
See also: nta, NTA, and -ntä



-nta (front vowel harmony variant -ntä)

  1. Forms nouns that describe an action.
    toimia (to act)toiminta (action)
    ampua (to shoot)ammunta (shooting)
    lääkitä (to medicate)lääkintä (medication)
Inflection of -nta (Kotus type 9/kala, nt-nn gradation)
nominative -nta -nnat
genitive -nnan -ntojen
partitive -ntaa -ntoja
illative -ntaan -ntoihin
singular plural
nominative -nta -nnat
accusative nom. -nta -nnat
gen. -nnan
genitive -nnan -ntojen
partitive -ntaa -ntoja
inessive -nnassa -nnoissa
elative -nnasta -nnoista
illative -ntaan -ntoihin
adessive -nnalla -nnoilla
ablative -nnalta -nnoilta
allative -nnalle -nnoille
essive -ntana -ntoina
translative -nnaksi -nnoiksi
instructive -nnoin
abessive -nnatta -nnoitta
comitative -ntoineen
Derived terms
<a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Finnish_words_suffixed_with_-nta' title='Category:Finnish words suffixed with -nta'>Finnish words suffixed with -nta</a>


-nta (front vowel harmony variant -ntä)

  1. (dialectal, nonstandard) Forms the exessive case.
    erota presidentintäto resign from being a president
Usage notes
  • The exessive case is not part of the standard language and is only found in dialects.
  • The suffix is appended to the same stem as the ablative suffixes.



-nta (second person singular accusative, bound form of nyuntunya)

  1. you (singular, object)

Usage notes

Bound pronouns can be used instead of the regular "long form" pronouns. They act as clitics that attach to the last word of the first noun phrase in the sentence, or the conjunctions ka or munu if present.

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