If you want a small pet like a hamster, a rabbit, or even a small dog, but your mom just won't let you, you’ll need to take a clever approach. First, do your research and then prove you can handle a new pet. Then, ask your mom for permission to get the pet in a tactful and effective way.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Doing Your Research

  1. 1
    Choose a pet you can care for. Don’t ask for a rabbit if you don’t have space for a hutch, and don’t get your heart set on a gerbil if you have a family member who can’t stand them. Think about the environment of your home and what type of animal would fit in best.[1]
    • Ask yourself: How big will the pet be once it is fully grown? Will it require any special medical care (shots, etc.)?[2]
    • Consider your schedule, too. Are you active in extracurricular activities? If so, do you really have time for a pet?
    • For example, you may opt for a pet like a rabbit or a hamster if you have a busy schedule as they are low maintenance and do not need a lot of attention to thrive. A pet like a snake or a lizard may be a good option if you have a passion for reptiles and enough time to care for them.
  2. 2
    Pick a first and a second choice. Your mom is more likely to take you seriously if she sees that you’ve taken the time to really think about what kind of pet you want, rather than just asking her for any pet. Look online or in books about pets to find which type of animal would suit your desires best. Then, have a first and second choice of pet.[3]
    • For example, you may have your heart set on a small animal like a rabbit or a hamster. This may be your first choice.
    • After you have identified your first choice for a pet, think about a second choice that would still make you happy if your mom doesn't go for the initial suggestion. For example, you may have a lizard as your second choice, as it is easy to care for and maintain.
  3. 3
    Determine the cost of getting the pet. Do research into how much it will cost to buy the pet from the pet store or from a breeder. A small pet like a fish or a rabbit can often be bought at a pet store for $20-$50. A pet like a small dog or cat will cost more and may be bought at the pet store or through a breeder.[4]
    • If you are worried about the cost of an animal, consider adopting a pet from an animal shelter. It usually does not cost much to get a small pet from a shelter.
  4. 4
    Speak to your siblings, if you have any. You’ll have a stronger argument if other people are willing to help out, too. If you have brothers and sisters, check to see what kind of pet they might get excited about having. Then try to come to an agreement on what type of animal to get -- even better if you can agree on a plan to divide the responsibilities.
    • If you and your siblings cannot agree on a pet, you may need to advocate for a small pet on your own. Remember that in doing this, you will be solely responsible for caring for the pet.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Proving You Can Handle a Pet

  1. 1
    Create a budget for the pet. Your future pet will definitely require at least a small financial investment -- think about all the supplies and food your new pet will need. Then create a budget to show your mom how much you think it will cost to maintain the pet.
    • Factor in things like a living space for the pet, food, toys, and trips to the vet. Write down the costs for each aspect of owning the pet so you can present the cost to your mom.
    • For example, if you wanted to get a pet rabbit, you would need a cage, a water feeder, and a food bowl for the rabbit. You would also need rabbit food and a vet check for the rabbit.
  2. 2
    Make a care plan for the pet. Your mom may be reluctant to let you have a small pet because she is unsure whether or not you can take care of it. Show her you can by putting together all of your research into a written plan.
    • Write down a daily or weekly timeline for what caring for the pet will look like. Talk about how you plan to make time to care for the animal.
    • For example, you may write out a care plan where you come home from school on weekdays and feed the pet at a set time. You may then note when you are going to play with the pet during the week. On the weekend, you may spend more time playing and caring for the pet, including weekly cleanings of the pet’s cage.
  3. 3
    Save money for the pet. You can really show your commitment to getting a small pet by saving money to cover the cost of the pet. This will show your mom that you are serious about wanting a pet and are willing to be financially responsible for the pet. Save money for all the things you will have to buy for the pet like a cage, wood chips, or pet toys.[5]
    • If you are too young to get a job, think about ways you can help out around the house, or see if there is a neighbor who would be willing to let you mow their grass or clean up for a little extra money. It can help to let them know you are saving for a pet.
  4. 4
    Stay on top of your responsibilities at home. While you’re working to prove you can handle a pet, it’s extra important that you stay on top of your homework and chores. Your mom is unlikely to be convinced that you can care for a pet if you fall behind on responsibilities before you even get one.
    • Commit to getting all your responsibilities done at home on time. Make sure your mom sees how hard you are working to get your chores done as well as your school work.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Asking Your Mom for the Pet

  1. 1
    Write a letter to your mom. If you have asked your mom for a pet before but she hasn’t taken you seriously, maybe it’s a good idea to write her a letter. That way, you can put all of your research into it and give her plenty of time to think about your request.
    • For example, you may list all the ways you are responsible and mature enough to care for a small pet in the letter. You may write, “I promise to take care of the pet when I get home from school and to stick to a regular feeding schedule for the pet.”
  2. 2
    Ask your mom in person. If you think it’s best to ask your mom in person, plan for a time to make your request. Choose a time when you and your mom can talk one on one and in person. Pick a comfortable setting, such as at the dinner table or in the living room.[6]
    • Set up the discussion by saying “Can we talk about something?” or “I have to ask you something. Are you free to talk?”
  3. 3
    Speak with confidence. If you have done your research and have a plan of action ready for your mom, it will be easy to ask with confidence. Start the conversation off by saying something like, “I’ve given it a lot of thought and I think I’m ready for a hamster. Here’s how I plan to care for it.”[7]
    • You may print out a copy of a feeding schedule for the pet and a list of responsibilities you will fulfill to care for the pet. This way, you can show your mom the document and make it clear you have given your request a lot of thought.
  4. 4
    Discuss your options with your mom. Once you have presented your case, discuss your options in detail with your mom. Listen to your mom’s response to your argument. See if you can both come to an agreement. If your mom seems doubtful, ask her what else you can do to convince her. Suggest that you both revisit the idea in a few weeks. Leave the discussion open.
    • Revisit the idea a few weeks later with your mom to see if you can sway her to let you have a pet. During this time, fulfill all your responsibilities at home and be a model child to convince your mom to let you get a small pet. If you mom says no, then it’s okay. Maybe you aren’t ready yet for a pet, or your family isn’t ready. Try again when you think you guys are ready for a pet.
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Updated: May 6, 2022
Views: 75,334