Ophiochondrus stelliger


Taxonavigation: Ophiacanthina 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Echinodermata
Subphylum: Eleutherozoa
Superclassis: Cryptosyringida
Classis: Ophiuroidea
Subclasse: Myophiuroidea
Infraclasse: Metophiurida
Superordo: Ophintegrida
Ordo: Ophiacanthida
Subordo: Ophiacanthina

Familia: Ophiacanthidae
Genus: Ophiochondrus
Species: Ophiochondrus stelliger


Ophiochondrus stelliger Lyman, 1879

  • Syntype: MCZ OPH-2692
  • Type locality: Challenger: station 320. Depth: 600 fms.


  • Ophiochondrus falklandicus Koehler, 1923
Synonymy: Mortensen, 1936
Syntype: MNHN IE-2013-10303, 2 specimens.
Type locality: [Swedish Antarctic Expedition] Station 58. 11 September 1902. South of West Falkland. 2° 29’ S’; 60° 36’ W. Depth: 197 meters. Sand and gravel.


  • Lyman, T. 1879. Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae of the exploring voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger", under Prof. Sir Wyville Thomson, F.R.S. Part II. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 6(2): 17–84. BHL Reference page.  [see page 44, original description]
  • Koehler, J.B.F.R. 1923. Astéries et Ophiures recueillies par l'Expédition Antarctique Suédoise (1901-1903). Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1901-1903 under the direction of Dr. Otto Nordenskjold. 1(1): 1-145. PDF Reference page.  [original description of Ophiochondrus falklandicus]
  • Mortensen, O.T.J. 1936. Echinoidea and Ophiuroidea. Discovery Reports. 12: 199-348, pls. 1-9. BHL Reference page.  [see page 259, source of synonymy for Ophiochondrus falklandicus]

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