Here is some cheats for Zoo Tycoon for the PC. Have fun, and happy cheating.


  1. 1
    Put a lion, a Bengal tiger, and a grizzly bear in the same cage to get a gold path.
  2. 2
    Name an exhibit Supercroc to get a Deinosuchus (really large dinosaur crocodile.)
  3. 3
    Name an exhibit Xanadu to get a unicorn. (See warnings before using this cheat).
  4. 4
    Name an exhibit Cretaceous Corral to get a triceratops. (See warnings before using this cheat).
  5. 5
    Put a mermaid statue in a water exhibit and it will turn into a mermaid.
  6. 6
    Hold shift and $ down to get endless money. (See warnings before using this cheat).
  7. 7
    Name a tour guide Rosalie and they will work for free.
  8. 8
    Rename a bear Deer and it will escape.
  9. 9
    Name an exhibit Blue Fang and guests will pay double for attractions.
  10. 10
    Name random people these names to see what happens:
    • John Wheeler - Makes all animal shelters available
    • Bill Clinton - The demand for hamburgers will be higher
    • Hank Howie - Makes all staff education available
    • Alfred H - Makes the guest afraid of birds.
    • Andrew Binder - Makes all animal houses available
    • Akiyama - Makes all Scenarios available
    • Dr Doolittle - Animals in their assigned exhibits will have a higher breeding chance.
    • Adam Levesque - Makes all animal care programs available
    • Charlie Peterson - All foliage will become available
    • Lou Catanzaro - Makes all animal toys available
    • Microsoft - You will double the donations.
    • Mr. Blue, Pink, Brown, Blond, Orange, and White will make the shirts of everyone and every building the chosen color.
    • Steve Serafino - Makes all endangered animals available.
    • Rosalie - Make all tour guide salaries drop to $0
    • Russell C - Make fences deteriorate.
    • Wonderland - More guess will come to the zoo.
    • Zeta Psi - Some of the guests shirts (and the one you renamed) will turn yellow. Some will even puke!
  11. Advertisement


  • The unicorn and triceratops codes can crash the game. Having the latest patch installed fixes this.
  • The endless money code will destroy all of your fencing, so do it at the beginning of the game.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer
  • Zoo Tycoon
  • Cheats

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 27,385 times.
16 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 12
Updated: February 8, 2021
Views: 27,385
Categories: PC Simulation