
See also: Aktivs



Borrowed from Latin activus indirectly through some other European language.




aktīvs m (1st declension)

  1. active voice(s) (the liveliest, most energetic members of an organization or team)
    partijas aktīvsparty's active voices
    arodbiedrības aktīvstrade union's active voices
    sabiedriskais aktīvssocial active voices
    aktīva sanāksmemeeting of active voices
  2. (economics) assets (the material properties of a company, including also receivables; part of a budget that lists such properties)
    ir sava grāmatvedība, kur sakrājas visi pasīvi un aktīvi(it) has its own accounting, in which are gathered all liabilities and assets
  3. (grammar) active voice



  • (active voice (grammar)): darāmā kārta


aktīvs (aktīvais comparative, aktīvāks superlative, visaktīvākais adverb, aktīvi)

  1. active (who works lively, intensively, energetically)
    aktīvs darbinieks, cīnītājs, mākslinieksactive employee, fighter, artist
    mūsu tauta nebija pasīva novērotāja, bet gan aktīva līdzcīnītājaour nation was not a passive observer, but an active co-fighter
  2. active (which happens quickly and intensively)
    aktīva reakcijaactive reaction
    aktīva darbaactive work
  3. active (working, ready to work, to be used)
    aktīvās armijas karavīrsactive army soldier
    aktīvais vārdu krājumsactive vocabulary
    aktīvā imunitāteactive immunity
    aktīvais vulkānsactive volcano
  4. active, lively (showing energy, vigorous activity)
    aktīvas debateslively debates
    aktīva uzmanībaactive attention
  5. (chemistry, physics, biology) active (capable of reacting; having an effect on something; in which some process happens)
    akīva vielaactive substance
    fizioloģiski aktīvsphysiologically active
    akīvā zonaactive zone
    akīvā ogleactivated carbon




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