From Middle French cone, from Latin conus (“cone, wedge, peak”), from Ancient Greek κῶνος (kônos, “cone, spinning top, pine cone”)

Pine cone (5)
Audio (US) (file) - Rhymes: -əʊn

A cone (1)–(3)
cone (plural cones)
- (geometry) A surface of revolution formed by rotating a segment of a line around another line that intersects the first line.
- (geometry) A solid of revolution formed by rotating a triangle around one of its altitudes.
- (topology) A space formed by taking the direct product of a given space with a closed interval and identifying all of one end to a point.
- Anything shaped like a cone.[1]
- The fruit of a conifer.[1]
- An ice cream cone.[1]
- A traffic cone
- A unit of volume, applied solely to marijuana and only while it is in a smokable state; roughly 1.5 cubic centimetres, depending on use.
- Any of the small cone-shaped structures in the retina.[1]
- (slang) The bowl piece on a bong.
- (slang) The process of smoking cannabis in a bong.
- (slang) A cone-shaped cannabis joint.
- (slang) A passenger on a cruise ship (so-called by employees after traffic cones, from the need to navigate around them)
- (category theory) An object V together with an arrow going from V to each object of a diagram such that for any arrow A in the diagram, the pair of arrows from V which subtend A also commute with it. (Then V can be said to be the cone’s vertex and the diagram which the cone subtends can be said to be its base.)
- A shell of the genus Conus, having a conical form.
- A set of formal languages with certain desirable closure properties, in particular those of the regular languages, the context-free languages and the recursively enumerable languages.
- (geometry): conical surface
- (ice cream cone): cornet, ice cream cone
Derived terms
surface of revolution
solid of revolution
anything shaped like a cone
ice-cream cone — see ice cream cone
traffic cone — see traffic cone
fruit of conifers
photosensitive cell in retina
- The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations.
cone (third-person singular simple present cones, present participle coning, simple past and past participle coned)
- (pottery) To fashion into the shape of a cone.
- (frequently followed by "off") To segregate or delineate an area using traffic cones
- The Illustrated Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1998
- cone in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
1560s, from Middle French cone (16c.) or directly from Latin conus "a cone, peak of a helmet," from Greek konos "cone, spinning top, pine cone," perhaps from PIE root *ko- "to sharpen" (cognates: Sanskrit sanah "whetstone," Latin catus "sharp," Old English han "stone").
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