jué (Zhuyin ㄐㄩㄝˊ)
- Pinyin transcription of 亅
- Pinyin transcription of 倔
- Pinyin transcription of 傕
- Pinyin transcription of 僪
- Pinyin transcription of 决
- Pinyin transcription of 刔
- Pinyin transcription of 劂
- Pinyin transcription of 勪
- Pinyin transcription of 厥
- Pinyin transcription of 咏
- Pinyin transcription of 啱
- Pinyin transcription of 噱
- Pinyin transcription of 嚸
- Pinyin transcription of 孒
- Pinyin transcription of 孓
- Pinyin transcription of 屫
- Pinyin transcription of 崛
- Pinyin transcription of 崫
- Pinyin transcription of 嵑
- Pinyin transcription of 嶥
- Pinyin transcription of 弡
- Pinyin transcription of 彏
- Pinyin transcription of 憠
- Pinyin transcription of 憰
- Pinyin transcription of 戄
- Pinyin transcription of 抇
- Pinyin transcription of 抉
- Pinyin transcription of 挗
- Pinyin transcription of 捔
- Pinyin transcription of 掘
- Pinyin transcription of 撃
- Pinyin transcription of 撧
- Pinyin transcription of 攫
- Pinyin transcription of 斍
- Pinyin transcription of 柽
- Pinyin transcription of 桷
- Pinyin transcription of 梏
- Pinyin transcription of 橛
- Pinyin transcription of 橜
- Pinyin transcription of 欔
- Pinyin transcription of 欮
- Pinyin transcription of 殌
- Pinyin transcription of 氒
- Pinyin transcription of 決
- Pinyin transcription of 泬
- Pinyin transcription of 潏
- Pinyin transcription of 焆
- Pinyin transcription of 焳
- Pinyin transcription of 熦
- Pinyin transcription of 爑
- Pinyin transcription of 爝
- Pinyin transcription of 爴
- Pinyin transcription of 爵
- Pinyin transcription of 狀
- Pinyin transcription of 獗
- Pinyin transcription of 玃
- Pinyin transcription of 玦
- Pinyin transcription of 玨
- Pinyin transcription of 珏
- Pinyin transcription of 瑴
- Pinyin transcription of 璋
- Pinyin transcription of 疦
- Pinyin transcription of 瘚
- Pinyin transcription of 矍
- Pinyin transcription of 矝
- Pinyin transcription of 矡
- Pinyin transcription of 砄
- Pinyin transcription of 穱
- Pinyin transcription of 絕
- Pinyin transcription of 絶
- Pinyin transcription of 绝
- Pinyin transcription of 脙
- Pinyin transcription of 脚
- Pinyin transcription of 腲
- Pinyin transcription of 臄
- Pinyin transcription of 芵
- Pinyin transcription of 蕝
- Pinyin transcription of 蕞
- Pinyin transcription of 蕨
- Pinyin transcription of 蚗
- Pinyin transcription of 蛙
- Pinyin transcription of 蟨
- Pinyin transcription of 蟩
- Pinyin transcription of 蠼
- Pinyin transcription of 覐
- Pinyin transcription of 覺, 觉: to wake up from sleep; conscious
- Pinyin transcription of 觊
- Pinyin transcription of 觖
- Pinyin transcription of 觱
- Pinyin transcription of 觼
- Pinyin transcription of 訣
- Pinyin transcription of 譎
- Pinyin transcription of 诀
- Pinyin transcription of 谲
- Pinyin transcription of 谻
- Pinyin transcription of 貜
- Pinyin transcription of 赽
- Pinyin transcription of 趹
- Pinyin transcription of 踊
- Pinyin transcription of 蹶
- Pinyin transcription of 蹷
- Pinyin transcription of 蹻
- Pinyin transcription of 躩
- Pinyin transcription of 輂
- Pinyin transcription of 较
- Pinyin transcription of 逫
- Pinyin transcription of 鈌
- Pinyin transcription of 鐍
- Pinyin transcription of 鐝
- Pinyin transcription of 钁
- Pinyin transcription of 镢
- Pinyin transcription of 镻
- Pinyin transcription of 闈
- Pinyin transcription of 闕
- Pinyin transcription of 闐, 阗
- Pinyin transcription of 馵
- Pinyin transcription of 鱊
- Pinyin transcription of 鱖, 鳜
- Pinyin transcription of 鴁
- Pinyin transcription of 鴃
- Pinyin transcription of 鷢
- Pinyin transcription of 龣
- Pinyin transcription of 㓸
- Pinyin transcription of 㔃
- Pinyin transcription of 穴
- Pinyin transcription of 炔
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