So you've decided - you want to become famous! Fame certainly has its perks, and you'll find there are many paths to get to fame. One of the best ones is to develop talent. Then, you can market yourself and that talent to the world, building your base and making you famous. Keep in mind that it often takes a lot of work to become and stay famous, so if you're not willing to work hard, this path may not be the one for you. Plus, even if you work your hardest, you may still not become famous, as it takes an element of luck, as well.

Things You Should Know

  • Try making a viral social media video, auditioning for a reality show, or showcasing your unique generosity or problem-solving skills to get noticed.
  • Treat your talents like skills you can practice and improve on. The more time and effort you put into them, the more likely it is you’ll be noticed for them.
  • Brand yourself by crafting a public persona, building a social media presence, and reaching out to other media outlets to promote yourself or your work.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Finding a Path to Fame

  1. 1
    Decide how famous you want to be. Fame comes at many different levels. For instance, you could be famous in your school or workplace. You could be famous in your hometown or your state. Alternatively, you could go for ultimate fame and attempt to be famous around the world. Each of these has its own unique pros and cons, so it's up to you to decide how much fame you want.
  2. 2
    Create a unique solution to a problem. Think about the problems in your life and in the world around you. If you can come up with a unique solution or a unique invention, you may become famous for it.[1]
    • For example, Marie Curie became famous as a scientist and inventor of the X-ray.
    • Think about problems in your life. Maybe you're always late, or you hate having to hunt around for your shoes every day. What solutions could you come up with to help yourself and others with these problems?
  3. 3
    Stand out from other people. Sometimes, you'll get noticed for just being yourself, if you have a unique way of doing things or a unique way of looking at the world. The key is to go your own way and be just who you are. You shouldn't change how you do things just because you do them in a unique or odd way.
    • Break away from stereotypes. If you love to skateboard, find your own unique tricks. Instead of going for a typical "skater" look, find your own flair.
  4. 4
    Audition for a reality show. Another way people become famous is by going on reality shows. You don't necessarily need the talent to get on a reality show, though in some cases, you'll need one, such as with singing shows. Look on the shows' websites to find out where and when you can audition.
    • Generally, it helps to be enthusiastic when you audition, particularly about the show.
    • Keep in mind, on reality competition shows, the judges may be tough or mean. Don't take it too personally, though. It's a part of the show.
  5. 5
    Be generous in a unique way. While this may seem counter-intuitive, some people become famous by doing something for other people in a really unusual way. It could be making a large donation, but you could also just raise money in some way that's out of the ordinary.
    • For instance, one man, Si Burgher had famously long eyebrows, nearly 3 inches (7.6 cm)! When friends suggested he let people shave them off to raise money for charity, he agreed and became famous in his hometown of Bloomfield, Indiana.[2]
    • For example, you could make it your goal to bake and sell a million brownies to raise money for a cause.
  6. 6
    Work on a world record. Another way you might become famous is by breaking a world record. Read through the world records, and figure out if you could work on one to break.[3]
    • Keep in mind, your world record will likely need to be verified by a Guinness Book of World Record's official. Plus, to truly get famous this way, you need to pick a record that people care about, rather than just any record.
  7. 7
    Post a silly video. In a social media-driven world, you can win 5 minutes of fame by posting a goofy video that takes the internet by storm. It doesn't have to be anything terribly difficult. It just has to be engaging and entertaining. It can involve something as simple as your cat doing something funny.[4]
    • You might post a video of you playing a funny song on your instrument, or doing something funny in a public place. Get creative, and make sure you're having fun! If you're enjoying yourself, your audience is more likely to like the video!
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Growing a Talent

  1. 1
    Pick a talent. If you're naturally talented at something, that's a good place to start. However, the talent you pick should also be something you enjoy. You're going to spend many, many hours working on this talent, so if you don't enjoy it, you're going to be miserable. Plus, people can tell when passion drives your talent or skill, and it will be easier to become famous.
    • Think about artistic careers like music, acting, writing, or painting. Keep in mind, though, you'll have to sell yourself in any of these fields and build a name for yourself.
    • We associate careers in the arts, such as actors and musicians, with fame, but any public figure qualifies as famous. Politicians, football coaches, local business owners, and even meteorologists are recognizable in the grocery store.
  2. 2
    Learn from the best. Whatever talent you're trying to develop, you'll do better if you learn from others' expertise. That can mean taking classes in your field, finding a mentor, watching tutorials online, or reading books from the library. You can even do all of the above. Let others help you on your way.
  3. 3
    Practice, practice, practice. While there's some argument over whether you can make yourself a genius at something through practice, there's no doubt that practice makes you better. One magic number for how much time you have to put in is 10,000 hours. While you don't need to sit down and time that it should make you realize the amount of time building a talent takes.[5]
    • For instance, if you put in 5 hours a week, it would take you 2,000 weeks or approximately 38 years to become an expert in an area. On the other hand, if you're able to put in 40 hours a week, you could become an expert in a little fewer than 5 years.
  4. 4
    Remind yourself a talent is really a skill. If you just believe what you have is pure talent, then you're not likely to get better at it. Any place you fall short, you'll think, "Well, I just don't have enough talent." However, if you think of it as a skill, then you have the mindset that you can get better at it.[6]
    • When you find yourself thinking, "I'm just not very good at this," think this instead: "I just need to work harder to learn this part of my skill."
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Branding Yourself

  1. 1
    Shape what you want the world to see. Personal brands rely on building a certain persona. It should rely on aspects of your character that are already there, but you don’t necessarily need to show your whole self to the world. Be true to you and focus on what make your brand and personality unique.
    • Think of celebrities you know that have built a persona for themselves. For instance, chefs like Rachel Ray and Guy Fieri have built their brands around a particular persona. Other examples include bloggers like Joy the Baker or The Pioneer Woman or YouTubers like Hannah Hart or The Fine Brothers.
  2. 2
    Market yourself on social media. In the digital age, social media is the main way of getting your name out there. You can make posts or videos, as well as blog or take photographs to help build your brand. Your content should show who you are while also offering something to the user; you want to give them a reason to keep coming back.
  3. 3
    Focus your brand by curating your social media. If you're already on social media, focusing on your brand may mean taking down things that don't fall in line with the image you're trying to portray. On the other side of the coin, think about the new stuff that you post. Each post or photo you put out there should serve to reinforce your brand image.
  4. 4
    Move outward to traditional media. If you've built up a brand for yourself, try pushing outward. Contact producers of local shows, particularly if you have something you want to push, such as a new book. Keep in mind, many shows will say "no," so don't be afraid to try more than one.[9]
    • It's best to start smaller and work your way up. Most national shows prefer you have some local air time before they give you a chance.[10]
    • Be realistic in your aims and avoid "carpet-bombing" marketing campaigns of yourself.[11] Hip-hop publications probably aren't interested in interviewing your bluegrass band, and you're unlikely to get invited back to the wine festival with your craft beers.
  5. 5
    Don't be afraid to fail. Have confidence that you and your brand are worthy of fame. You have to put yourself out there to succeed. Risk sending your book to the publisher or booking a gig at a big festival. If you're dedicated to your craft and to creating the best work you can, you'll succeed eventually.
    • However, you can't just fail and try the same thing over and over again. You must learn from your mistakes and get better the next time. For instance, if you're writing a novel that gets rejected 20 times, you may need to take it apart and start again.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    I would like to become a singer, but my parents can't afford a music teacher. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Teach yourself and enjoy the fact that this can create a more unique style and sound. Find free music lessons on YouTube.
  • Question
    I can sing really well, but I'm afraid of putting myself out there for people to hear. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Practice a lot at home in front of your siblings and parents. Once you feel more comfortable in front of them, you can do a small concert for your friends. Start with a small audience, and grow from there.
  • Question
    Can I be famous just by helping people, such as the poor or those suffering from cancer?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Of course! It would sort of be like starting an organization. If you are lucky, you could even be asked by the media to create an advert for people to help you in this. You should not help people just for the sake of fame, however; your desire to help should come from your heart and conscience.

About This Article

Ben Whitehair
Co-authored by:
Social Media Expert
This article was co-authored by Ben Whitehair. Ben Whitehair is a Social Media Expert and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of TSMA Consulting. With over a decade of experience in the social media space, he specializes in leveraging social media for business and building relationships. He also focuses on social media’s impact on the entertainment industry. Ben graduated summa cum laude from The University of Colorado at Boulder with BAs in Theatre and Political Science as well as a Leadership Certificate. In addition to his work as CIO, Ben is a certified business and mindset coach and National Board Member of SAG-AFTRA. He is also a successful entrepreneur as the Co-Founder of Working.Actor, the premier business academy and coaching community for actors. This article has been viewed 4,359,842 times.
26 votes - 74%
Co-authors: 216
Updated: March 6, 2023
Views: 4,359,842
Categories: Fame
Article SummaryX

To become famous, first decide what type of fame to pursue. If you want to be known for talent in something like music, sports, politics, or art, practice developing those abilities often. This takes time and hard work, but don’t get discouraged. Setting yourself apart from everybody else takes special commitment! After becoming an expert in your skill, regularly share photos and videos of your work on social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube. When followers comment on posts or message you, respond so they learn how friendly and interesting you are. This will help people become more invested in viewing and sharing your content, which builds your brand’s popularity. A high-profile media presence is useful even if you’re seeking fame through less traditional routes like inventing useful products, sharing expertise on niche hobbies, founding service organizations, or trailblazing in fields like medicine or technology. However, if you want to get famous fast and don’t mind how long it lasts, just try something like posting a unique funny video on YouTube or auditioning for a reality show. Always remember that you are special no matter how many people you can get to double-tap a picture! To learn how to make a brand for yourself and start a fanbase, keep reading!

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