: Ginger
- Du moyen anglais gingere.
Nom commun

Ginger (1)
ginger \ˈdʒɪn.dʒə\
Singulier | Pluriel |
ginger \ˈdʒɪn.dʒə\ |
gingers \ˈdʒɪn.dʒəz\ |
- Gingembre.
- Ginger is any plant of a genus (Zingiber, especially Zingiber officinale) of tropical Asiatic and Polynesian herbs of a family (Zingiberaceae, the ginger family) with pungent aromatic rhizomes used as a condiment and as a stimulant and acarminative. Ginger is too the rhizome of this plant used as a spice either as it is or in dried powdered form.
- Rouquin.
- A ginger is a person with reddish-brown hair.
- ginger ale
- ginger beer
- ginger group
- ginger pop
- ginger wine
- gingerbread
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