Have you ever needed to put an axle on a wooden car, or ever needed to make your own bolts? These things may seem to be small inconveniences, but doing the job right is important. Both of these processes require making threads on a steel rod that can then be used for your desired application. In order to make threads on a steel rod, you'll need to use a diet set. This article will show you how to use a diet set to make threads on a steel rod so you can finish your projects with confidence.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Preparing for the Job

  1. 1
    Wear personal protective equipment. It's recommended that you wear protective eyewear to protect from metal particles, and thick leather gloves to protect your hands from heat that can build up during some processes.
  2. 2
    Find the diameter of the rod. You can use calipers to accurately measure the diameter of the rod. The rod diameter should be roughly the same for the entire length of the rod.
  3. 3
    Find the thread count that corresponds to your rod diameter. Many charts exist online that will display the diameters of rods and their corresponding thread counts.
  4. 4
    Select die from the kit that corresponds to the initial diameter of the rod. Select the die by the specified thread diameter on the die surface that corresponds to the thread count found using the table from before.
  5. 5
    Assess the rod to ensure the end is suitable for threads. The end of the rod that will be receiving threads should be smaller than the normal diameter of the rod. The optimal diameter would be 0.005 inches to 0.010 inches less than the normal diameter of the rod.
  6. 6
    Create a chamfer on the end of the rod that will receive threads. This can be done with a chamfering bit for drills or a file.
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Making the Threads with a Diet Set

  1. 1
    Secure the rod in a bench vice with the end that will have threads pointing toward the ceiling. Try securing rod such that the vice is close to the end of the rod. This will reduce shaking as die is threaded onto the end of the rod.
  2. 2
    Insert the die into the stock. The die will be labeled with a bottom face and top face. Stock will be held with die pocket facing upward, and the bottom of the die will face out the bottom of the die stock. Ensure the die is firmly fastened into the stock.
  3. 3
    Set die stock on the end of rod and twist in direction of the desired threads to start threading the die onto the rod. Apply cutting fluid to the rod via the middle of the die to lubricate. A suitable cutting fluid for steel would be motor oil or mineral oil.
  4. 4
  5. 5
    Remove the die once desired thread length is achieved down the rod. Remove the die stock by twisting in the opposite direction used to create threads.
  6. 6
    Wipe the threads and die using a cloth. Threads will most likely have metal shavings from the process that could get in the way of nuts. Removing these with a rag will increase the effectiveness.
  7. 7
    Test newly created threads. This can easily be done by trying a nut that matches the thread count you designated for the rod.
  8. Advertisement


  • Care must be taken during this process, as power tools can be involved and heavy equipment, such as the vice will be used.
  • Protective equipment should be worn, as metal chips could be launched when backing off the die, and heat can build up from the filing of the rod, especially if using the drill motor method mentioned above.

Things You'll Need

  • Protective eyewear
  • Thick leather gloves
  • Steel rod any diameter up to what the die set will allow
  • Die set with die stock
  • Caliper (Electronic or standard)
  • Cutting fluid such as motor oil or mineral oil
  • Chamfering bit for drill motor
  • Bench vice
  • Clean rags
  • Files
  • Sandpaper (150 - 320 grit)
  • Drill motor

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 18,863 times.
11 votes - 98%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: February 15, 2022
Views: 18,863
Categories: Metals