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TABLE 13. Estimated percent with activity limitations among adults1 with current2 or active3 asthma status by state/territory BRFSS Asthma Call-back Survey Land Line Sample, United States, 2011

%SE§95% CISample
%SE95% CI
Alabama19484.73.6(77.6 - 91.8)21383.03.5(76.1 - 89.9)
Arizona23270.77.5(56.0 - 85.4)25067.47.2(53.3 - 81.5)
California50758.03.8(50.6 - 65.4)53658.83.4(52.1 - 65.5)
Connecticut25359.55.9(47.9 - 71.1)27855.25.5(44.4 - 66.0)
District of Columbia15061.87.1(47.9 - 75.7)16762.76.7(49.6 - 75.8)
Florida36670.85.9(59.2 - 82.4)41566.15.4(55.5 - 76.7)
Georgia26466.15.9(54.5 - 77.7)27467.95.5(57.1 - 78.7)
Hawaii24656.46.3(44.1 - 68.7)25750.86.0(39.0 - 62.6)
Illinois17666.66.5(53.9 - 79.3)18763.56.6(50.6 - 76.4)
Indiana33075.53.6(68.4 - 82.6)34173.74.2(65.5 - 81.9)
Iowa19557.86.3(45.5 - 70.1)20558.66.0(46.8 - 70.4)
Kansas70465.83.5(58.9 - 72.7)74664.43.4(57.7 - 71.1)
Louisiana26771.87.9(56.3 - 87.3)28263.88.5(47.1 - 80.5)
Maine27262.35.2(52.1 - 72.5)29562.75.0(52.9 - 72.5)
Maryland21357.25.9(45.6 - 68.8)22753.65.6(42.6 - 64.6)
Massachusetts23467.36.1(55.3 - 79.3)24567.96.0(56.1 - 79.7)
Michigan49672.73.5(65.8 - 79.6)54168.13.7(60.8 - 75.4)
Mississippi26677.95.0(68.1 - 87.7)27974.95.1(64.9 - 84.9)
Missouri21972.35.7(61.1 - 83.5)22271.86.2(59.6 - 84.0)
Montana34163.44.3(55.0 - 71.8)35761.64.6(52.6 - 70.6)
Nebraska67364.74.0(56.9 - 72.5)72161.73.8(54.3 - 69.1)
Nevada13256.18.6(39.2 - 73.0)13857.28.5(40.5 - 73.9)
New Hampshire22063.45.2(53.2 - 73.6)23760.65.3(50.2 - 71.0)
New Jersey34357.05.0(47.2 - 66.8)36856.44.9(46.8 - 66.0)
New Mexico31371.74.7(62.5 - 80.9)33867.94.6(58.9 - 76.9)
New York13571.85.8(60.4 - 83.2)14666.65.9(55.0 - 78.2)
North Carolina22975.45.2(65.2 - 85.6)24276.64.3(68.2 - 85.0)
North Dakota17769.85.4(59.2 - 80.4)18770.15.2(59.9 - 80.3)
Ohio32565.86.1(53.8 - 77.8)33667.45.9(55.8 - 79.0)
Oklahoma29671.54.8(62.1 - 80.9)31276.13.7(68.8 - 83.4)
Oregon18367.97.5(53.2 - 82.6)19863.07.0(49.3 - 76.7)
Pennsylvania38060.34.7(51.1 - 69.5)41158.84.5(50.0 - 67.6)
Rhode Island24762.15.0(52.3 - 71.9)27361.14.9(51.5 - 70.7)
Texas52172.64.7(63.4 - 81.8)57074.73.6(67.6 - 81.8)
Utah41466.04.6(57.0 - 75.0)45667.04.2(58.8 - 75.2)
Vermont30666.24.2(58.0 - 74.4)31663.54.3(55.1 - 71.9)
Washington66855.53.4(48.8 - 62.2)67057.43.3(50.9 - 63.9)
West Virginia19977.74.5(68.9 - 86.5)20278.64.2(70.4 - 86.8)
Wisconsin24463.35.9(51.7 - 74.9)24465.26.0(53.4 - 77.0)
Puerto Rico29367.24.7(58.0 - 76.4)32266.34.6(57.3 - 75.3)
40 state total12,22366.61.1(64.4 - 68.8)13,00465.51.1(63.3 - 67.7)
Median 66.2   64.8  
Range 55.5-84.7   50.8-83.0  

1 Aged ≥ 18 years
2 "Yes" response to "Do you still have asthma?"
3 Reported any of the following during the past year: asthma medication use, asthma symptoms, or MD visits for asthma
± Landline sample size excludes "DK/Refused"
§ Standard error
Confidence interval
