This article was co-authored by Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC. Moshe Ratson is the Executive Director of spiral2grow Marriage & Family Therapy, a coaching and therapy clinic in New York City. Moshe is an International Coach Federation accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). He received his MS in Marriage and Family Therapy from Iona College. Moshe is a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).
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If you already have a dog having another one can create more fun to your home. However, your parents may hesitate to let you get another dog for a variety of reasons. Dogs are a lot of work and cost a lot of money. If you want to ask your parents for a dog, prepare ahead of time. Research the type of dog you want and care for your current dog to show responsibility. Talk to your parents directly about wanting a dog. Be calm and mature and try to compromise if they say "No." If your parents will not compromise, accept a "No" answer for now and try asking again in the future.
Figuring Out Your Approach
1Earn credit by caring for your current dog. How you behave up to the point of asking can affect whether or not your parents say "Yes." Try to earn credit by caring for the dog you have now. This will show your parents you're responsible enough to care for a new pet.[1]
- Step up and take on more responsibility in terms of caring for your current dog. For example, if your mother usually takes the dog for its nightly walk, start volunteering to do so. You can also be vigilant about feeding the dog at the right times.
- You should also spend time with your dog. Your parents may worry a second dog will take attention away from the first. Showing how much you value your current dog can help reassure your parents both dogs will get plenty of love and attention.
2Research dogs and dog care. You want your parents to feel you have truly thought out this decision. You should do some research about dogs and dog care to show your parents you're ready and understand the responsibility. It can even help to do something like write a brief essay about how you plan to care for your new dog.[2]
- Cover the basics. Talk about how often to feed a new dog, let a dog out, and things like grooming, bathing, and playing with your new dog.
- You should also consider how to best introduce dogs. Do some research on website like the ASPCA and have a game plan in place for introducing two dogs. For example, you should keep the dogs in separate rooms for a few days before a face-to-face interaction.
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3Think about what you want to say. You want to go into the conversation with some idea of what to say. You don't have to write out your script word-for-word, but think about a general idea of how to ask.[3]
- It can help to jot down your thoughts and then read them over. This can help you identify what you need and want out of the situation, allowing you task more effectively.
4Pick a good time and place to talk. When and where you talk can impact whether or not your parents say "Yes." Talking when your parents are busy or stressed may result in them not listening. Find a place free of distractions when both of your parents will be free and relatively relaxed.[4]
- For example, if you have a quiet dining room in your house, try asking here. If your parents, say, sit in the dining room and have coffee on Saturday mornings, this will be a good time to ask as they'll be relatively relaxed.
Talking to Your Parents
1Discuss the positives. Try to make a new dog sound enticing. Bring up the potential positive aspects of having a new dog. For example, you can talk about how a new dog could keep your current dog company. You could also talk about the potential benefits for the family. Have a new dog to train, walk, and play with will give everyone more exercise. You can also have more family time together, as you can take the dog on weekend hikes or attend obedience classes together.
2Illustrate you understand the responsibility of a new dog. A lot of kids decide they want animals on a whim. Your parents may feel you have no thought this through on a practical level. Illustrating that you have will make you look responsible enough to handle a second dog, so tell your parents how you plan to care for the dog.[5]
- Talk about how you understand there will be extra work. For example, say, "I'll make sure to let the dog out and feed it."
- Bring up anything you learned while researching introducing a new dog into the home. For example, say, "We can introduce the dogs slowly. The new dog can stay in my room until Sparky gets used to having another dog here."
3Show gratitude. Your parents may be hesitant to say, "Yes" if you come off as entitled. Showing a little gratitude can go a long way in terms of getting a "Yes" answer. Tell your parents how much you respect them when asking for a dog.[6]
- For example, say something like, "I know how hard you two work and I really appreciate you getting me one dog. I know raising a kid and a dog is hard when you're both working full time."
4Listen to your parents perspective. Do not interrupt when your parents are sharing their perspective. Remember, there are two sides to every story. Your parents may have good reasons to be hesitant to get another dog, so try to hear them out.[7]
- Let your parents speak. After you've stated your case, be quiet and allow your parents to contribute to the conversation.
- Try to empathize with your parents when they talk. Your parents work hard to make money, and want to spend it wisely. A new dog may be costly. It will also take a lot of time to introduce a new dog to the home. Your parents' time may be limited, so they may be hesitant to get a new dog. You need to accept this and try to come up with a solution to financial struggles.
Dealing with Setbacks
1Do not argue. If your parents say "No," or express uncertainty, avoid arguing. The more mature you are, the more likely your parents are to allow you to get another dog. Dogs take a lot of responsibility, so you want to show your parents that you are responsible.[8]
- Instead of arguing, listen to your parents in a calm fashion. Do not say, "It's so unfair you won't let me get another dog." Instead, say, "Okay, I understand why it would be a lot of work for you."
2Ask calmly why your parents are saying "No." If your parents say "No," it can be helpful to ask why. This will allow you to better understand their perspective and possibly find a solution or compromise.[9]
- Ask respectfully. Say something like, "I understand you don't want to get a second dog. Could we please talk about why?"
3See if you can offer something in exchange. Your parents may want you to learn the value of work and responsibility. If you can offer to earn the dog in some way, they may agree to get one eventually. For example, you can offer to bring up your grades in exchange for a dog.[10]
- If your parents say "No" initially, gently introduce the topic of you earning the dog. Try asking first. Say something like, "Is there any way I could earn the dog as a reward?"
- Provide your parents with some examples of what you would do to earn the dog. For example, "I know you're not happy with my math grade. What if I tried to bring that up in exchange for the dog?"
4Offer to pay for some of the expenses. If cost is an issue, offer to pay. If you have a part time job, or are willing to get one, see if your parents would agree to get a dog if you paid some of the the expenses. You can offer to pay the adoption fee at the shelter, for example, or to pay for things like new supplies.[11]
- Say something like, "If money is an issue, I can pay for the adoption fee. I can start saving money from my paper route until I have enough."
5Accept a "No" for now. Even if you ask calmly and maturely, your parents may still say "No." A dog is a big responsibility for both you and your parents and they may not be up to get another one right now. Instead of arguing, maturely accept the "No" answer for now. In the future, your parents will be more likely to reconsider if you take a "No" with grace in the present.[12]
- End the conversation on a good note. Say something like, "Okay, I understand you don't want a new dog right now. Thank you for listening to me anyway. I appreciate it."
Community Q&A
QuestionMy parents are making me pay for all of it. I would like another Willow Cross Golden which are 2,500 and my mom and dad are making me save up 4,200. What do I do?Community AnswerIf this is the case, work on saving the money. With time, you may be able to save up a small chunk. If your parents see you're making the effort, they may be more willing to get you a second dog.
QuestionWhat if the problem is walking it?Community AnswerWalk your current dog more to show your parents you're up to the task of walking a new dog.
QuestionMy dad won't let me get another dog. He said the vet bills will cost to much and I'm a bit to young to work. What should I do?Community AnswerSuggest that you get a dog around the ages of two or three, who will need less vet care. Very old and very young dogs need more frequent vet visits.
- Do not offer anything you cannot provide. If you're not ready for the responsibility of a second dog, it's best not to ask until you feel like you can truly care for it.⧼thumbs_response⧽
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about convincing your parents, check out our in-depth interview with Moshe Ratson, MFT, PCC.
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About This Article
Having a second dog can be a lot of work, but it can also add more fun to your home! If you want a second dog, you’ll need to convince your parents you’re responsible enough to take care of it. Before you ask, try taking on more responsibility with your current dog. Volunteering to walk it and grooming it without being asked might help you earn credit with your parents. If you have a specific breed in mind, research dog care, like how much exercise and grooming it will need, to show your parents you’ve thought ahead. When you’re ready to ask them, find a time when they’re relaxed and are able to listen. Tell them you appreciate getting you the first dog, then explain how you’ll help take care of a new dog. If they say no, try not to argue. Instead, ask if there’s something you could do to earn the dog as a reward. To learn how to save money to help your parents pay for a new dog, read on!