Confer the verb auka (“to increase”).
Derived terms
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Icelandic_words_prefixed_with_auka-' title='Category:Icelandic words prefixed with auka-'>Icelandic words prefixed with auka-</a>
- aukaaðild
- aukaafskrift
- aukaafurð (a by-product)
- aukaarður
- aukaatriði
- aukaáhersla
- aukafall
- aukafélagi
- aukagjald
- aukagrein
- aukakosning
- aukalega
- aukasetning
- aukaspyrna
- aukastarf
- aukatekjur
- aukatenging
- aukavinna
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