


ak- (class N first-person singular)

  1. the subject of a hortative verb
    let me
  2. the subject of a negative active transitive verb
    I don't
  3. the subject of a negative active intransitive verb
    I don't


person markers class I class II class III class N imperative
first-person singular initial -li sa- si- a- am- ak- n/a
medial -sa--sam-
paucal ī- il- pi- pi- pim- kī- kil-
plural hapi- hapi- hapim-
second-person singular is- ish- chi- chi- chim- chik-
plural has- hash- hachi- hachi- hachim- hachik- ho-oh-
third-person i- im- ik-




  1. who (relativizer)
  2. Forms agentive nouns from verbs.

Derived terms

  • akbaakuxshí
  • akbaalaxchí
  • Akbaatatdía
  • akbaawaaláachaalee
  • akbaaxuawishiiwishée
  • akbaaóchipchi
  • akbaleeilíiaachiwi
  • akbaleeluushí
  • akbiláachia
  • akbinnawó
  • akbishxáxxilia
  • akbíile
  • akchishéeleeleeta
  • akchií
  • akdisshí
  • akdútchileeteeta
  • akdúxxiiikuchki
  • akhiláwi
  • akihchilakkaashí
  • akihchixachíi
  • akilíihaawi
  • akkummí
  • akíssatdee


  • Graczyk, Randolph (2007) A Grammar of Crow, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, →ISBN, pages 47, 254
  • Reed, Jr., George (September 1974) Dictionary of the Crow Language, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pages 2425
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