P. Humphry Greenwood

Peter Humphry Greenwood (21 April 1927 – 3 March 1995) – English ichthyologist

Authored taxa*

currently in use (Catalog of Fishes with a few recent changes)

Families & higher categories (2)

Genera & subgenera (25)

Allochromis Greenwood, 1980Palaeopercichthys Greenwood, 1987Sindacharax Greenwood & Howes, 1975
Anomalochromis Greenwood, 1985Paleodenticeps Greenwood, 1960Singida Greenwood & Patterson, 1967
Cleptochromis Greenwood, 1980Papyrocranus Greenwood, 1963Thoracochromis Greenwood, 1979
Enterochromis Greenwood, 1980Paralabidochromis Greenwood, 1956Tridontochromis Greenwood, 1980
Gaurochromis Greenwood, 1980Pharyngochromis Greenwood, 1979Xenoclarias Greenwood, 1958
Harpagochromis Greenwood, 1980Prognathochromis Greenwood, 1980Xystichromis Greenwood, 1980
Mylacochromis Greenwood, 1980Psammochromis Greenwood, 1980Yssichromis Greenwood, 1980
Oreodaimon Greenwood & Jubb, 1967Ptyochromis Greenwood, 1980
Orthochromis Greenwood, 1954Pyxichromis Greenwood, 1980

Species (69)

Haplochromis barbarae Greenwood, 1967 Haplochromis brownae Greenwood, 1962 Haplochromis bartoni Greenwood, 1962 Haplochromis gilberti Greenwood & Gee, 1969 Haplochromis paraguiarti Greenwood, 1967 Haplochromis laparogramma Greenwood & Gee, 1969 Haplochromis lividus Greenwood, 1956 Haplochromis loati Greenwood, 1971 Haplochromis macconneli Greenwood, 1974 Haplochromis macropsoides Greenwood, 1973 Haplochromis mandibularis Greenwood, 1962 Haplochromis megalops Greenwood & Gee, 1969 Haplochromis melichrous Greenwood & Gee, 1969 Haplochromis mylergates Greenwood & Barel, 1978 Haplochromis mylodon Greenwood, 1973 Haplochromis nanoserranus Greenwood & Barel, 1978 Haplochromis niloticus Greenwood, 1960 Haplochromis nyanzae Greenwood, 1962 Haplochromis oregosoma Greenwood, 1973 Haplochromis pachycephalus Greenwood, 1967 Haplochromis paludinosus (Greenwood, 1980) Haplochromis paraplagiostoma Greenwood & Gee, 1969 Haplochromis paropius Greenwood & Gee, 1969 Haplochromis parorthostoma Greenwood, 1967 Haplochromis petronius Greenwood, 1973 Haplochromis phytophagus Greenwood, 1966 Haplochromis piceatus Greenwood & Gee, 1969 Haplochromis plutonius Greenwood & Barel, 1978 Haplochromis pseudopellegrini Greenwood, 1967 Haplochromis ptistes Greenwood & Barel, 1978 Haplochromis saxicola Greenwood, 1960 Haplochromis schubotziellus Greenwood, 1973 Haplochromis simpsoni Greenwood, 1965 Haplochromis sulphureus Greenwood & Barel, 1978 Haplochromis teegelaari Greenwood & Barel, 1978 Haplochromis theliodon Greenwood, 1960 Haplochromis thuragnathus Greenwood, 1967 Haplochromis turkanae Greenwood, 1974 Haplochromis tyrianthinus Greenwood & Gee, 1969 Haplochromis venator Greenwood, 1965 Haplochromis victoriae (Greenwood, 1956) Haplochromis welcommei Greenwood, 1966 Haplochromis xenognathus Greenwood, 1957 Orthochromis kalungwishiensis (Greenwood & Kullander, 1994) Orthochromis luongoensis (Greenwood & Kullander, 1994) Paracobitis smithi (Greenwood, 1976) Singida jacksonoides Greenwood & Patterson, 1967


(List may be incomplete)

  • 7 eponyms of P. Humphry Greenwood


(List may be incomplete)


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1956: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae). Part I: H. obliquidens Hilgend., H. nigricans (Blgr.), H. nuchisquamulatus (Hilgend.) and H. lividus, sp. n. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 4 (5): 223–244. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1957: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae) Pt. II. H. sauvagei (Pfeffer), H. prodromus Trewavas, H. granti Blgr., and H. xenognathus sp. n. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 5 (4): 75–97, Pl. 4. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1959: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 5 (7): 179–218. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1960: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces Cichlidae) Part IV. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 6 (4): 227–281. BHL
  • Greenwood, P.H. 1960: Fossil denticipitid fishes from East Africa. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology, 5: 1–11, 3 pls. Scribd


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1961: A revision of the genus Dinotopterus Blgr. (Pisces, Clariidae) with notes on the comparative anatomy of the suprabranchial organs in the Clariidae. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 7 (4): 215–241. BHL BioStor


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1962: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae). Part V. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 9 (4): 139–214, Pl. 1. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1963: The swimbladder in African Notopteridae (Pisces) and its bearing on the taxonomy of the family. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 11 (5): 377–412, Pls. 1-4. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1965: The cichlid fishes of Lake Nabugabo, Uganda. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 12 (9): 315–357. BHL
  • Greenwood, P.H. 1965: The status of Acanthothrissa Gras, 1961 (Pisces, Clupeidae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series B, 7: 337–338.


  • Greenwood, P.H., Rosen, D.E., Weitzman, S.H., & Myers, G.S. 1966: Phyletic studies of teleostean fishes, with a provisional classification of living forms. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 131 (4): 339–456. PDF


  • Greenwood, P.H. & Jubb, R.A. 1967: The generic identity of Labeo quathlambae Barnard (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums (Natural History), 6 (2): 17–37.
  • Greenwood, P.H. 1967: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae). Part VI. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 15 (2): 31–119. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. & Gee, J.M. 1969: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae). Part VII. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 18 (1): 1–65. BHL


  • Rosen, D. & Greenwood, P.H. 1970. Origin of the Weberian apparatus and relationships of the ostariophysan and gonorynchiform fishes. American Museum Novitates, 2468: 1-49. PDF Reference page. 


  • Greenwood, P.H. & Rosen, D.E. 1971: Notes on the structure and relationships of the alepocephaloid fishes. American Museum Novitates, No. 2473, 41 pp. PDF


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1973: A revision of the Haplochromis and related species (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake George, Uganda. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 25 (5): 141–242. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. & Howes, G.J. 1975: Neogene fossil fishes from the Lake Albert-Lake Edward Rift (Zaire). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology, 26 (3): 69–126.


  • Greenwood, P. H., 1976: A new and eyeless cobitid fish (Pisces, Cypriniformes) from the Zagros Mountains, Iran. Journal of Zoology (London) 180 (1): 129–137.
  • Rosen, D.E. & Greenwood, P.H. 1976: A fourth Neotropical species of synbranchid eel and the phylogeny and systematics of synbranchiform fishes. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 157 (1): 1–70. PDF


  • Greenwood, P.H. & Barel, C.D.N. 1978: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), Part VIII. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 33 (2): 141–192. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1979: Towards a phyletic classification of the 'genus' Haplochromis (Pisces, Cichlidae) and related taxa. Part I. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 35 (4): 265–322. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1980: Towards a phyletic classification of the 'genus' Haplochromis (Pisces, Cichlidae) and related taxa. Part II; the species from Lakes Victoria, Nabugabo, Edward, George and Kivu. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), zoology, 39 (1): 1–101. BHL




  • Greenwood, P.H. 1985: The generic status and affinities of Paratilapia thomasi Blgr 1915 (Teleostei, Cichlidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 49 (2): 257–272. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1987: A replacement name for Parapercichthys Greenwood (1983), a junior homonym. Copeia, 1987 (3): 787. Jstor
  • Greenwood, P.H. 1987: The genera of pelmatochromine fishes (Teleostei, Cichlidae). A phylogenetic review. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 53 (3): 139–203. BHL


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1992: A revision and redescription of the monotypic cichlid fish genus Pharyngochromis (Teleostei, Labroidei). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), zoology, 58: 37–52.


  • Greenwood, P.H. 1993: A review of the serranochromine cichlid fish genera Pharyngochromis, Sargochromis, Serranochromis and Chetia (Teleostei: Labroidei). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), zoology, 59 (1): 33–44.


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