
Aquí tenemos una lista de misiles, ordenados alfabéticamente.

Otras listas

Tipos de misiles:

Por nombres




  • Babur (misil pakistani Cruise)
  • Barak naval point defense surface-to-air missile (Israel)
  • BGM-34 Firebee
  • BGM-71 TOW
  • BGM-75 AICBM
  • BGM-109 Tomahawk
  • BGM-110
  • Baktar-Shikan (Pakistani Anti-tank Guided Missile)
  • Black Arrow (United Kingdom)
  • Bloodhound UK Surface-to-air
  • Blowpipe UK Man portable Surface-to-air
  • Blue Steel nuclear stand off missile (United Kingdom)
  • Blue Streak (United Kingdom)
  • BQM-90
  • BQM-106 Teleplane
  • BQM-108
  • BQM-111 Firebrand
  • BQM-126
  • BQM-145 Peregrine
  • BQM-147 Exdrone
  • BQM-155 Hunter
  • BQM-167 Skeeter
  • BrahMos (Missile developed by Russia/India )
  • Brakemine UK WWII project
  • Brimstone (United Kingdom)


  • C-602
  • C-701
  • C-802
  • CA 94
  • CA 95
  • CEM-138 Pave Cricket
  • CGM-16/HGM-16 Atlas
  • CIM-10 Bomarc
  • Condor missile (Argentina)
  • CQM-121 Pave Tiger
  • Crotale (France)





  • Gabriel missile (Ship-to-ship and air-to-ship variants)
  • Ghauri-I
  • Ghauri-II
  • Ghauri-III
  • Ghaznavi-I
  • Global Rocket 1 fractional orbital bombardment system missile (Rusia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-X-10 Scrag)
  • GQM-93
  • GQM-94 B-Gull
  • GQM-98 Tern-R
  • GQM-163 Coyote
  • GR-1 (designation for the Global Rocket 1)
  • Green Cheese
  • Green Flash
  • Grom


  • Hadès
  • Harpoon
  • Hatf-I/IA/IB
  • Hongqi-1 SAM
  • Hongqi-2 SAM
  • Hongnu-5 SAM
  • Hongqi-7 SAM
  • Hongqi-9 SAM
  • Hongqi-10 SAM
  • Hongqi-15 SAM
  • Hongqi-17 SAM
  • Hongqi-18 SAM
  • Hongqi-61 SAM
  • HOT (popular name for the Euromissile HOT anti-armour missile)
  • Hsiung Feng I (HF-1) (ship-to-ship)
  • Hsiung Feng II (HF-2) (guided multiplatform antiship)
  • Hsiung Feng IIE (HF-2E) (land attack cruise missile variant of HF-2)
  • Hsiung Feng III (HF-3) (antiship and/or land attack cruise missile)
  • Hyunmoo



  • J-Missile
  • Javelin Surface-to-air
  • Jericho (balístico tierra-tierra)
  • JL-1
  • JL-2






  • Oka (popular name for the R-400 Oka)
  • Otomat


  • P-1 missile (SS-N-1 Scrubber)
  • P-700 Granit (SS-N-19 Shipwreck)
  • PARS 3 LR
  • PAD
  • Penguin (U.S. designation: AGM-119)
  • PenLung-9 SAM
  • PL-10
  • Polyphem
  • PGM-11 Redstone
  • PGM-17 Thor
  • PGM-19 Jupiter
  • Pioner (popular name for the RT-21M Pioner)
  • Pluton
  • Popeye missile (Standoff. U.S. designation AGM-142 Have Nap. A cruise missile variant purportedly exists as well)
  • PQM-56
  • PQM-102 Delta Dagger
  • PQM-149 UAV-SR
  • PQM-150 UAV-SR
  • Prithvi missile
  • Prithvi II missile
  • Prithvi III missile
  • Python 5 (popular name for Rafael Python 5)


  • Qassam rocket
  • Qianwei-1 SAM
  • Qianwei-2 SAM


  • R-1 theatre ballistic missile (SS-1 Scunner)
  • R-2 theatre ballistic missile (SS-2 Sibling)
  • R-3 Prototipo.
  • R-4 (AA-5 Ash)
  • R-5 theatre ballistic missile (SS-3 Shyster)
  • R-6
  • R-7 Semyorka intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Russia; Cold War) (NATO name SS-6 Sapwood)
  • R-8
  • R-9 Desna intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Russia; Cold War) (NATO name SS-8 Sasin)
  • R-11 tactical ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-1b Scud)
  • R-12 Dvina theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-4 Sandal)
  • R-13 submarine launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-4 Sark)
  • R-14 Usovaya theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-5 Skean)
  • R-15 submarine ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
  • R-16 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-7 Saddler)
  • R-17E, variant of Russian Scud B
  • R-21 submarine-launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-5 Serb)
  • R-23 missile (AA-7 Apex)
  • R-26 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (mistakenly applied NATO name SS-8 Sasin)
  • R-27 submarine-launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-6 Serb)
  • R-27 missile (AA-10 Alamo)
  • R-33 missile (AA-9 Amos)
  • R-36 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Ukraine) (NATO name SS-9 Scarp and SS-18 Satan)
  • R-39 missile (SS-N-20 Sturgeon)
  • R-40 missile (AA-6 Acrid)
  • R-46 orbital launcher and intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War)
  • R-60 missile (AA-8 Aphid)
  • R-73 missile (AA-11 Archer)
  • R-77 missile (AA-12 Adder)
  • R-300 Elbrus theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-1c Scud)
  • R-400 Oka theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-23 Spider)
  • R550 Magic
  • Ra'ad (Pakistani Cruise Missile)
  • Rapier Surface-to-air
  • Rafael Python 5 (Air-to-air)
  • RBS-15
  • RBS-23
  • RBS-70
  • RBS-77
  • RBS-90
  • Red Top Air-to-air
  • RGM-6 Regulus
  • RGM-15 Regulus II
  • RGM-59 Taurus
  • RGM-165 LASM
  • RIM-2 Terrier
  • RIM-7 Sea Sparrow
  • RIM-8 Talos
  • RIM-24 Tartar
  • RIM-50 Typhon LR
  • RIM-55 Typhon MR
  • RIM-66 Standard Missile-1
  • RIM-66 Standard Missile-2
  • RIM-67 Standard Missile-1 ER
  • RIM-67 Standard Missile-2 ER
  • RIM-85
  • RIM-101
  • RIM-113
  • RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile
  • RIM-156 Standard Missile-2ER Block IV
  • RIM-161 Standard Missile-3
  • RIM-162 ESSM
  • ROLAND air defence missile
  • RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern)
  • RSA-1
  • RSA-2
  • RSA-3
  • RSA-4
  • RT-1 theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
  • RT-2 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (SS-13 Savage)
  • RT-2PM Topol intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern)(SS-25 Sickle)
  • RT-2UTTH Topol M intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern) (SS-27)
  • RT-15 mobile land launced theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-14 Scamp)
  • RT-20 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-15 Scrooge)
  • RT-21 Temp 2S intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-16 Sinner)
  • RT-21M Pioner theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-20 Saber)
  • RT-23 Molodets intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern) (SS-24 Scalpel)
  • RT-25 theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
  • RUM-139 VL-Asroc
  • RUR-5 Asroc


  • SA-2 Guideline
  • SA-3 Goa
  • SA-4 Ganef
  • SA-5 Gammon
  • SA-6 Gainful
  • SA-7 Grail
  • SA-8 Gecko
  • SA-9 Gaskin
  • SA-10 Grumble
  • SA-11 Gadfly
  • SA-12 Gladiator/Giant
  • SA-13 Gopher
  • SA-14 Gremlin
  • SA-15 Gauntlet
  • SA-16 Gimlet
  • SA-17 Grizzly
  • SA-18 Grouse
  • SA-19 Grisom
  • SA-20 Gargoyle
  • SA-X-21 Growler
  • SA-N-3 Goblet
  • Saber (SS-20) (NATO reporting name for the RT-21M Pioner)
  • Saddler (SS-7) (NATO reporting name for the R-16 rocket)
  • Samid
  • Saegheh
  • Sagarika (SLBM) (Indian Ballistic Missile)
  • Sajjil (MRBM) (Iranian Ballistic Missile)
  • Sandal (SS-4) (Designación OTAN para R-12 Dvina)
  • Sapwood (SS-6) (Designación OTAN para R-7 Semyorka)
  • Sark (SS-N-4) (Designación OTAN para R-13)
  • Sasin (SS-8) (Designación OTAN para R-9 Desna, also mistakenly applied to the R-26)
  • Satan (SS-18) (Designación OTAN para R-36M)
  • Savage (SS-13) (Designación OTAN para RT-2)
  • Scaleboard (SS-12 / SS-22) (Designación OTAN para TR-1 Temp)
  • Scalpel (SS-24) (Designación OTAN para RT-23 Molodets)
  • Scamp (SS-14) (Designación OTAN para RT-15)
  • Scapegoat (SS-14) (Designación OTAN para RT-15)
  • Scarp (SS-9) (Designación OTAN para R-36)
  • Scrag (SS-X-10) (Designación OTAN para Global Rocket 1 and UR-200)
  • Scrooge (SS-15) (Designación OTAN para RT-20)
  • Scud (SS-1b/SS-1c) (Designación OTAN para R-11 and R-300 Elbrus family)
  • Scunner (SS-1) (Designación OTAN para R-1)
  • SD 10 (Pakistani Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile)
  • Sea Cat
  • Sea Dart
  • Sea Eagle
  • Sea Skua
  • Sea Slug Surface-to-air
  • Sea Wolf Surface-to-air
  • Sego (SS-11) (NATO reporting name for the UR-100)
  • Semyorka (popular name for the R-7 Semyorka)
  • Serb (SS-N-5) (Designación OTAN para R-21)
  • Serb (SS-N-6) (Designación OTAN para R-27)
  • Shahab-1
  • Shahab-2
  • Shahab-3
  • Shahab-3D
  • Shahab-4
  • Shahab-5
  • Shahab-6
  • Shaheen-I (Pakistani MRBM)
  • Shaheen-II (Pakistani IRBM)
  • Shaheen-III (Pakistani IRBM)
  • Shavit (Space launcher)
  • Shkval (VA-111)
  • Shaurya missile (Indian)
  • Shyster (SS-3) (Designación OTAN para R-5)
  • Sibling (SS-2) (Designación OTAN para R-2)
  • Sickle (SS-25) (Designación OTAN para RT-2PM Topol)
  • Silkworm missile subsonic cruise missile
  • Sinner (SS-16) (Designación OTAN para RT-21 Temp 2S)
  • Skean (SS-5) (NATO reporting name for the R-14 Usovaya)
  • Sky Bow I (TK-1) (SAM)
  • Sky Bow II (TK-2) (SAM)
  • Sky Bow III (TK-3) (SAM)
  • Sky Spear (Short range SSBM)
  • Sky Sword I (TC-1) (air-to-air)
  • Sky Sword II (TC-2) (air-to-air)
  • Skybolt ALBM
  • SM-62 Snark
  • SM-73 Goose (decoy cruise missile)
  • SM-74 (proposed decoy cruise missile)
  • Sotka (popular name for the MR-UR-100 Sotka)
  • Spanker (SS-17) (Designación OTAN para MR-UR-100 Sotka)
  • Spartan LIM-49A ABM
  • Spider (SS-23) (Designación OTAN para R-400 Oka)
  • Spike/Gil missile (Anti-tank)
  • Sprint ABM
  • SS-1 Scunner (NATO reporting name for the R-1)
  • SS-1b Scud (NATO reporting name for the R-11)
  • SS-1c Scud (NATO reporting name for the R-300 Elbrus)
  • SS-2 Sibling (NATO reporting name for the R-2)
  • SS-3 Shyster (NATO reporting name for the R-5)
  • SS-4 Sandal (NATO reporting name for the R-12 Dvina)
  • SS-5 Skean (NATO reporting name for the R-14 Skean)
  • SS-6 Sapwood (NATO reporting name for the R-7 Semyorka)
  • SS-7 Saddler (NATO reporting name for the R-16 rocket)
  • SS-8 Sasin (NATO reporting name for the R-9 Desna, also mistakenly applied to the R-26)
  • SS-9 Scarp (NATO reporting name for the R-36)
  • SS-10 surface-to-surface missile (France)
  • SS-11 surface-to-surface missile (France)
  • SS-11 Sego (NATO reporting name for the UR-100)
  • SS-12 surface-to-surface missile (France)
  • SS-12 Scaleboard (NATO reporting name for the TR-1 Temp)
  • SS-13 Savage (NATO reporting name for the RT-2)
  • SS-14 Scamp (NATO reporting name for the RT-15)
  • SS-15 Scrooge (NATO reporting name for the RT-20)
  • SS-16 Sinner (NATO reporting name for the RT-21 Temp 2S)
  • SS-17 Spanker (NATO reporting name for the MR-UR-100)
  • SS-18 Satan (NATO reporting name for the R-36M)
  • SS-19 Stiletto (NATO reporting name for the UR-100N)
  • SS-20 Saber (NATO reporting name for the RT-21M)
  • SS-21 Scarab (NATO reporting name for the OTR-21)
  • SS-22 Scaleboard (NATO reporting name for the TR-1 Temp modified versions)
  • SS-23 Spider (NATO reporting name for the R-400 Oka
  • SS-24 Scalpel (NATO reporting name for the RT-23 Molodets)
  • SS-25 Sickle (NATO reporting name for the RT-2PM Topol)
  • SS-27 (NATO reporting name for the RT-2UTTH Topol M)
  • SS-1000 (Brazil, retired)
  • SS-N-2 Styx
  • SS-N-4 Sark (NATO reporting name for the R-13)
  • SS-N-5 Serb (NATO reporting name for the R-21)
  • SS-N-6 Serb (NATO reporting name for the R-27)
  • SS-N-12 Sandbox
  • SS-N-15 Starfish
  • SS-N-16 Stallion
  • SS-N-17
  • SS-N-19 Shipwreck
  • SS-N-20
  • SS-N-22 Sunburn
  • SS-N-27 Sizzler (NATO reporting name for the 3M54E)
  • SS-X-10 Scrag (NATO reporting name for the Global Rocket 1 and UR-200)
  • Starstreak
  • Stiletto (SS-19) (NATO reporting name for the UR-100N)
  • Storm Shadow
  • Strela-1 missile (SA-9 Gaskin)
  • Strela-2 missile (SA-7/SA-N-5 Grail)
  • Swingfire Ground to ground, anti-tank


  • Taurus missile
  • Terne ASW
  • Temp (popular name for the TR-1 Temp)
  • Temp 2S (popular name for the RT-21 Temp 2S)
  • Thunderbird
  • Tippu missile (Pakistani IRBM)
  • Topol (popular name for the RT-2PM Topol and RT-2UTTH Topol M)
  • TOROS missile
  • TR-1 Temp theatre ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (SS-12 / SS-22 Scaleboard)
  • Trigat
  • Trishul missile (Indian Surface-to-Air Missile)


  • UGM-27 Polaris
  • UGM-73 Poseidon
  • UGM-89 Perseus
  • UGM-96 Trident I
  • UGM-133 Trident II
  • Umkhonto
  • UR-100 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-11 Sego)
  • UR-100MR (common alternate designation for the MR-UR-100 Sotka)
  • UR-100N intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-19 Stiletto)
  • UR-200 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-X-10 Scrag)
  • Usovaya (popular name for the R-14 Usovaya)
  • UUM-44 Subroc
  • UUM-125 Sea Lance



  • Wasserfall missile


  • X-4 missile

Misiles por peso, con cifras de rendimiento

Misiles 50 - 200 kg

Peso (kg) Nombre del misil País de origen Periodo de fabricación y uso Peso de la ojiva Tipo de ojiva Rango Velocidad CEP
88 kg ASRAAM Reino UnidoBandera del Reino Unido Reino Unido 2002- 10 kg blast/fragmentation 18 km Mach 3+
91 kg AIM-9 Sidewinder Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos 1956- 9,4 kg Annular blast fragmentation 18 km Mach 2,5
152 kg AMRAAM:- AIM-120D Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos 2008 18 kg blast/fragmentation 210 km Mach 4
152 kg AMRAAM:- AIM-120C Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos 1996 18 kg blast/fragmentation 105 km Mach 4
152 kg AMRAAM:- AIM-120B Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos 1994- 23 kg blast/fragmentation 48 km Mach 4
96 kg Nimrod 2 IsraelBandera de Israel Israel 1989-[] 14 kg HEAT, thermobaric, Fragmentation-HE 36 km 2000 km/h
105 kg Vympel R-73 Rusia Rusia 1982- 7.4 kg Fragmentation 20–40 km Mach 2,5
112 kg MBDA MICA-EM/-IR Bandera de Francia Francia 1996- (EM)
2000- (IR)
12 kg Blast/fragmentation
(focused splinters HE)
> 60 km Mach 4
118 kg Derby IsraelBandera de Israel Israel 1990- 23 kg Blast/fragmentation 50 km Mach 4
152 kg Raytheon AIM-120D AMRAAM Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos 2008 18 kg Blast/fragmentation 72 km Mach 4
152 kg Raytheon AIM-120C AMRAAM Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos 1996 18 kg Blast/fragmentation 105 km Mach 4
152 kg Raytheon AIM-120B AMRAAM Bandera de Estados Unidos Estados Unidos 1994- 23 kg Blast/fragmentation 48 km Mach 4
175 kg Vympel R-77 Rusia Rusia 1994- 22 kg Blast/fragmentation 160 km 4250 km/h
185 kg MBDA Meteor Bandera de Unión Europea Unión Europea 2012- ? Blast/fragmentation 100+ km Mach 4+

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