Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Rhizaria
Clade: Retaria
Phylum: Radiozoa
Classis: Polycystina
Collodaria –
Nassellaria –
Ordines (to be revised): †Albaillellaria - †Archaeospicularia - Entactinaria - †Latentifistularia
Polycystina Ehrenberg, 1838, emend. Riedel, 1967
- Polycystinea Levine et al., 1980 [?]
- Boltovskoy, D. 1999. Radiolaria Polycystina. p. 149-212. In: South Atlantic zooplankton. D. Boltovskoy (Editor). Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, vol. 1, p. 868, .
- Boltovskoy, D.; Anderson, O.R.; Correa, N.M. (2017). Radiolaria and Phaeodaria. In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.). Handbook of the Protists. Springer, pp. 1-33. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_19-2
- Cavalier-Smith, T.: Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa, Europ. J. Protistol. 39: 338–348 (2003).
- Corliss J.O. 1984: The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla
- De Wever, Dumitrica, Caulet, Nigrini & Caridroit (2001), Radiolarians in the sedimentary record. Gordon & Breach Science Publ., 533 p.
- Ikenoue, T., Bjørklund, K. R., Dumitrica, P., Krabberød, A. K., Kimoto, K., Matsuno, K., & Harada, N. (2016). Two new living Entactinaria (Radiolaria) species from the Arctic province: Joergensenium arcticum n. sp. and Joergensenium clevei n. sp. Marine Micropaleontology, 124, 75-94.
- Protist classification at micro*scope, May 2001. (CC)
- Lazarus, D., Suzuki, N., Caulet, J-P., Nigrini, C., Goll, I., Goll, R.M., Dolven, J.K., Diver, P. & Sanfilippo, A. 2015. An evaluated list of Cenozic-Recent radiolarian species names (Polycystinea), based on those used in the DSDP, ODP and IODP deep-sea drilling programs. Zootaxa 3999(3): 301–333. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3999.3.1. Preview (PDF) Full article (PDF) Reference page.
Cachon, Cachon, & Estep, in Margulis et al. (1990)
Cachon, J., Cachon, M. & Estep, K.W., 1990. 20a. Phylum Actinopoda, Classes Polycystina (=Radiolaria) and Phaeodaria. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.). Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 334-346. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), .
Kingdom Protoctista
- Section III: Phyla with flagellated stages, but without complex sexual cycles
- Phylum 20. Actinopoda
- Class Polycystina
- Class Phaeodaria
- Class Heliozoa
- Class Acantharia
- Phylum 20. Actinopoda
Cavalier-Smith (1993)
From Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla, .
- Kingdom 1. Protozoa
- Phylum 2. Radiozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1987
- Subphylum 1. Spasmaria subph. nov.
- Class 1. Acantharea Haeckel, 1881 stat. nov.
- Subclass 1. Holacanthia subcl. nov. (orders Holacanthida Schewiakoff, 1926; Plegmacantha, Rechetniak, 1981)
- Subclass 2. Euacanthia subcl. nov. (3 orders)
- Class 2. Sticholonchea Poche, 1913 stat. nov. Petrushevskaja, 1977
- Class 1. Acantharea Haeckel, 1881 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 2. Radiolaria Muller, 1858 emend. stat. nov.
- Class 1. Polycystinea Ehrenberg, 1838 stat. nov.
- Subclass 1. Spumellaria Ehrenberg, 1875
- Subclass 2. Nassellaria Ehrenberg, 1875
- Class 2. Phaeodarea Haeckel, 1879
- Class 1. Polycystinea Ehrenberg, 1838 stat. nov.
- Subphylum 1. Spasmaria subph. nov.
- Phylum 2. Radiozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1987
Anderson et al., in Lee et al. (2000)
Anderson, O.R., Nigrini, C., Boltovskoy, D., Takahashi, K. & Swanberg, N.R., 2000. Class Polycystinea. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 2, p. 994-1022, . See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), .
In “protozoa”, “amoeboid protists”
- Class Polycystina Ehrenberg, 1838, emend. Riedel, 1967a
- 1 Order Spumellaria Ehrenberg, 1875
- 01 Genus Styptosphaera Haeckel, 1887
- 02 Genus Plegmosphaera Haeckel, 1881
- 03 Genus Otosphaera Haeckel, 1887
- 04 Genus Cenosphaera Ehrenberg, 1854
- 05 Genus Cladococcus Mueller, 1856
- 06 Genus Acanthosphaera Ehrenberg, 1858
- 07 Genus Centrocubus Haeckel, 1887
- 08 Genus Octodendron Haeckel, 1887
- 09 Genus Spongoliva Haeckel, 1887
- 10 Genus Spongosphaera Ehrenberg, 1847
- 11 Genus Spongoplegma Haeckel, 1881
- 12 Genus Carposphaera Haeckel, 1881
- 13 Genus Thecosphaera E. Haeckel, 1881
- 14 Genus Stylacontarium Popofsky, 1912
- 15 Genus Stylatractus Haeckel, 1887
- 16 Genus Druppatractus Haeckel, 1887
- 17 Genus Hexalonche E. Haeckel, 1881
- 18 Genus Cromyechinus E. Haeckel, 1881
- 19 Genus Larcopyle Dreyer, 1889
- 20 Genus Tetrapyle Muller, 1858
- 21 Genus Hexapyle Haeckel, 1881
- 22 Genus Pylolena Haeckel, 1887
- 23 Genus Spongocore Haeckel, 1887
- 24 Genus Spongurus Haeckel, 1860
- 25 Genus Amphirhopalum Haeckel, 1881
- 26 Genus Ommatodiscus Stöhr, 1880
- 27 Genus Stylochlamydium Haeckel, 1887
- 28 Genus Stylodictya Ehrenberg, 1847
- 29 Genus Spongopyle Dreyer, 1889
- 30 Genus Spongotrochus Haeckel, 1860
- 31 Genus Spongodiscus Ehrenberg, 1854
- 32 Family Thalassicollidae Haeckel, 1862
- 1 Genus Actissa Haeckel, 1884
- 2 Genus Lampoxanthium Haeckel, 1887
- 3 Genus Physematium Meyen, 1834
- 4 Genus Thalassicolla Huxley, 1851
- 5 Genus Thalassolampe Haeckel, 1862
- 6 Genus Thalassoplancta Haeckel, 1887
- 7 Genus Thalassosphaera Haeckel, 1862
- 8 Genus Thalassoxanthium Haeckel, 1887
- 33 Family Collozoidae Haeckel, 1862
- 1 Genus Collozoum Haeckel, 1862
- 2 Genus Rhaphidozoum Haeckel, 1862
- 3 Genus Sphaerozoum Meyen, 1834
- 34 Family Collosphaeridae J. Müller, 1858b
- 1 Genus Acrosphaera Haeckel, 1881
- 2 Genus Buccinosphaera Haeckel, 1887
- 3 Genus Collosphaera Müller, 1855
- 4 Genus Disolenia Ehrenberg, 1861
- 5 Genus Siphonosphaera Müller, 1858
- 35 Family Actinommidae Haeckel, 1862
- 1 Genus Actinomma Haeckel, 1860
- 2 Genus Astrosphaera Haeckel, 1887
- 3 Genus Hexacontium Haeckel, 1881
- 4 Genus Saturnalis Haeckel, 1881
- 5 Genus Staurolonche Haeckel, 1881
- 36 Family Phacodiscidae Haeckel, 1881
- 1 Genus Heliodiscus Haeckel, 1862
- 37 Family Coccodiscidae Haeckel, 1862
- 1 Genus Didymocyrtis Haeckel, 1861
- 38 Family Spongodiscidae Haeckel, 1862
- 1 Genus Euchitonia Ehrenberg, 1860
- 2 Genus Hymeniastrum Ehrenberg, 1847
- 3 Genus Spongaster Ehrenberg, 1860
- 39 Family Pyloniidae Haeckel, 1881
- 1 Genus Octopyle Haeckel, 1881
- 40 Family Tholoniidae Haeckel, 1887
- 1 Genus Tholostaurus Haeckel, 1887
- 41 Family Litheliidae Haeckel, 1862
- 1 Genus Larcospira Haeckel, 1887
- 2 Genus Lithelius Haeckel, 1860b
- 2 Order Nassellaria Ehrenberg, 1875
- 01 Genus Nephrospyris Haeckel, 1887
- 02 Genus Lithocircus Müller, 1856
- 03 Genus Neosemantis Popofsky, 1913
- 04 Genus Pseudocubus
- 05 Genus Lophophaen [see Genus Lophophaena Ehrenberg, 1847]
- 06 Genus Peromelissa Haeckel, 1881
- 07 Genus Arachnocorys Haeckel, 1860
- 08 Genus Cycladophora
- 09 Genus Lampromitra Haeckel, 1881
- 10 Genus Eucecryphalus Haeckel, 1861
- 11 Genus Theopilium Haeckel, 1881
- 12 Genus Litharachnium
- 13 Genus Cornutella Ehrenberg, [1839]
- 14 Genus Antarctissa Petrushevskaya, 1967
- 15 Genus Acanthocorys Haeckel, 1881
- 16 Genus Pterocanium Ehrenberg, 1847
- 17 Genus Dictyophimus Ehrenberg, 1847
- 18 Genus Lipmanella Loeblich & Tappan, 1961
- 19 Genus Clathrocyclas Haeckel, 1881
- 20 Genus Cyrtopera Haeckel, 1881
- 21 Genus Stichopilium Haeckel, 1881
- 22 Genus Lithostrobus Haeckel, 1887
- 23 Genus Siphocampe Haeckel, 1881
- 24 Genus Triceraspyris Haeckel, 1881
- 25 Genus Phormospyris Haeckel, 1881
- 26 Genus Centrobotrys Petrushevskaya, 1965
- 27 Genus Botryocyrtis Ehrenberg, 1860
- 28 Family Plagoniidae Haeckel, 1881
- 1 Genus Callimitra Haeckel, 1881
- 2 Genus Clathrocanium Ehrenberg, 1860
- 3 Genus Clathrocorys Haeckel, 1881
- 4 Genus Phormacantha Jörgensen, 1905
- 5 Genus Sethophormis Haeckel, 1887
- 6 Genus Triplagia Haeckel, 1881
- 7 Genus Triplecta Haeckel, 1881
- 8 Genus Zygocircus Bütschli, 1882
- 29 Family Acanthodesmiidae Haeckel, 1862
- 1 Genus Acanthodesmia Müller, 1856
- 2 Genus Dendrospyris Haeckel, 1881
- 3 Genus Liriospyris Haeckel, 1881
- 4 Genus Lophospyris Haeckel, 1881
- 5 Genus Tholospyris Haeckel, 1881
- 30 Family Theoperidae Haeckel, 1881
- 1 Genus Eucyrtidium Ehrenberg, 1847
- 2 Genus Lithopera Ehrenberg, 1847
- 3 Genus Peripyramis Haeckel, 1881
- 31 Family Carpocaniidae Haeckel, 1881
- 1 Genus Carpocanistrum Haeckel, 1887
- 32 Family Pterocorythidae Haeckel, 1881, emend. Riedel, 1967b, emend. Moore, 1972
- 1 Genus Anthocyrtidium Haeckel, 1881
- 2 Genus Lamprocyclas Haeckel, 1881
- 3 Genus Lamprocyrtis Kling, 1973
- 4 Genus Pterocorys Haeckel, 1881
- 5 Genus Theocorythium Haeckel, 1887
- 33 Family Artostrobiidae Riedel, 1967a, emend. Foreman, 1973
- 1 Genus Botryostrobus Haeckel, 1887
- 2 Genus Phormostichoartus Campbell, 1951
- 3 Genus Spirocyrtis Haeckel, 1882
- 34 Family Cannobotryidae Haeckel, 1881
- 1 Genus Acrobotrys Haeckel, 1881
- 2 Genus Botryopyle Haeckel, 1881
- 3 Genus Saccospyris Haecker, 1907
- 1 Order Spumellaria Ehrenberg, 1875
Adl et al. (2012)
Adl, S.M. et al. (2012). The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59 (5): 429–514, .
Eukaryota Chatton, 1925
- Sar Burki et al. 2007
- Rhizaria Cavalier-Smith 2002
- Retaria Cavalier-Smith 2002
- Polycystinea Ehrenberg 1838, emend. Haeckel 1887
- Spumellaria Ehrenberg 1875, Haeckel 1887, emend. Riedel 1967
- Actinomma, Didymocyrtis, Euchitonia, Hexacontium, Hexalonche, Hexastylus, Octodendron, Plegmosphaera, Saturnalis, Spongaster, Spongosphaera
- Nassellaria Ehrenberg 1875, emend. Haeckel 1887
- Collodaria Haeckel 1887
- Acrosphaera, Collosphaera, Collozoum, Sphaerozoum, Rhaphidozoum, Siphonsphaera, Thalassicolla
- Spumellaria Ehrenberg 1875, Haeckel 1887, emend. Riedel 1967
- Polycystinea Ehrenberg 1838, emend. Haeckel 1887
- Retaria Cavalier-Smith 2002
- Rhizaria Cavalier-Smith 2002