
Old High German

Old High German cardinal numbers
 <  1 2 3  > 
    Cardinal : zwene
    Ordinal : andar


From Proto-Germanic *twai, from Proto-Indo-European *dwóh₁. Akin to Old English twēġen, Old Dutch and Old Saxon twēne.


zwēne m (feminine zwō, neuter zwei)

  1. two


  • Middle High German: zwei
    • Alemannic German: zwei, zwe, zwo, zwöi, zwee, zwa, zwoi, zwea, zwuo
    • Bavarian: zwoa, zwo
    • Central Franconian: zwei, zwien
    • East Franconian: zwej
    • East Central German:
      Upper Saxon: zwee
    • German: zwei, zwo, zween m (archaic)
    • Luxembourgish: zwee
    • Rhine Franconian:
      Palatine German: zwee
      Pennsylvania German: zwee
    • Vilamovian: cwē
    • Yiddish: צוויי (tsvey)
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