The Grox are by far the meanest and most feared race in the Spore galaxy. Despite this, you can ally with them. Here's how:


  1. 1
    Go toward the center of the galaxy with a colony Incredi-Pak (if you're a Zealot, the Incredi-Pak is not needed).
  2. 2
    Keep going until you meet the Grox. They should have a red or orange face, depending on whether you have the Gracious Greeting passive ability.
  3. 3
    You'll know you have met the Grox when three things happen:
    1. As mentioned above, they have a bad relation by default.
    2. They have a unique empire color.
    3. A bunch of ships should come to "greet" you with lasers.
  4. 4
    Get out and find a good planet near the Grox to use the Incred-Pak. If you're a Zealot, go to a home system near the Grox and use Fanatical Frenzy.
  5. 5
    Start doing missions for the Grox. If you're a Zealot, you may save, exit, and reload to capture another planet. Repeat this process.
  6. 6
    If you're not a Scientist or a Zealot, try to build up your colonies by placing 200 buildings or conquering 50 systems. This should unlock the Planet Buster.
  7. 7
    Buy four or five Busters and start busting planets near the Grox. If you're a Scientist or Zealot, go use your superpower near the Grox, and do missions for them.
  8. 8
    Once you've used the destructive super weapons and done enough missions, you should be friendly (blue faced) with the Grox. Now, go over to one of their systems. Notice that they still attack you. Once you look at the communications, you should see this:
    1. Completed Missions +50
    2. Broke the Galactic Code +50
    3. We Distrust Strangers -70.
  9. 9
    You may also have the Gracious Greeting + 10. If so, ask for a trade route. If not, bribe them until you get Gifts +10, then ask for a trade route, or vice versa.
  10. 10
  11. 11
    Soon the trade route should give you a +30, and now the Grox have a green face. Now just fly over, open communications, go to diplomacy and ally.
  12. 12
    You're done!
  13. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    If I ally with the Grox, war transmissions will come from all over the galaxy. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    People will be scared, and they will forget about you soon. Just hold out until then.
  • Question
    Do Grox attack you if they are green-faced?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    They will attack you until you are allied with them, even if they have the green face.
  • Question
    What do I get from allying the Grox in Spore?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    An infinitely powerful ally, the Grox will join you in your adventures throughout the universe.


  • Going into Grox space with an auto blaster or allies will start a war.
  • The Grox colonies are T0, but do not terraform them. The Grox are cyborgs, and cannot survive on T1+ colonies. Terraforming them will give you a -200 "bonus."
  • All other races will have a -200 "bonus" after you ally with the Grox. Don't be surprised if your arm of the galaxy is filled with war declarations. You WILL get Warmonger 5 badge for allying with the Grox. If you zoom out, Right out, you will quite literally not be able to see the galaxy at all because there will be so many open communication buttons you cannot see.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 16 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 78,077 times.
67 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 16
Updated: July 31, 2021
Views: 78,077
Categories: PC Simulation