

The Creative Commons copyright licenses and tools forge a balance inside the traditional “all rights reserved” setting that copyright law creates. Our tools give everyone from individual creators to large companies and institutions a simple, standardized way to grant copyright permissions to their creative work. The combination of our tools and our users is a vast and growing digital commons, a pool of content that can be copied, distributed, edited, remixed, and built upon, all within the boundaries of copyright law.


クリエイティブ・コモンズの全てのライセンスには共通の重要な特徴が多数あります。ライセンスはいずれも、少なくとも非商業的な形であれば他人が作品の複製や頒布をすることを許諾しつつ、クリエイター —私たちのツールを使う方々の場合、許諾者と呼ばれます—の著作権は保持します。クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスはまた、許諾者が彼らの作品についてしかるべきクレジットを受け取るようにします。クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスはいずれも世界中で効果を持ち、適用される著作権の存続期間中はライセンスの効果も持続します(ライセンスは著作権の上に成り立っているものだからです)。これらの共通の特徴は、ライセンスのいわば基礎部分となっていて、それらの上に許諾者が作品をどのように利用してほしいかに応じて追加的な許諾を与えるかを選び、積み上げていくことができるようになっています。

A Creative Commons licensor answers a few simple questions on the path to choosing a license — first, do I want to allow commercial use or not, and then second, do I want to allow derivative works or not? If a licensor decides to allow derivative works, she may also choose to require that anyone who uses the work — we call them licensees — to make that new work available under the same license terms. We call this idea “ShareAlike” and it is one of the mechanisms that (if chosen) helps the digital commons grow over time. ShareAlike is inspired by the GNU General Public License, used by many free and open source software projects.

Our licenses do not affect freedoms that the law grants to users of creative works otherwise protected by copyright, such as exceptions and limitations to copyright law like fair dealing. Creative Commons licenses require licensees to get permission to do any of the things with a work that the law reserves exclusively to a licensor and that the license does not expressly allow. Licensees must credit the licensor, keep copyright notices intact on all copies of the work, and link to the license from copies of the work. Licensees cannot use technological measures to restrict access to the work by others.





But since most creators, educators, and scientists are not in fact lawyers, we also make the licenses available in a format that normal people can read — the Commons Deed (also known as the “human readable” version of the license). The Commons Deed is a handy reference for licensors and licensees, summarizing and expressing some of the most important terms and conditions. Think of the Commons Deed as a user-friendly interface to the Legal Code beneath, although the Deed itself is not a license, and its contents are not part of the Legal Code itself.

The final layer of the license design recognizes that software, from search engines to office productivity to music editing, plays an enormous role in the creation, copying, discovery, and distribution of works. In order to make it easy for the Web to know when a work is available under a Creative Commons license, we provide a “machine readable” version of the license — a summary of the key freedoms and obligations written into a format that software systems, search engines, and other kinds of technology can understand. We developed a standardized way to describe licenses that software can understand called CC Rights Expression Language (CC REL) to accomplish this.

Searching for open content is an important function enabled by our approach. You can use Google to search for Creative Commons content, look for pictures at Flickr, albums at Jamendo, and general media at spinxpress. The Wikimedia Commons, the multimedia repository of Wikipedia, is a core user of our licenses as well.





ライセンス証を見る | リーガル・コードを見る

表示 - 継承


ライセンス証を見る | リーガル・コードを見る

表示 - 改変禁止


ライセンス証を見る | リーガル・コードを見る

表示 - 非営利


ライセンス証を見る | リーガル・コードを見る

表示 - 非営利 - 継承


ライセンス証を見る | リーガル・コードを見る

表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止


ライセンス証を見る | リーガル・コードを見る

We also provide tools that work in the “all rights granted” space of the public domain. Our CC0 tool allows licensors to waive all rights and place a work in the public domain, and our Public Domain Mark allows any web user to “mark” a work as being in the public domain.