralian MagpieCracticus tibicen
ARTAMIDAEGrey ButcherbirdCracticus torquatus
ARTAMIDAEPied CurrawongStrepera (Strepera) graculina
CACATUIDAESulphur-Crested CockatooCacatua (Cacatua) galerita
CACATUIDAELittle CorellaCacatua (Licmetis) sanguinea
CACATUIDAELong-Billed CorellaCacatua (Licmetis) tenuirostris
CACATUIDAEGang-Gang CockatooCallocephalon fimbriatum
CACATUIDAEYellow-Tailed Black-CockatooCalyptorhynchus (Zanda) funereus
CACATUIDAEGalahEolophus roseicapillus
CAMPEPHAGIDAEBlack-Faced Cuckoo-ShrikeCoracina (Coracina) novaehollandiae
CENTROPODIDAEPheasant CoucalCentropus (Polophilus) phasianinus
CHARADRIIDAEPacific Golden PloverPluvialis fulva
CHARADRIIDAEMasked LapwingVanellus miles
CICONIIDAEBlack-Necked StorkEphippiorhynchus (Ephippiorhynchus) asiaticus
COLUMBIDAERock PigeonColumba (Columba) livia
COLUMBIDAEWhite-Headed PigeonColumba (Janthoenas) leucomela
COLUMBIDAEBar-Shouldered DoveGeopelia humeralis
COLUMBIDAECrested PigeonOcyphaps lophotes
COLUMBIDAECommon BronzewingPhaps (Phaps) chalcoptera
COLUMBIDAESpotted DoveStreptopelia (Spilopelia) chinensis
CORACIIDAEDollarbirdEurystomus orientalis
CORCORACIDAEWhite-Winged ChoughCorcorax melanorhamphos
CORVIDAEAustralian RavenCorvus coronoides
CUCULIDAEFan-Tailed CuckooCacomantis (Vidgenia) flabelliformis
CUCULIDAEPacific KoelEudynamys orientalis
CUCULIDAEChannel-Billed CuckooScythrops novaehollandiae
DICRURIDAESpangled DrongoDicrurus bracteatus
ESTRILDIDAERed-Browed FinchNeochmia (Aegintha) temporalis
FALCONIDAENankeen KestrelFalco (Tinnunculus) cenchroides
HIRUNDINIDAEWelcome SwallowHirundo neoxena
LARIDAEWhiskered TernChlidonias (Pelodes) hybrida
LARIDAESilver GullChroicocephalus novaehollandiae
LARIDAESooty TernSterna fuscata
LARIDAECommon TernSterna hirundo
LARIDAEWhite-fronted TernSterna striata
LARIDAECrested TernThalasseus bergii
MALURIDAEVariegated Fairy-WrenMalurus (Leggeornis) lamberti
MALURIDAESuperb Fairy-WrenMalurus (Malurus) cyaneus
MEGAPODIIDAEAustralian Brush-TurkeyAlectura lathami
MELIPHAGIDAEEastern SpinebillAcanthorhynchus tenuirostris
MELIPHAGIDAELittle WattlebirdAnthochaera (Anellobia) chrysoptera
MELIPHAGIDAERed WattlebirdAnthochaera carunculata
MELIPHAGIDAEYellow-Faced HoneyeaterCaligavis chrysops
MELIPHAGIDAEBell MinerManorina (Manorina) melanophrys
MELIPHAGIDAENoisy MinerManorina (Myzantha) melanocephala
MELIPHAGIDAELewin's HoneyeaterMeliphaga (Meliphaga) lewinii
MELIPHAGIDAEWhite-Naped HoneyeaterMelithreptus (Melithreptus) lunatus
MELIPHAGIDAEWhite-Cheeked HoneyeaterPhylidonyris (Meliornis) niger
MELIPHAGIDAENew Holland HoneyeaterPhylidonyris (Meliornis) novaehollandiae
MONARCHIDAEMagpie-LarkGrallina cyanoleuca
NECTARINIIDAEMistletoebirdDicaeum (Dicaeum) hirundinaceum
OCEANITIDAEWhite-Faced Storm-PetrelPelagodroma marina
ORIOLIDAEOlive-Backed OrioleOriolus (Mimeta) sagittatus
ORIOLIDAEAustralasian FigbirdSphecotheres vieilloti
PACHYCEPHALIDAEGrey Shrike-ThrushColluricincla (Colluricincla) harmonica
PACHYCEPHALIDAEGolden WhistlerPachycephala (Pachycephala) pectoralis
PARDALOTIDAESpotted PardalotePardalotus (Pardalotus) punctatus
PELECANIDAEAustralian pelicanPelecanus conspicillatus
PETROICIDAEEastern Yellow RobinEopsaltria (Eopsaltria) australis
PHAETHONTIDAERed-Tailed TropicbirdPhaethon rubricauda
PHALACROCORACIDAELittle Black CormorantPhalacrocorax sulcirostris
PHALACROCORACIDAEPied CormorantPhalacrocorax varius
PHALACROCORACIDAEGreat CormorantPhalacrocrorax carbo
PODARGIDAETawny FrogmouthPodargus strigoides
PODICIPEDIDAEAustralasian GrebeTachybaptus novaehollandiae
PROCELLARIIDAESooty ShearwaterArdenna grisea
PROCELLARIIDAEWedge-tailed ShearwaterArdenna pacificus
PROCELLARIIDAEShort-tailed ShearwaterArdenna tenuirostris
PROCELLARIIDAEFairy PrionPachyptila turtur
PROCELLARIIDAEGreat-Winged PetrelPterodroma (Pterodroma) macroptera
PROCELLARIIDAELittle ShearwaterPuffinus (Puffinus) assimilis
PSITTACIDAEAustralian King-ParrotAlisterus scapularis
PSITTACIDAEMusk LorikeetGlossopsitta concinna
PSITTACIDAELittle LorikeetParvipsitta pusilla
PSITTACIDAEEastern RosellaPlatycercus (Violania) eximius
PSITTACIDAECrimson RosellaPlatycercus elegans
PSITTACIDAEScaly-Breasted LorikeetTrichoglossus chlorolepidotus
PSITTACIDAERainbow LorikeetTrichoglossus haematodus
PSOPHODIDAEEastern WhipbirdPsophodes (Psophodes) olivaceus
PTILONORHYNCHIDAESatin BowerbirdPtilonorhynchus violaceus
PYCNONOTIDAERed-Whiskered BulbulPycnonotus (Pycnonotus) jocosus
RALLIDAEEurasian CootFulica atra
RALLIDAEDusky MoorhenGallinula (Gallinula) tenebrosa
RALLIDAEBanded RailGallirallus philippensis
RALLIDAEPurple SwamphenPorphyrio (Porphyrio) porphyrio
RHIPIDURIDAERufous FantailRhipidura (Howeavis) rufifrons
RHIPIDURIDAEGrey FantailRhipidura (Rhipidura) albiscapa
RHIPIDURIDAEWillie WagtailRhipidura (Sauloprocta) leucophrys
SCOLOPACIDAERed-necked StintCalidris ruficollis
SCOLOPACIDAECurew SandpiperCallidris ferruginea
SCOLOPACIDAELatham's SnipeGallinago hardwickii
SCOLOPACIDAEBar-Tailed GodwitLimosa lapponica
SPHENISCIDAELittle PenguinEudyptula minor
STERCORARIIDAEArctic JaegerStercorarius parasiticus
STRIGIDAESouthern BoobookNinox (Ninox) novaeseelandiae
STRIGIDAEPowerful OwlNinox (Rhabdoglaux) strenua
STURNIDAECommon MynaAcridotheres tristis
STURNIDAECommon StarlingSturnus (Sturnus) vulgaris
SULIDAEAustralasian GannetMorus serrator
THRESKIORNITHIDAERoyal SpoonbillOplatalea regia
THRESKIORNITHIDAEAustralian White IbisThreskiornis molucca
TIMALIIDAESilvereyeZosterops lateralis
TYTONIDAEEastern Barn OwlTyto (Tyto) javanica


FamilySpeciesCommon name
AMBASSIDAEAmbassus jacksoniensisPort Jackson Glassfish
ANGUILLIDAEAnguilla australisShort-finned Eel
ANGUILLIDAEAnguilla reinhardtiiLong-finned Eel
ANTENNARIIDAEAntennarius striatusStriated Frogfish
ARRIPIDAEArripis truttaEastern Australian Salmon
ATHERINIDAEAtherinosoma microstomaSmallmouth Hardyhead
ATHERINIDAELeptatherina presbyteroidesSilver Side
CALLIONYMIDAERepomucenus calcaratusSpotted Stinkfish
CARANGIDAEPseudocaranx dentexWhite Trevally
CLUPEIDAEHerklotsichthys castelnauiSouthern Herring
ELEOTRIDAEPhilypnodon grandicepsFlathead Gudgeon
GERREIDAEGerres subfasciatusSilver Biddy
GERREIDAEGirella tricuspidaLuderick
GOBIIDAEAcentrogobius bifrenatusBridled Goby
GOBIIDAEAfuragobius tamarensisTamar River Goby
GOBIIDAECallogobius sp.Goby
GOBIIDAEFavonigobius exquisitisExquisite Sand-goby
GOBIIDAEFavonigobius lateralisGoby
GOBIIDAEGobiopterus semivestitaGoby
GOBIIDAEParkraemeria ornataGoby
GOBIIDAEPseudogobius olorumPseudogobius olorum
GONORHYNCHIDAEGonorhynchus greyiBeaked Salmon
HEMIRHAMPHIDAEHyporhamphus regularisEastern River Garfish
ISONIDAEIso rhothophilusSurf Sardine
LABRIDAEAchoerodus viridisEastern Blue Groper
LABRIDAECoris sandeyeriEastern King Wrasse
MUGILIDAELiza argenteaFlat-tail Mullet
MUGILIDAEMugil cephalusSea Mullet
MUGILIDAEMyxis elongatusSand Grey Mullet
PARALICHTHYIDAEPseudorhombus jenynsiiSmall-toothed Flounder
PERCICHTHYIDAEMacquaria colonorumEstuary Perch
PLATYCEPHALIDAEPlatycephalus fuscusDusky Flathead
POECILIIDAEGambusia holbrookiEastern Gambusia
POMATOMIDAEPomatomus saltatrixTailor
PSEUDOMUGILIDAEPseudomugil signiferPacific Blue Eye
RHOMBOSOLEIDAEAmmotretis rostratusLong-nosed Flounder
SILLAGINIDAESillago ciliataSand Whiting
SPARIDAEAcanthopagrus australisYellowfin Bream
SPARIDAERhabdosargus sarbaTarwhine
SYGNATHIDAEUrocampus carinirostrisHairy Pipefish
TERAPONTIDAETerapon jarbuaCrescent Perch
TETRAODONTIDAETetractenos glaberSmooth toadfish
TETRAODONTIDAETetractenos hamiltoniCommon Toadfish
TETRAROGIDAECentropogon australisFortescue
TRIGLIDAEChelidonichthys kumuRed Gurnard


FamilySpeciesCommon name
BALAENIDAEEubalaena australisSouthern Right Whale
CANIDAEVulpes vulpesFox
DASYURIDAEAntechinus stuartiiBrown Antechinus
FELIDAEFelis catusCat
LEPORIDAEOryctolagus cuniculusRabbit
MACROPODIDAEWallabia bicolorSwamp Wallaby
MINIOPTERIDAEMiniopterus australisLittle Bentwing-Bat
MINIOPTERIDAEMiniopterus schreibersiiBent-Wing Bat
MOLOSSIDAEAustronomus australisWhite-Striped Freetail-Bat
MOLOSSIDAEMormopterus (Ozimops) rideiRide's Free-Tailed Bat
MURIDAERattus fuscipesBush Rat
MURIDAERattus lutreolusSwamp Rat
MURIDAERattus rattusShip Rat
OTARIIDAEArctocephalus tropicalisSubantarctic Fur-seal
PERAMELIDAEIsoodon macrourusNorthern Brown Bandicoot
PHALANGERIDAETrichosurus vulpeculaAustralian Brushtail Possum
PHOCIDAEHydrurga leptonyxLeopard Seal
PSEUDOCHEIRIDAEPseudocheirus peregrinusCommon Ringtail Possum
PTEROPODIDAEPteropus poliocephalusGrey-Headed Flying-Fox
TACHYGLOSSIDAETachyglossus aculeatusShort-Beaked Echidna
VESPERTILIONIDAEChalinolobus gouldiiGould's Wattled Bat
VESPERTILIONIDAEChalinolobus morioChocolate Wattled Bat
VESPERTILIONIDAENyctophilus gouldiGould's Long-Eared Bat
VESPERTILIONIDAEVespadelus darlingtoniLarge Forest Bat
VESPERTILIONIDAEVespadelus pumilusEastern Forest Bat
VESPERTILIONIDAEVespadelus vulturnusLittle Forest Bat
VOMBATIDAEVombatus ursinusBare-Nosed Wombat


FamilySpeciesCommon name
AGAMIDAEAmphibolurus muricatusJacky Lizard
AGAMIDAEIntellagama lesueuriiWater Dragon
AGAMIDAERankinia diemensisMountain Dragon
COLUBRIDAEDendrelaphis punctulatusGreen Tree Snake
ELAPIDAECacophis krefftiiSouthern dwarf Crowned Snake
ELAPIDAECacophis squamulosusGolden Crowned Snake
ELAPIDAEDemansia psammophisYellow-Faced Whip Snake
ELAPIDAEHemiaspis signataHemiaspis signata
ELAPIDAEPseudechis porphyriacusRed-Bellied Black Snake
GEKKONIDAEPhyllurus platurusLeaf-tailed Gecko
PYGOPODIDAEPygopus lepidopodusCommon Scaly-Foot
PYTHONIDAEMorelia spilotaDiamond Python
SCINCIDAEBellatorias majorLand Mullet
SCINCIDAECtenotus robustusRobust Ctenotus
SCINCIDAEEulamprus quoyiiEastern Water Skink
SCINCIDAELampropholis delicataDark-Flecked Garden Sunskink
SCINCIDAELampropholis guichenotiPale-Flecked Garden Sunskink
SCINCIDAESaiphos equalisThree-toed Skink
SCINCIDAESaproscincus mustelinumWeasel Skink
SCINCIDAETiliqua scincoidesEastern Blue-Tongue
TYPHLOPIDAERamphotyphlops nigrescensCommon Blind Snake

See also


  1. Roy, P. S; Williams, R. J; Jones, A. R; Yassini, I; et al. (2001). "Structure and Function of South-east Australian Estuaries". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 53 (3): 351–384. doi:10.1006/ecss.2001.0796.
  2. "Estuaries of NSW: Wamberal Lagoon". Office of Environment and Heritage. Government of New South Wales. Archived from the original on 24 June 2014. Retrieved 6 April 2013.
  3. "Map of Wamberal Lagoon, NSW". Bonzle Digital Atlas of Australia. Retrieved 6 April 2013.
  4. "Wamberal Lagoon" (PDF). Environmental fact sheets: W11. Gosford City Council. January 2005. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 March 2012. Retrieved 6 April 2013.
  5. "Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve". NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service: Office of Environment and Heritage. Government of New South Wales. Archived from the original on 5 April 2015. Retrieved 6 April 2013.
  6. White, A.W. and Pyke, G.H. 1996. Distribution and conservation status of the Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea. Australian Zoologist 30, 177-189.
  7. Mahony, M.J., Hamer, A.J., Pickett, E.J., McKenzie, D.J., Stockwell, M.P., Garnham, J.I., Keely, C.C., Deboo, M.L., O'Meara, J., Pollard, C.J. and Clulow, S. 2013. Identifying conservation and research priorities in the face of uncertainty: a review of the threatened bell frog complex in eastern Australia. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8, 519-538.
  8. "Gross Pollutant Trap". Local Government & Municipal Knowledge Base. Archived from the original on 24 October 2021.
  9. BMT WBM. 2013. Gosford Coastal Lagoons Coastal Zone Management Study.
  10. BMT WBM. 2015. Coastal Zone Management Plan for Gosford Lagoons.
  11. Cardno. 2010. Gosford Coastal Lagoons Processes Study, prepared for Gosford City Council, July 2010
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