See also: -ъё
- (Ulaanbaatar) IPA(key): /iː/, [iː]
Alternative forms
- -ьё (-ʹjó)
- -ие (-ije)
- IPA(key): [ʲje]
-ье • (-ʹje)
- Abstract noun suffix; forms part of larger suffixes such as -е́нье (-énʹje), -а́нье (-ánʹje), -тье (-tʹje), and exists on its own especially as a suffix added to compound words.
- по́лый (pólyj, “spilling over”) + -о- (-o-) + вода́ (vodá, “water”) + -ье (-ʹje) → полово́дье (polovódʹje, “seasonal flooding”)
- рука́ (ruká, “hand”) + -о- (-o-) + бор(оться) (bor(otʹsja), “to fight, to wrestle”) + -ье (-ʹje) → рукобо́рье (rukobórʹje, “arm wrestling”)
- без- (bez-, “without”) + лю́ди (ljúdi, “people”) + -ье (-ʹje) → безлю́дье (bezljúdʹje, “absence of people”)
- меж- (mež-, “between”) + сезо́н (sezón, “season”) + -ье (-ʹje) → межсезо́нье (mežsezónʹje, “off-season”)
- под- (pod-, “under”) + нога́ (nogá, “leg”) + -ье (-ʹje) → подно́жье (podnóžʹje, “foot (of a mountain)”)
- Suffix used to create names of locations in conjunction with prefixes.
- за- (za-) + Кавка́з (Kavkáz, “Caucasus”) + -ье (-ʹje) → Закавка́зье (Zakavkázʹje, “Transcaucasia”)
- при- (pri-) + Днестр (Dnestr, “Dniester”) + -о́вый (-óvyj) + -ье (-ʹje) → Приднестро́вье (Pridnestróvʹje, “Transnistria”)
Usage notes
- The stress is drawn onto the preceding syllable.
- A velar may turn into a palatal as a result of the Slavic first palatalization (as in подно́жье (podnóžʹje)).
Declension of -ье (inan neut-form vowel-stem accent-a)
singular | plural | |
nominative | -ье -ʹje |
-ья -ʹja |
genitive | -ья -ʹja |
-ий -ij |
dative | -ью -ʹju |
-ьям -ʹjam |
accusative | -ье -ʹje |
-ья -ʹja |
instrumental | -ьем -ʹjem |
-ьями -ʹjami |
prepositional | -ье -ʹje |
-ьях -ʹjax |
Derived terms
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_words_suffixed_with_-%D1%8C%D0%B5' title='Category:Russian words suffixed with -ье'>Russian words suffixed with -ье</a>
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